11-Year-Old Spanish Girl Gives Birth To 14-Year-Old Brother's Baby

>Authorities investigating the 11-year-old mother said they have determined the baby's father is her older brother - and he was just 13 years old when he got her pregnant.
>[...] gave birth at a hospital in Murcia, south east Spain, where consensual incest between adults is legal.

The fuck is going on in Spain?

Attached: Capture.png (1069x840, 646K)

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Peru is where it's at

should've let them play video games

This is very much something that would happen in Espana and pretty much only Espana.

>generalizing an entire country over 1 occurrence

Attached: best reaction image'.jpg (250x250, 7K)

I hope the three of them are able to live a relatively happy life but I know that probably won't be the case. sad that this happened, if only because of the society we live in.

>Spain, where consensual incest between adults is legal.


Attached: 1512670011316.jpg (563x503, 21K)

Incest is legal everywhere. Marriage may be illegal in some countries/states but nowhere is it illegal to fuck family members.

At best, the child will be raised as a sibling and will never know the truth. It probably is a freak occurrence but the fact that incest is legal is kinda fucked.

>the birth of an American

It's not legal in the USA.

>thinking the babby should have been killed for this
It'll probably be fine.
Just beat the son, either beat the daughter as well or if it was rape give the son a second beating, keep the kids away from each other and raise the baby as their "sibling"
badda bing badda boom

AbsoIutely nothing wrong with that.

Neither is prostitution (in most States).
Or nudism.
What a weird country.


i didn't know 11 year olds could get pregnant

the youngest pregnancy in recorded history was of a little South American eight year old.

Just like in my Japanese hentai mangas

pretty common here in south america

Now everytime someone complains about 'kids below 16 can't give birth', show this image.

Good for her!
I hope she treats him well

Not the incest part so much but still jealous as fuck tbqh famala