
>Tfw you eat 100mg edible for the first time
High as fuck still 6hours in

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i have impenetrable self control when it comes to using drugs in moderation

too bad i have to be sober most of the time

Tfw just smoked 3 blunts. First time smoking weed and I feel fucking paranoid and feel like I'm going to die.

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Don't worry user it will most certainly pass. In 1-2 hours you'll be ok.

But both op and you are fucking idiots smoking/eating this much the first time. But paranoia will stop.

who the fuck smokes 3 blunts in a session let alone their first time

i need drugs help

I wasn't feeling anything. I thought I was smoking it wrong or not in hailing. Now I'm feeling fine go by super fast. But it's only been 4 minutes. I keep hearing people talking.

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people who have never smoked

How do you people do this. I keep hearing music and people talking. This is not relaxing at all.

>tfw took 700 mg of dxm yesterday
>couldn't feel my limbs at one point, clearly because of lack of blood flow
>pretend is just a dissociative effect and ignore it
it doesnt help Im fat as fuck, so my hearth has to do extra work to pump blood
this could kill me one of these days but honestly I dont mind

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that's screwed up friend, I smoked some mid grade stuff out of an apple my first time and I got a little paranoid sometimes, I can't imagine going that hard

If I feel normal I want to try lsd.

Dude turn your lights off and sit down and play some comfy music.

it's always weird when you can't feel your limbs but you can like feel your insides

You smoked too much dummy. But it's ok you're be ok in an hour or two.

God it feels like it's been 30 minutes but it's only been a few minutes.
I'm thinking so much I can't control my mind. FUCCKKKK

if it makes you feel any better maybe it's a "grass is always greener"(no pun intended) situation but I've been smoking 40 dollars of weed a day for a couple years and I wish I could get that high again. today I experimented with another way to smoke, I did it for 3 hours, then breaked for 3 hours, and repeated it all day. maybe tomorrow I'll make the breaks longer.

Hope this picture helps you relax user

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Listen to this


it made me panic less when I got the panic attack

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Right now I feel like I'm hearing the same music I listen to all the time. Time is slowing down and I feel like I'm moving in and out of time. I feel trapped. I just smashed my laptop

I'm feeling a bit more calm now. I turned on some comfy music.

calm down, don't go doing things you'll regret. I've been that high before, in my own early days. I'd hear my sister's voice says "but a" over and over again in this trippy voice, it kind of sounded like this song
or sometimes I'd take a bong rip so hard I'd collapse on the floor, probably from oxygen deprivation and turn into a temporarily psychotic state that lasted only a few seconds but it was scary as fuck when it happened.

I wish I was high as fuck rn

its funny how you guys go on about how much you hate normalfags but drugs are literally for normalfags. you literally have to know somebody to get them unless you have a relative or parents ingrained in it. im normie as fuck and not even i know someone who can net me shit. fucking normalfags

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>getting that bag and lighting the first joint of the weekend
Comfy. Going to go listen to ambient techno now and watch Isle of Dogs with gf later. Life is good when you appreciate the small things.

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>can go to dispensary and get weed in 3minutes
My government loves me

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I'm watching some konosuba and feeling pretty good now. Thank you

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I did a bunch of mushrooms two days ago, like 8 grams or so, and had one of the worst trips of my life. Nothing was particularly bad about it physically but about 2 hours in I realized just how much of a fuckup loser NEET I am and I started having the craziest most depressing suicidal thoughts. What a goddamn nightmare. People from all over my life appeared in my mental space and they just talked shit to me. I also threw up so much my capillaries were popping all over my face. Terrible, terrible stuff. Luckily I live alone so I'm pretty sure no one heard my screams of agony and my dog howling at the moon (I did this for whatever reason)

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>is it nice?
>did you green out at all?

One time I took 300 mg of Sativa RSO oil and was high as fuck for 10 hours. I thought a girl knocked on my door and held my hand. 10/10 experience. Would do it all over again.

>not growing your own drugs
>trusting randos with your drugs


too slow (You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.)

>will sniff dope, take 500ug of lsd, and (hopefully) try ketamine this weekend
feels good man
>not knowing about darknet markets in the [current year]
you're the real normie

It's a shame that regular opi use builds perma tolerance.

I force myself to do no more than 30-80mg oxy every 7 to 10 days. Been on a tolerance break for 3 months and I saw this thread and caved in and bought some more oxy

Bout to nod the fuck out

Why would you take mushrooms if you know how shitty your life is? I'm really into acid, mushrooms, took salvia and DMT few times, but taking psychedelics that carelessly is fucking dangerous when not considering headspace, setting, scene etc. Shit, maybe it scared you into getting your shit straight.

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the last time i was way too high i listened to the first like 3 minutes of this song on max volume headphones and had a religious experience. it felt like having a mild, semi-pleasant anxiety attack


>never eaten edibles or smoked before 2015
>brother in law shows me the joys of smoking
>hear more and more about edibles
>buy the best rated one for the first time
>korova 1000mg brownie
so what do i do, eat chunks of it till i feel something? i bit a corner off of it 20 minutes ago and feel nothing, do i really have to eat the whole thing?

Oh boy you know nothing 3 isn't much at all

Got 200mg tramadol. I'm opiate niave and 60mg codeine gives me a nice buzz. How comparable to codeine is this? Is 200mg in one go too much for me?

Kek. Edibles take a long time to hit, can be 2 hours before you feel a thing. 1000 mg will have you absolutely obliterated, probably for a couple days

>you literally have to know somebody to get them unless you have a relative or parents ingrained in it.

If you live in Canada you can get weed shipped directly to your door, or if you're paranoid, to your post office.

I'm NEET and I order weed through the mail all the time.

when i tried making edibles for the first time i misplaced a decimal point and had 250mg of thc instead of 25 i thought i was dying and puked everywhere

please tell me you're joking, i just finished it off and only feel a tingle. how long until i can function again??

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You're gonna pass out , maybe vomit

who /pst/ here?

Kinda nodding off, I take a hit of weed to relieve the nausea.

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Gonna be trying LSD soon. What can I expect?

>tfw a few months ago I smoked 3 blunts and drank like 1/3 bottle of liquor.
>projectile vomited all over my living room
>We had to clean it up with fucking wet wipes since there were no paper towels.

>1000mg Edible
You are going to be high for days
Very strong high stay in the bed with water

You'll be fine, mate. Relax with a couple strong beer.

>Just started watching the X Files again
>About to go outside and smoke a joint at 2AM

I'm going to be jumping at every little sound I hear, please pray for me.

Those high dose edibles have warnings plastered all over the packaging telling you to be cautious. How did you not see it?

Don't listen to him, alcohol potentiates your high.

Wow, even 20mg of sativa or 30 of indica makes me uncomfortable as fuck. Of course I have a bit of a paranoid personality but why 100 user? I enjoy smoking more.

Calm down man. The voices aren't real. What stopped me from having a bad time was a friend telling me just to chill and watch some funny youtube videos and I did. I haven't had a bad anxiety attack since. I like watching old people get mad at skateboarders, it's really funny/cringeworthy.

Also blunts are really fucking bad for your lungs, its basically smoking weed, tobacoo, and whatever additives are in the tobacco except it isn't filtered. Get a glass pipe or bong my man.

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OP here still 12hours in and i'm high as fuck how long is this going to last

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He probably won't vomit I don't think, usually marijuana inhibits your ability to vomit.

Don't do this, or if you do, drink VERY little. It's easy to die from alcohol poisoning if you're high and drink too much because you won't be able to throw up.

Might last a day and then the day after you'll be on afterglow where you can pretty much function but you still feel some of the effects, except more relaxed.

>still might be high for another 12hours
Man I Shouldn't have taken 100mg

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Hopefully you're a neet or good at acting sober

well I have the day off tomorrow so I'm safe just going to be in my room all day.

Sounds comfy user. Wanna cuddle?

Only if you are a girl.

>Don't listen to him, alcohol potentiates your high.

>not relaxing extra hard with a joint, a few shots, and some benzos

I can be a girl if you want. ^u^

he's helping someone who ate 1000mg in one sitting, not someone "with a joint".
>benzos in 2018

My jewish doctor prescribes to them and my socialized medicine means the prescription is only $4.

$4 for 150mg of clonazepam and 30mg of lorazepam

fuck wish I could get that

>tfw no insurance
>no one sells them here
lucky bastard

planning on taking 1500 mgs of dxm soon. Here's hoping that it kills me!

I just need 3 more bottles by May so that way i'll be able to die on my birthday.

come back when you had 3 within an hour and get so high you pass out

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Any NEETs want to move in and be my live in gardener when Canada makes growing weed legal in July?

Don't do it. 1500mgs will not only be really unpleasant but you might live and end up a vegetable for life. If you really want to overdose, shoot up lots of heroin/fentanyl. The way out is comfy and you die in peace.

I've been smoking an ounce a month for a year now, not healthy for my wallet but I can't grow in my friends house

I've got a bunch of apples from my grandparents and I would like to make some cider from them. Problem is I don't want my cousin to catch me. (i share an apartment with him, and over the years I've vehemently refused any alcohol given to me by my family, and now they see me as a role model, considering my dad had troble with alcohol) So can I just extract the juice and leave it in a plastic bottle in my drawer or do I have to add yeast, I've no idea.

>tfw high since 2am

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That's not true. The most fucked up people in society do drugs, ackohold on the other hand

Avid smoker. When I'm not wagecucking I'm always chilling in the balcony with my bong. Don't worry OP you'll live, though that's too much for your first edible. Maybe a nap will help.

I never expected to find out Hop Along has a new album in an Jow Forums thread

what was the video? link's dead for me

It was a link to the song "abel" by hop along off their new album, which I did not know existed.

Wew. You're a champ if you can keep 500mL of syrup or 100 pills down.

I really wouldn't recommend it though. There's been cases of people taking 3000mg at 40mg/kg and surviving. The LD50 is apparently 115mg/kg for rats if that's anything to go by.

Either way, you're probably going to have a really bad time and only maybe die.

It's not gonna ferment without yeast, and plastic is breathable which will totally fuck up the flavour. You could always just make soft cider and get drunk from something else.

Im waiting until i pass a drug test to smoke again, gonna do the snoop dog challenge with my indoor grow and a 1 gram dab

>600mg edible
TEENSY WEENSY BIT of that weedle-dee-deed, my dude. Not enough weed for a dozen guys, what the fuck.

100mg is way too strong for a first time, thats not much for me but for a newbie please do like 10 and see what happens because like 15-20mg could get a newbie high all day, youll get to a point you can eat them on an empty stomach

What I learned with drugs is always do half and do the rest later when testing it

I feel like Im typing weird right now kind of fucked up from some homemade cookies

Need a coffe bad famalamski

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I've been sober for 3 months but I'm so fucking depressed and think I might smoke tonight. Haven't been able to enjoy tv, anime, or anything since. I just want to feel entertained and escape for a little.

>Weed still didn't arrive
>Can't buy opiates before the weed arrives
>Might not have opiates by next weekend
Normies have it easy

>24hours later and i'm not high anymore but still feel like it

drinking and taking some pain pills
hopefully my liver can take this
at least i'm too much of a pussy to buy actual drugs

I wonder who killed themselves this time. Anyone here who knows why the boards are frozen?

>I keep hearing people talking.
is anyone else around, if i get super high and can hear people talking, for example if im on the bus or walking down the street, but not loud enough to understand them, my brain just starts interpriting that noise as something else, as if they're talking to me. This stops as soon as things quiet down or if i put headphones in so i cant hear the murmering of others

Lemme tell you a story
>stop being straight edge
>decide to mingle with normos
>host party
>weed smoke smoke
>lit as fuck "ayy lmao"
>drink bong water as a joke

Now im a joke

>be waiting around in a place not many people pass through. secluded enough to be alone but people pass through every once in awhile
>guy comes up to me
>hey do you smoke bud?
>here take my number, hit me up if you need anything

and thats how i got my current dealers number
no friends needed

slight audible hallucinations are common if you get really fucked up. it's really annoying when it happens.

This cant be real how is it possible u were able to befrend normiees so fast

if a "bad" trip causes you to sort your life out afterwards is it really a bad trip? or just what you needed to hear?

Im going out if town. How do I find a dealer

>drink bong water as a joke
thats how i know you are a robot, though, good on you for trying, i wouldnt of made it that far

You guys are the biggest group of sniveling little pieces of shit I've ever seen in my life


edibles??? Or somn diff?

Retarded. Plain and simple. You're either underage or retarded

TFW I dab 250mg+ of THC to the dome every day and it barely gets me high.

I hate having a retarded tolerance and being dependant on marijuana. Fuck Crohns disease.

>str*ight edge scum bringing bad vibes as usual

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