Lmagine fucking a blonde

lmagine fucking a blonde.

Attached: 71134ea.jpg (1080x1349, 167K)

They're literally the same as brunettes, m8.

I dont have to imagine tbqh, OP.

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i think id cum way faster if shes pale and blonde, idk why

inferiority compIex

>tfw gf has died her hair blonde
It's not even the hair colour, it's just the change that turns me on.

>imagine fucking
Stopped reading there

>lmagine fucking

That's honestly all i'd want.

Must be like a dream to you Amerimutts huh?

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ethnic faggot detected

kill yourself

yeah... h-haha.. imagine

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god that's fucking hot... source please

Aw man that pic made me depressed

I wish that was me, unironically of course

that is not a blonde, that's a nasty spic-infected 56 percenter with bleached hair. the absolute state of ameritards.

I did..two actually

Already done it. Now she's my ex.

soft kissing

Imagine a fucking blonde.

Attached: 1502860213325.jpg (384x384, 28K)

I fucked one. She was post wall and uggo.
She bled all over my bedsheets godamn roastie

What are you doing on my board you non virgin faggots, can you normies please leave and go somewhere else? Thanks in advance