How do you make friends as an adult? I never had any when I was younger...

How do you make friends as an adult? I never had any when I was younger, and now I'm a NEET that hardly leaves the house.

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You don't. You can make acquaintances and if youre lucky, buddies you can drink and talk bullshit with but meaningful friendships are forged in youth.

Okay, then how do I make acquaintances and drinking buddies?

You don't. You can make people you meet on a regular basis and acknoledge each others existance while not really liking each other, but still make small talk because you both have nobody else if youre lucky, but acquaintances and drinking buddies are forged in college.

I'm still friendless at the age of 26 and I have a full time job. If you can't friend your co-workers then that's it.

you don't "make friends", you go find activities that keep you socializing with people and if you have a level of compatibility and mutual interests it levels up, it happens organically and cant be forced.

Exploit your special interests. Idk find forums or discord servers based on that special interest. It is easier that way. I made e-friends that way.

does anyone wanna be my friend? willo#9559

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sure! let's be friends!! how do we do it?

:( still waiting for an answer

im sorry for making you wait user ;_; my bad

you have to install discord, or you can add me on steam, do you have either?

why did you block me user :c

:D. I have only steam, but no time to play :( I guess we can't be friends than?

please i jsut wanted friends

what is to "be" a friend?

having someone to talk to and share my feelings with

should we create anonymous emails to talk? It doesn't sound like a good idea to share my Steam info xD

is discord too much or something

isn't discord a mess?

ok, what's your name in there so I can add you?

Guess not D:

Explain how it's a mess

lol, I can't make friends not even on chan, LMAO :'(

I want to make online friends but Im too boring for people to want to talk to me and I believe discord is full of larper kiddies and assholes like Reiko and kiwifarmers

guess Im just fucked then

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no, let's chat on discord!! I don't play much, so I guess im boring too

If you didn't make any life long friends when you were a kid then you're fucked as an adult. Nobody has time for friendship because of work and wife an kids, they have bigger priorities.

we are all in here, aren't we? so I guess we could be friends on discord?


it doesn't work G_G

Pretty much this. The longer you've known people, especially growing up with them, the more likely you are to have friends. If you have a job you can get coworker acquaintances to drink with but they'll never be on the same level as someone you knew from childhood, they'll never be people you can rely on for anything or call at 2 am for an emergency.

If you don't establish a network of friends early on in life you are pretty much fucked, it is extremely hard to create a new network. People that have had this network established in childhood and teen years are also more successful, more likely to get married, more likely to get paid better, healthier and happier than people who never had childhood friends.

Game was rigged from the start.

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anyone who says you can't make friends as an adult is retarded. i'm 26 and have a good number of friends i've made within the last year.

I don't have interest in internet friends anymore, or any friends for that matter. Sorry

oops, forgot i was a commie for a sec

what the fuck, okay, just look up a communist unicode thingy and use that after b00t, it isnt showing up here.

I agree with you... and the most interesting part is that not even on Jow Forums... oh my, I guess I can just kill myself now (jk)

and oh, really?

>emoticons on Jow Forums

Not sure if soyboys, faggots, traps or just underage. Probably all 4 considering they're discord users

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Also don't understand how people say the only place to make a true life long friend like a brother is in the military?
I was in the military and literally hated everyone I was with and they hated me, I cut contact with all my "brothers" as soon as I got out.

You don't make friends. They either come naturally or dont

le ebic olde fag XD

>:3333 >.< >w< you found me out!

>the emoticon-using underage faggot is a commie larper

I am completely shocked

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#3947 add me there, if yall wanna talk :)

tfw i can never escape the eternal bullying

Yeah growing up and only friends being on the internet or group chat cliques that all eventually faded away, moved on or just lost interest in eachother got old after awhile.

What did she mean by thiis?

include the username before the tag user

I never used discord before... what's up with servers? We need to be on the same server before whatever?


feel free to add me, always looking for folks to talk to or game with.

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Basically everyone can make their own servers to invite other frens to hang out, but you can also add and dm people. What you need to do if you want anyone to add you is type your username out here including the #xxxx tag in the end c:

oops i did a goof