I lifted my hardest for 4 fucking years, gave it my all. Blood, sweat, and tears. All for her...

I lifted my hardest for 4 fucking years, gave it my all. Blood, sweat, and tears. All for her. And then she chooses a spic instead of me (a tall Aryan male who is attractive). This makes no sense. Women wiII doom the West.

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So is pic related you?

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Just because you're white doesn't make you attractive or desirable at all you fucking faggot

Glad you got the membership plus

No he is a fit tall attractive Aryan

Ye, ok pablo

>t. has no woman
How does it feel to know her son will be Juan instead of John? This is the fate of all white women, soon they will all be BEANED.

Are you a fucking retard?
Fuck off my post dumb fucking frogposter

Lmao get cucked your race will die out a no one will care

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Fuck off dumb spics