I need attentions but actively go out of my way to ruin stuff once it gets comfy whats wrong with me

i need attentions but actively go out of my way to ruin stuff once it gets comfy whats wrong with me
is is okay to start over

Attached: 333221.jpg (454x600, 34K)

You're just pathetic and need a reason to be depressed and miserable all the time, user.

Attached: 11F7B20A-D56D-432B-90C8-3ECC67649883.jpg (750x415, 53K)

maybe but you didnt name drop me so i still have hope...

Attached: vvlvl.jpg (507x507, 32K)

I love this image but I was shit on for being an undertale fan. I never realised thats what is was from.

you don't feel as if you deserve a comfy relationship, so you take actions you know will end the relationship

however, you still desire one, so you keep taking steps to form new relationships

Stop being a compulsive liar.

name the op please because i dont think thats me

Attached: 567.png (676x1000, 359K)

Are you OP? If you are then maybe not. I just know someone who fits OP's description who tends to use pictures with dull colors like and

emma is shit and we hate her!

Attached: 5678.jpg (540x597, 43K)

Ugh. It's you.

wow ugh its me
im not togaposter tho

Attached: 65432.jpg (1920x1080, 129K)

I'm sure you are lying.

post more shinobu pls master

Attached: 1521079621994.jpg (2894x4093, 1.52M)

Not OP but which one should I?

Attached: Capture.jpg (1741x584, 219K)

all out of dom need another 19 years to recharge x.x
no but its adorable you think so

Attached: 654321.png (600x848, 407K)

oh its okay master id like red couch sleepy shinobu-chan if thats acceptable

Attached: dc36a00ab03e3f5be29684a470d3e0e3.png (1024x692, 558K)

Who are you then? Fren or fo?

Attached: 1252801457150.jpg (375x427, 34K)

o n l y if you stop calling me master please its sad....

Attached: 2342.jpg (1200x600, 134K)

im fwen!

Attached: 23132.jpg (1500x1060, 270K)

Do we love her?

Attached: 1522753243692.png (237x349, 94K)

okay friend. this is now monogataloli thread now

Attached: fb7ac998be7e30d5db9468a720241294.jpg (1000x700, 118K)

I don habe many fwen on hewe anymo tho.

Attached: 2050969.jpg (700x800, 375K)

we all fwens!

Attached: 1519946340302.png (2039x2327, 1.46M)

me either i lost a lot of them...could we try doing a big fwen?
i do!!

Attached: 12321.jpg (248x227, 29K)

Pwove it.

Attached: 1252972993534.jpg (595x396, 34K)

is this [s4s]? were turning into them

That's highwy dependwent on a swomethwing impowtent. We cn twy.

Attached: 2477703.jpg (500x667, 207K)

Look! its us all together! we all fwens! Remeber be happy!

Attached: sample_bcbb309f65cd0c14bcf3be7ff09fc9fb.jpg (850x515, 160K)

Sowwy I just fewt wike avatawfagging

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hai evewywun

Attached: 1252333511294.jpg (1680x1050, 441K)

you're not mayoi???

Attached: 1519946527042.png (1280x720, 1.04M)

I hope it all devours us.

Attached: 1522671460254.jpg (384x383, 20K)

hai!!!!! love more fwens yayayay

Attached: monogatari_series___yotsugi_ononoki_by_lovekuja-d9qs7tm.jpg (1191x670, 144K)

twy twy! fwen!
im really shinobu

Attached: uiio.jpg (510x553, 29K)

Uh oh should I run away?

Attached: 2568030.jpg (360x360, 23K)

>tfw two youws

Attached: 1253180741646.jpg (916x719, 80K)

im me too woah i like shinobu

Attached: 1519949193088.jpg (1920x1080, 174K)

help. I have been trapped.

Attached: 15d2be06c63a9d9ebca9f5fa84b62ba3.jpg (858x1200, 606K)

wow ill help you!
wow i like you too doll-chan

Attached: 2312.png (1600x2160, 579K)

Oh no someone help!

Attached: 1253103040195.jpg (1277x720, 86K)

Why have so many interpersonal relations cropped up on Jow Forums lately? I understand taking solace in each other's loneliness but please keep it to private places. It's creepy and incestuous

Attached: banana.png (651x503, 293K)

I have been freed by you too. Thank you for the help.

Attached: 668222818719e3b5991ffa949b5209b0.png (870x600, 846K)

I'm hungwy now.

I'm not even sure if I actually know anyone in this thread. OP says they aren't them. So now I'm here to post cute monogataris.

Attached: 5337787.jpg (1200x960, 105K)

May I suggest donuts?

Attached: yotsugi_ononoki_vector_by_klydetheslayer-d8n0kpm.png (1012x790, 375K)

you rang?
no be mean....

Attached: 0a3a5a48c377ef9abfc4e6432902f021d963a15c88252ec79ad7c31b46566fad.jpg (576x490, 98K)

But they belong to another

Attached: 6143545.png (500x458, 118K)

I have a craving. Shinobu-chan may come along.

Attached: 7a92b5e63f1320fd7936ddd8faf322e2.gif (400x400, 40K)


Attached: 3896136.jpg (606x479, 346K)

but i loveeee emma~ uwu

Attached: yuno (102).jpg (720x900, 111K)

Is this a twanny and cwnka thwead? I should take my weave then fwens.

Attached: 1253339135595.gif (440x240, 324K)

Yes. Let us go.

Attached: rsz_2014-09-21-674658.jpg (954x1287, 222K)

ring ring
ring ring
moshi moshi

Attached: 655657.jpg (564x940, 73K)

how does she find every thread i post in
l-love you too
ring ring
emma des

Attached: tumblr_nlzr5dQ8py1up2dfko1_540.jpg (540x706, 98K)

nooo im not i jus kno her!
im good>w

Attached: 23231.jpg (564x564, 29K)

>didnt say moshimoshi
makes sense demons cant say it
cvmka finds all my posts heck

stop saving drawings of little girls.

Attached: gu n.png (778x512, 46K)

i used to look for the threads you guys make, they're usually comfy

Attached: tumblr_p5y96j7tM01w42cr9o1_1280.jpg (655x900, 88K)

mayoi is big and 22! She has high iq! Body is not real!!!!

Attached: .jpg (2048x1384, 453K)

im glad you think so! have a comfy night

Attached: 89900.jpg (1080x1164, 93K)

Oh okay then! You should stay away from bad influences like her though.

Attached: screenshot2.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

Please die in your sleep tonight.

Attached: screenshot animated.gif (100x100, 10K)

imagine what your parents would think

Attached: plainpunch.png (785x757, 257K)

"Wow she's cute user!"

Thanks mum shes my favourite character

"Oh user thats great. I love that you have something you are interested in! Tell me about her ;)"

Attached: F9D.jpg (1200x675, 314K)

WTF is this thread? I feel like I just inhaled autism.

Haha. Very funny user. Now tell us the truth

Attached: 8551bf16b5a67dc9038f69a27de7fb45.jpg (225x350, 33K)