Tfw you find yourself gravitating more and more to religion

>tfw you find yourself gravitating more and more to religion

Theres nothing wrong with being a conservative christian protestant, is there?

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There sure isn't
I have returned to catholism when u saw how degenerate america has become.

There's believing in religion and then there's "believing in religion". You'll find that most people fall into the second category. One of the things that pisses me off most about the world is the rampant religious hypocrisy. If you truly study, learn and try to implement any religion into your life with honesty, that's usually a good thing imo.

Only if you use it as an excuse to dull your intellectual pursuits.
Wrestle with God every day.
God exists (but he might not be where you think he is)
Christianity is a nearly infinite pool of wisdom, so never get comfortable. Continue to dive.

>Christian imagery thread?

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yea no im good

Christian imagery 2

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All regular religious folk do is defend and excuse extremists because "I BELIEVE WHAT THEY BELIEVE BUT I NEVER KILLED ANYONE", fuck off. Protecting these insane assholes solely because you can't admit your religion has flaws is the most woman think I can think of.

Christian imagery 3

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post more of the jew on a stick

Begone heathen

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Give me your best argument against Christianity.
I dare you.

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i'll add my folder too

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Ask, and thee shall receive.

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orgallo 2

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(Blessed trips)
Witnessed Christian aesthetic friend.

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orginallo 3

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Fyi, just curious, how do you personally interpret god? Does he have the control over us to stop wars, or does he not care?

Christian aesthetic 4

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oringio 4

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Christian aesthetic 5

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organllo 5

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ogergano 6

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Christian aesthetic 6
"The fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom"

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oginrallo 7

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oganillao 8

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Christian aesthetic 7
"To those who have everything, more is given. From those who have nothing, everything is taken"

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No, its perfectly fine. With the degeneracy laden pit the West has become, it is the best option
t. Conservative Baptist

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Christian aesthetic 8
"Know thyself "

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oertgano 9

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ergano 10

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Protestants are largely heathens. They twist the word of God tonfit whatever they want. At least in the US with the hundreds of thousands of churches all preaching their own heretical take on it.

ogrniallo 11

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orgnalli 12

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organnil 13

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where my LGBTQIA+ Christians at?

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ogaernlo 14

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Christian aesthetic 9
"Forgive them lord, they know not what they do"

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onalego 15

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Religion is wrong. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, not any religious church, group, or organization. Man is agenda-driven, selfish, and covetous by nature, so anything manmade will lead you down the wrong path. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. Study the scriptures with an honest intent to understand it and you will never be led astray.

Daily reminder that the Catholic church is the actual devil and so are all of her children including Protestants.

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aneglo 16

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Go Orthodox or Catholic if you want real Christianity, senpai.

Christian aesthetic 10
Saint Peterson

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Christian aesthetic 11

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Christian aesthetic 12

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I don't know, man. That's how you get fundamentalist nut jobs and Islamists.

Jesus Commanded Peter to found the Church in his name. Being anti-church is being bibically illiterate

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>just commit idolatry and subject yourself to an oppressive organized pedophile ring who murdered the early saints if you want to be saved

This is why Catholics, Orthodoxists, and most Protestants aren't saved.

Christian aesthetic 13

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erginalto 17

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Christian aesthetic 14

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ginaorl 18

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organeloto 19

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Christian aesthetic 15

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Show me in the bible where it says to call anyone your father, kiss statues, worship bones, pray to dead people, or molest children.

Your church is evil and you are decieved.

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erganolo 20

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It's time to agree on the most fundemental elements of Christianity, and to bring the message of the Christ to the people. Not to argue of what 'real Christianity' is.
Read The Bible. Teach what you learn. Spread the light.

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Ephesians 5:11
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

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braindead protestant on centuries of anti catholic propaganda

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1. I'm a pedophile. This whole site is regularly visited and enjoyed by us, if you didn't know. Don't throw around that word, trying to cause false alarm, like "Oh, pedophiles?! Where?!" It won't work, and it's unnecessary.

2. It's Orthodox, not "Orthodoxists". Again, that's Or-tho-dox.

3. What are you talking about? Both Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy are ancient Churches which descend directly from the apostolic era. They're the exact opposite of heretical.

The most extreme Christians who actually do and believe exactly what their religion says to do are holy saints, though.

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Protestants are the biggest money grubbers, scam artists, and charlatans on this earth. They preach meaningless feelgood garbage to appease the masses and buy mansions and private jets with the donations. Truly sickening.

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American detected

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>Catholic/Orthodox supporter
>literally normalizing pedophilia
Why are memes true?

1. You are sick and need saving

2. Who cares, still heresy

3. All of your traditions and teachings are proven wrong by tons and tons of scripture, so no, your "church" is not a direct descendant of the apostolic era.

>thinks I'm protestant

>catholics can't use scripture to defend their traditions
>they think calling you protestant is an argument

I'm actually not either of those, just giving my advice. Memes are silly, and you need to get off the Internet if that's what people are telling you.

1. Kek. No.

2. >No?

3. What are you, then?

The idea that the top of the top are corrupt is nothing surprising.
Nothing is stopping you from reading the Bible, and spreading what you learn.

Don't waste your time fighting what is evil, when you can be spreading what is good.

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1. Nice damage control sicko
2. Idol worship is idol worship
3. I'm a bible believer, which is why I know not to follow these heretical churches

>Nothing is stopping you from reading the Bible, and spreading what you learn.
>Don't waste your time fighting what is evil, when you can be spreading what is good.

Revelation 3:16
So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

1. K E K.

2. They don't worship idols.

3. So... a protestant?

>So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
I do not understand what you're saying with this.

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Nope, absolutely nothing wrong
You do whatever makes you happy user and dont listen to anyone who tells you otherwise
Unless your breaking the law or shoving your religion down other peoples throats in which case stop being a cunt

Gonna stop giving (You)s to this pedophile idiot.

Praying to images, statues, or other people besides God the Father through Jesus alone is idol worship. And no I'm not protestant. I don't want to "reform" the church, God is going to destroy everyone who follows their teachings.

Jesus is saying that fencesitting Christians will not be accepted into the Kingdom.

>Theres nothing wrong with being a conservative christian protestant, is there?
Except for the fact that you're believing in fairy tales, no nothing at all. I'd be nice if there was a god that cared about us but it's insanely egotistical to think so.

I wish I could be like you OP. I want to believe, but my perception of reality has been too corrupted to believe something so good could exist.

Calm down, son, You can express your feelings without resorting to name calling.

Anyway, they don't pray to idols. They use statues (and for the Orthodox, icons) to remind them of the person they're praying to, who then prays to God in turn on their behalf. The images help to clarify and concentrate the prayer on the person. In other words, that person intercedes for them when asked through prayer, which amplifies the strength of the original petitioner.

It's a custom and belief that goes back right to the early church.

Also, a protestant is literally anyone who isn't apart of an ancient church, so... you. We're not just talking about Lutherans here.

>fencesitting Christians will not be accepted into the Kingdom.
Personally I conceptualize "The Kingdom of God" is symbolically representative of "A state of constant truth telling, and moral living".
If you are lukewarm in your truth seeking, you will not find the truth. You will not enter the Kingdom of God.

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Romans 3:10
As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:

Psalms 14
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
2The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.

3They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one

Contributing Christian imagery

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Contributing again with a Pope Benedict quote

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ohai, I had my first Sacrament of Reconciliation tonight


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That movie was absolutely phenomenal.

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>they dont pray to idols, they just pray to idols
You do not pray to people to pray to God for you, thats not now it works.

1 Timothy 2:5
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus

The scripture proves you wrong again, and it always will.

>personally i conceptualize

2 Peter 1:20
Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation

I would add that the presence of our Lord isn't in the statuary cluttering about the church, not even in that big wooden sculpture of dead Jew on a stick.

The presence of our Lord is in the Host - the communion bread. This is (I think - I'm new) stored in the box behind the altar.

>literally described idol worship to defend why he doesnt worship idols

catholicucks man

Acts 17:24
God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands

Acts 7:48
Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet,

^I recommend reading the next few verses after this

As it was described to me, it's like asking a friend who's in a better position to help you accomplish a task that you could otherwise do yourself, albeit not as well. The saints, because they are in heaven with Yahweh, can intercede directly on your behalf.

The quote you provided simply means that your salvation can only come through Jesus. Anyone can ask for you benefit, though.

Utilizing imagery in prayer isn't idolatry. If it were, most self-professed Christians since the very early (before the 5th c. BCE) would be idolaters. They don't worship the statues, man.

While I have a range of misgivings about the history of christianity, not to mention its current deplorable state, I can't help but feel as a Pole that conservative, traditionalist catholicism is intrinsic to our national identity and might still be viable as a means of preserving my people. Orban's statement about Hungary and Poland being united in defense of Christianity gives me hope of a new counter-progressive reformation.

Reading Leszek Kolakowski (an excerpt from 'Modernity of Trial') has also helped convince me of the continued relevance of Christianity in preserving the spiritual health of the west. Christianity is diametrically opposed to utopianism and nihilism, which are the two plagues which are killing the west, and the moral code it preaches is firmly patriarchal.

Observing the pervasiveness of casual sex and degeneracy has really brought out the inner fire and brimstone fundamentalist in me, and I wish all the thots, chads, fags and trannies could comprehend the existence of God, let alone the wrath they might have incurred through their debauchery.

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>As it was described to me
And that person is wrong, according to the scriptures.

Utilizing imagery in prayer is idolatry. If you pray to statues or images, you are an idolator. Your rank or status does not matter.

Exodus 20
3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me

The scriptures once again, prove you wrong. Idol worship is idol worship no matter what colored robe it wears.

The presence of our Lord is in everybody through the holy spirit (i think i'm also new)

There is, you're believing in a fantasy.

Also you're buying into some incredibly trashy and overall poor form of politics.

"What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" (1 Corinthians 6:19)
This is why i believe what i said but if a more experienced christian sees something wrong please tell me.

This is correct. Keep studying. God bless you.

Thank you and God bless you too.


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Cool desu

It's one of my favorite images.

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Now in HD

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>believing in japanese anime from a few thousand years ago

imagine being this retarded holy shit

Why don't you engage in real discussions here?