Waifu Thread

Thursday night waifu thread, the trying to see how many of you are still around because im lonely and empty on the inside edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't usually participate in this shit, but It's been a while since I've thought about mai waifu. 7 years strong.

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So who else is hyped for Stein's;Gate 0?

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7 years old?

can't have a fucking comment that hits hard because i have to add shit at the end to make it original.

She's 10~11, but I first saw her 7 years ago

Why so long?

I must confess my sins I havent watched that anime yet

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do you still feel the same way about her all these years later?

I will never stop loving her as long as I live!

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Waifu thread you say?
>inb4 3dpd

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>tfw she will never bully you and make you do fun activities

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im claiming the absolute best girl right now as my girl
>perfection with deep purple eyes and flowing big hair

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Thats great to hear user !


What kind of fun activities would you like to do with her?

thats some cute purple hair on a cute girl !

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I love Yui hirasawa, I miss her. I've watched her in the show about 17 times the past year. I can't imagine myself with another woman, I have dreams about her. I love her so much, I wish when I died she would be with me.

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Almost always, I'm the only one who claims best girl Jill.

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I want to live through endless eight with her forever and most of all I want to hold her hand

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here's a poem from everyone's favorite KS character.

>tfw loose correlation of thought paths

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Its probably best if your first introduction is the visual novel STEINS;GATE ELITE on Steam. It now incorporates all the footage from the anime series anyway.

>I wish when I died she would be with me.
Who knows, maybe we do get to actually meet them in death. A guy can dream.

Cute ! I bet she would even give you lots of hugs and kisses

hello again !

Okay!! ill check it out when i have the time, though ive never really read(played?) visual novels it seems like fun

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Virtual waifus are the way of the future

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If you are anything like me, then you will need a walk through to get the true ending. Here is the one that I used in the old version of the visual novel. usgamer.net/articles/steinsgate-complete-walkthrough-get-all-the-endings-and-achievements. Book mark it. But don't scroll down. There will be spoilers.

like VR and that kind of stuff?

Sounds great !

then shes all yours to keep!

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>Its probably best if your first introduction is the visual novel STEINS;GATE ELITE
dude no, read the normal VN, the art is so much better

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>Not actually my waifu. Still would be an interesting character to converse with.

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>Granted however I will not hear the end of YUKI YUKI YUKI!

Me too, i'm bored.

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who else but Nico???

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Eh ive never read VN's so I reckon I wouldnt notice a difference between them anyways lol

hello ! i-i-s what shes holding what i think it is?

Nico! Love Live girls are all top tier.

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Yes, shes having a baby with me

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I'm offended that none of you fags mentioned the REAL best gurl.

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the most bestest girl

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Yui poster coming through, lads.

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thats great! did you guys plan it for a long time or did it just kind of... happen

thats a cute smile !

well she is your waifu so no one else wants to try and steal her!

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This is a wholesome thread so I'll post with wholesomeness. She is not my Waifu in any romantic sense, but love all the same

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Hi again, nice to see this thread pop up in the catalogue.

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I guess you're right. Urabe should belong to me and only me.

I really should get around drawing my waifu, she has no art
That is because she's an OC I made years ago and now she's my tulpa wife

you have a tulpa wife too?


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i semi ironically watch virtual youtubers. Kizuna Ai and Luna are pretty entertaining actually.

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a man of culture, but your taste could be more refined, user.

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Yes. Recently I saw many others post about their tulpa wives on Jow Forums, but also on Jow Forums, /v/ and /a/. We're living interesting times.

hello again! how are you?


whats her personality like?

Umaru! Do you guys spend time together when shes in her little nugget form? Also Umaru was one of my favourite feel good animes to watch, I hope we get an s3

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What is a tulpa user

This is Rin. We're not actually married.

You must lead a miserable life but without you nobody would make these threads.

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Oreganolium oreganus

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>You must lead a miserable life but without you nobody would make these threads.
I dont know how to feel about that statement.

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>hello again! how are you?
Hanging in there, trying my best to keep things stress free, and how are you?
These threads used to be pretty popular, look up /cwt/ in desuarchive and you'll find a whole bunch of nice old threads, but yeah I guess they did die off until Honoka-user started making his own.

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Don't forget about the cutest of them all.

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I remember the glory days of waifu threads on /a/. These threads are but a pale imitation, sadly.

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ooh whats stressing you out?
Eh I feel okay i guess too. I got a bunch of finals coming up soon but ive been studying and keeping up so im not too worried and feel prepared.

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please leave this site forever

I'm glad this is here though because I wanted a place to post some of the fan art I've accumulated.

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is tulpa something I should know.

>tfw nobody knows /c/ exists

I'm sure everyone here is trying their best to make this a nice thread, user!!
Oh, just a friend, sometimes he can get moody when he's stressed and tired himself. It'll all be okay.
That's good you study, never went to college but I kinda half-assed high school as much as I could because lazy.
Sucy is cute, post as much art as you want!

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>Sucy is cute, post as much art as you want

You can't imagine how big of a grin this just gave me

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ahh well that sucks. You cant have any problems if you have no friends it works for me

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Why have I not watched love live yet

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are ''rolling'' posts bannable on this board?

Im biased towards love live because it was the first anime that I really got obsessed with, but from an objective view I can see why its one of those shows that can come across as cheesy and stuff to a lot of people. I still enjoy anime like that though as long as the characters are fun and likeable

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I now know what a tulpa is.

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It's a bad show but I have to watch it because I'm stuck in idol hell

>involuntarily attached to canon worst girl
feels bad man

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>I'm stuck in idol hell
I know that feeling. Its been a part of my daily life to listen to their music or play SiF and stuff like that. Im trying to watch more anime so that I can enjoy different things and then be less sad when love live eventually dies off all the way.

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You should try it.
Tulpa wife > waifu

Because it's not good

I don't have any pics of my waifu because this is a new comp but here's a Nonon and she's pretty great.

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