Are you what women want or are you human garbage?
Are you what women want or are you human garbage?
where did you get this chart? Very interesting.
I'm everything in the "want" except I'm also submissive which gets 0% so guess not. But I have a gf so idk what to make of this.
Nice original dubs mate friend
I don't know user, maybe you should post the link so I can find out
I'm guessing the difference between being confident/assertive vs aggressive/dominant is being good looking
Now I know this poll is bullshit.
literally the only difference between aggressive and assertive is whether the person doing it is attractive
lmao this, very good analysis user.
"Dominant" and "assertive" are the same shit, just different connotation. What exactly divides the two?
>being chad or not chad
so they want a confident assertive guy that is also easygoing and sensitive... jesus christ they really are crazy. that's like a guy asking for a club slut stacy that is also a nun.
This is what separates you from the normies user, they can just tell subtle differences in the two things. You'll never be able to understand.
Why would I give a single shit about what women want? Even THEY aren't consistent with what they want. If they were capable of being honest, they would admit they want everything all at once with no negatives whatsoever, but that would seem "shallow" or "selfish", and it is. They can't be seen as having negative traits that they can't possibly spin into a positive.
You straightfags have it the worst in life, I'll always listen to your bitching and rambling, but you bring it on yourselves for associating with these slits.
yea the subtle differences that are completely based on how the person looks. it's all bullshit dont you get that?
>How can you be assertive/confident, without not dominant?(both implying domain overself)
>How can you be sensitive without being submissive?(sensitivity implying submission to other people'e emotions)
>How would a confident, assertive person be easygoing?
And finally, who gives a shit about what women want?
Women are a fucking joke.
Men REALLY need to put them in their place before they do something really crazy like make a Y chromosome virus.
Fun fact: The exact same behavior may be perceived as demanding or assertive based on your height.
The only difference between "Assertive" and "Aggressive" is how attractive you are.
basically women want a fucking CEO that volunteers at a dog rescue. lol. aint happening sweeties
All of the traits under WANT have a parallel under DON'T WANT when used to describe that same trait in an unattractive person. It's best to ignore personality traits that women say they like and instead focus on physical traits because that's the only accurate way to gauge how attractive you are. obligatory OP is a faggot
Women do want you to be sensitive. To THEIR feelings
>your value as a person is equal to how much random roasties want to fuck you
Well, have you considered that maybe women are dumb?
i don't like confident "alpha" guys or whatever. every guy should just grovel at my feet
I wish all women were doms
>0% want submissive
>being submissive is literally my fetish
Guess I'll just keep being a virgin then
truly, it is how things were meant to be. i wish i could just go up to boys and put a collar and leash on them and take them home, like finding a stray dog. why does dating have to be so difficult
OP, where did you get this chart? What's the source and the survey?
If only you were real and not a guy larping on the internet.
I don't know if it's how things were "meant" to be seeing as men are bigger and stronger, but i definitely wish it were that way because Im a sub.
I'm sure you will find a qt subbf if you try. It's also easier in highly populated areas to find them.
T. Fat homo male or closet sub
i am but in real life i don't act on these autistic urges. if i did i'd be a serial rapist, you know? a public threat
I think it becomes aggressive / dominant as soon as the person stops enjoying the assertiveness.
For example, asserting "We're going out for Italian food tonight, and then I'm going to eat your pussy" is good if the person wants Italian food and cunnilingus, bad if the person wants Chinese food and anal.
how tall are you? Hopefully amazonian
most of the responses you'll get here are from gay men who aren't interested in roasties. we don't need to be confident, we love each other no matter what.
quite short actually, around 5 feet. i wish i could be super tall though. no one's intimidated by me in real life
Still you could make a great dom if you put your heart into it!
Women should be bigger than men
>Are you what women want or are you human garbage?
Human trash here.
Confidence is self-esteem. It's being proud of yourself. Confidence is having faith in your judgement, appearance, and overall worth. Assertiveness is being able to express your feelings, ideas, and morals in a way that does not come off demeaning or offensive to other people. It has a lot to do with rhetoric. It is communicating an viewpoint in a way that does not leave another feeling humiliated, insulted, or disrespected.
The person who is dominant feels the need to take control regardless of whether it or not it leaves another feeling humiliated, belittled, or marginalized. A dominant person will take control of a situation in a, "My way or the highway," manner. An example would be the question, "Where should we eat?" The dominant person says, "We are going to eat Chinese food." The assertive person says, "I'd prefer Chinese food." The former will accept no other food choice while the latter will consider another's interest despite stating their preference. Aggressive is using force to try an achieve one's means. They will be prone to raising their voice, repetition, using demeaning language, and even physical contact in an attempt to gain something.
There's a primer on differences between aggression, dominance, confidence, and assertiveness. Now... where do you all fall on the list?
confident and assertive is the same thing as dominant.
kinda, not out of fear but simply because i usually don't have anything to important to say. I can still make small talk and hold conversation i just don't initiate/care
this chart should be called what white women want.
cause asians girl would take the opposite.
Do the exact opposite of what any woman says she wants. This is the biggest fucking shit test of them all.
i dont give a shit about what retarded women want. they are adult children and should all die.
You just failed the shit test.
>be confident
>be assertive
>be easygoing
>be sensitive
yet, she still fucked the black guy who knocked her up, in both senses.
Females are nigger. What they say is never what they want or need.
I'm not human garbage, I'm THE TRASH MAN
I knew what that picture was of before I even saw it, but it still made me laugh.
also nice 7s
The one thing that I definitely understand concerning women is that they don't know what they want
Women probably don't want me regardless and I probably don't want them. Such is the way of things
wtf did they actually mean by this?
why does r9k think women don't know what they want, the most outspoken and opinionated members of the populace?
The most outspoken people usually don't back or understand their opinions
>they don't know what they want
yup. I always wondered wtf people meant when they said that women "say one thing, mean another and want something else entirely".
that doesn't answer my question.
women aren't mysterious.
because when everyone, from robots to chad, see that women consistently say one thing but do another, it's easy to see they don't know what they want.
no, they aren't. That doesn't mean they're self reflective.
well, most of you guys see women as a group. when one woman says she likes thin guys and then later you see a woman dating a muscular guy, you blame the first girl for lying about what "women want".
Women don't know what they want. They're feral, subgendered creatures that need to be dominated in order to acheive peace of mind.
why don't you speak to one and get to know her?
How can you be assertive and easygoing at the same time?
by not taking people's shit but also being patient and tolerant.
>confident and assertive
>but also easygoing
>but still sensitive to my feelings!
Yeah no.
I'll just kill myself quietly then.
I am easy going and sensitive but also shy and submissive and quite quiet at certain times
All women want to be controlled, it's pretty simple.
>Aggressive (12%)
There's some hope, yet!
where is this chart from op whats the source
every day man i just want it to end why cant i live my life like how i want? i enjoy my life why should i changs for someone else?
Well, you can always get in on the lolidom market lmao
Women don't know what they want and can't analyze anything right let alone themselves. Their words mean literally NOTHING.
Don't man, living your life to be what others want you to be always leads to misery.
> don't want a dominant man
> don't want a submissice either
>I think it becomes aggressive / dominant as soon as the person stops enjoying the assertiveness
Translation: As long as the girl thinks you're hot, she'll like you being bossy
Nah its all attractiveness my guy. If a robot 3/10 even breathed within the direction of a 5-6/10 girl she would mace him
They want vanilla
It's about personality traits, not the way of banging.
These are all basically synonyms lmao. Can't women just admit they want Chad and you're fucked if you were born without a good face and strong jaw?
No you idiot its only an opinion. Normalniggers are truly fucking dumb
Why would I care what holes want?
> le monkey face
WTF is this?
>not very confident/assertive, but if I really need to be I can
>pretty easygoing I guess
>not sure about 'sensitive', but I care a lot about the few friends I have and I'm pretty open about my feelings
>pretty introverted, but every once and awhile going out and doing things is nice
according to multiple people I'm a really good guy and yet I'm still alone
>Believing what a woman tells you she wants
>tfw shy and quiet
>tfw nothing more hated by women than being a meek male
>tfw will never lose my virginity unless I spend some big money on enough plastic surgery to offset my anxiety
This is why men become gay.
Heres the truth: Women only want Chad. This is the only thing they care about. Anything they say to the contrary is a deception.
Women generally have little to no personalities, so they have no frame of reference from which to evaluate male traits. But women would lose their moral superiority in the sexual marketplace and consequently their sexual market value if they openly admitted that looks are the only factor they consider in evaluating potential mates. To cover up this fact, they ascribe trite but oft-repeated personality traits to Chad: Confident. Assertive. Sensitive. Easygoing. They ascribe negative traits to non-Chads: Dominant. Aggressive. Submissive. Shy. Never mind that these words are functional equivalents of each other; again, women have no frame of reference on their end to evaluate the male persona. Using this framework, women are able to deny their shallowness and falsely ascribe negative traits to unattractive men. So its not the womans fault for being shallow, its the betas fault for having a defective personality (though if they came across a Chad with the same personalit, theyd hop on his dick without a second thought).
Women traffic in misinformation when it comes to dating and sex. Its the only way they keep their advantage intact.
thanks mom
please do this to me
LMAO as pussy little bitchboys who are too shy, quiet, reserved, and scared to get what they want. Everyone thinks you're pathetic.
How do you feel about ugly women?
Bitch you guessed it
You jumped on the assumption before even getting a fucking answer, fucking newfag tier insult
5'8 guy here. Everyone is intimidated by me. Then again I'm black. Just put on some muscle and adopt a stern look to your face.
Im only pretending to be shy so I can bait you into bullying me. That's when I reveal my power level and put you in your place, normal faggot
I would prefer if ugly women didn't hit on me, but I wouldn't feel that they are injuring the very core of my being and expect the gubbermint to punish them if they do. That would be how women see ugly guys hitting on them.
I'll never regret switching teams.
Bye bye roasties!
I'm on the right side. None of them will ever find out though because the first impression people have is always that I'm distanced and emotionally cold. It's not true and the ones that bothered to get to know me better always said that the first impression I give off is 100% incorrect, but the amount of people who are willing to even get to know you better with such a first impression is tiny.
>Implying its not possible to match that criteria
You don't need to be all of them all the time you fucking idiot, just need to know which combo to be a what time.
This, be a sociopath.