/black feels/

>tfw walking to my car and see a police officer
>he stops and ask what i'm doing
>I'm getting in my car sir
>he gets out
>lemme see some identification
>refuse because what the fuck did i do?
>he gets more aggressive towards me
>warns me to let me see identification
>start yelling at him what did i do!?!?!?
>gets tazed
>get handcuffed and taken to the back of his car
>finally show him my ID after he fished it out of my pocket
>get a ticket to appear in court for resisting arrest

Any black bots been through this? This happened 3 days ago and I'm still sore :(

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Other urls found in this thread:


Should have shown him your ID you fucking idiot.
What did you expect from disobeying an officer of the law?

Sounds like it's fake and even if it's real it still sounds like you are changing key details.

Nigga why should I show him shit for? I didn't do shit wrong

Bad idea to yell at a cop in general if you dont know a lot about the law, especially if youre black.

Blacks feel around police the way whites feel around blacks

>Blacks thinking asking for id is some great hate crime
Pretty much everyone who is stopped by a cop whether or not they did anything are asked ID and guess what??
If you just show it to them and not be a sperg they will usually tell you to have a nice day and be safe. Obviously there are bad cops but it is grossly exaggerated

Not sure why you didn't just show him your ID...

They fear the big police cock is what you are saying?

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Don't pull this libertarian horseshit. Fucking cooperate with police officers. It's common sense. What do you lose by showing him your ID?

>there was an entire thread rating each race by attraction
>nearly everyone put black last
>people will still deny that blacks can be robots
Is there a worse feel bros?


To add on. I once got stopped at night because apparently there was a killer in the neighborhood I didnt want to tell them what I was up to (meeting for gay sex, not my proudest moment)so it made me look suspicious, I had a box cutter on my floor (for work) so the cunt pulled me out of my car twisted arm back, and searched my shit.(against my permission) I thought it was illegal but apparently it was classified as a Terry search due to circumstances and cutter. Fuckers.
>inb4 dumb nog

Just because you don't agree with the officer doesn't mean you shouldn't comply.

I'm not saying this as a bootlicker but as someone who tries to avoid all confrontation as possible. You should do the same instead of victimizing yourself and causing a scene for no reason.

seriously, why do retards try to chest beat with cops? it practically obligates them to beat your defective ass,
deal with that shit with legal council.
Physically cooperate, Be polite, Lawyer the fuck up.

>white kid in exact same situation
>*shows officer his ID without escalating the situation*
>"ok son have a good night"

white privilege sure is great

If you didn't do anything wrong, then why were you so defensive? Having a reaction like that basically is asking the cop to beat your ass.

Why didnt you just show him your id?

i never hear stories of asians getting stopped and taking out their ids

why is that??

>redneck white kid in exact same situation
>chimps out and gets the shit beaten out of him
>no one cares cause fuck white trash.

cause it happens all the time but they do politely and then get sent on their way without incident, never becoming a story because it was a non event.

Probably because blacks commit way more crime than Asians?

>nigger yells at cop and then gets physical and aggressive
wonder why you got a charge

Hmm. no way. That couldn't be it

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lm a girl

>walking to the liquor store at midnight
>woop woop
>cop blocks me with his car
>"Hey, what are you doing?"
>"Walking to the liquor store.."
>"Can I see your ID?"
>Cop looks at it
>"Can you take your shoes off and show me the bottoms?"
>"Uhh...I guess, sure"
>Looks at my shoes
>Goes to his car
>Hear his radio talking about a specific shoe type
>Hear more sirens in the background
>Hear the radio say something about "..10 feet out from the broken window they used to get in.."
>Cop comes back, says "Ok, that's all we need. Thanks"
>"Whats up there was a robbery I take it?"
>"I heard your radio, guy, and the sirens are obviously other patrols searching "
>"Oh..heh, yeah. Alright well have a good night"


My Asian therapist says I should stop getting angry whenever my little brother listens to rap. What is some good rap for starters so I could at least attempt to understand why he likes the genre so much?

Just make him listen to the good stuff

he likes it because you have to in order to fit in
thats literally it

I'm white and listen to young thug and future. MGK is a pretty good white rapper.

Because Asians just show them our IDs then go on our way you fucking retard nigger. Why the fudk do you even care about showing your ID?
t. Asian

It's more than just fitting in. He actually loves rap. He's always humming, listening to songs when he plays video games, and singing in the shower.

Substantial, L-Universe, Marcus D, Cisestarr

>small dick gook calling someone else retarded


Dude, I'm asian. And every white girl I knows prefer blacks and whites than asians. They always think we have the smallest of dicks, eat dogs, stuff like that

Run the jewels 3

First of all, cops are complete fucking assholes and I've been in similar situations myself many times over as a white bot who lived in low income, high crime areas. Was this cop actually racist? To some extent, probably. But the hard part is accepting the fact that cops have every reason to be racist based on crime statistics. You have your fellow blacks to thank for the way cops see young black men as likely criminals.

With that said, getting arrested for "resisting arrest" is total bullshit and not even possible. He probably charged you with "evasion" and then slapped on resisting arrest. You were right, of course. You do not have to show ID unless he has reasonable suspicion that you have committed a crime, which he didn't have. But next time just give the fucking douchebag your ID and move on.

TL:DR: Cops are unbearable faggots but not necessarily racist faggots.

If you're driving you lose a few of your privileges and the police can stop you and id you freely.
He was bending the rules there

You shouldn't have yelled and you should have given id

I have a few questions:
>Did he tell you he was going to use force?
>What crime was he arresting you for?(eg to resist arrest you have be arrested for something right)

You should look up laws regarding reasonable suspicion and probable cause. He can't stop you unless he suspects you of committing a crime. Additionally the police can basically lie and say: "suspicious behavior" like looking around and seeming nervous. He could say he "suspects" you of about to commit a robbery or having just commited a robbery or some shit like that.

Not black, but it sounds like racial profiling sucks.

>refuse because what the fuck did i do?

Pretty sure they seemed suspicious of you commiting a robbery because it was midnight and you're walking around.

Also if he did stop a real felon a cop is worried about the perp having a weapon. Many cops DO get shot.

I'm not black tho so i don't really know how it feels to be racially profiled. Take my words with a grain of salt

I live in NYC and have never had bad experiences with cops. Only good ones. This thicc officer would nod to me from the fruit stands when i passed by her. She was a qt

>tfw no officer gf to target me based on racial bias

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its not a race thing, cops hate it when you know your rights and dont want to show them your id

but its not my job to make their job easier, its my job to make my life as convinient as possible and showing my id can make my life less convinient if they later decide im suddenly a suspect, can then get called in to the police station on an unrelated day

fuck that noise, dont id yourself unless legally required


classic stuff. I'm not realy big on rap but im big on biggie

we should do away with the police and form private militias.

Yeah but at least Asians are still generally respected outside of the dick thing and I did used to know some black girls that liked male k-pop stars. I don't know what your chances are but you should have a decent chance at getting a loyal asian girl right?

Fuck yall, we have rights for a reason. 1776 in this bitch.

Cos we can't drive

legit tho most of my family can't drive. Women in very traditional households don't leave house.

I've been stopped a few times, but i've played it cool and cops just let me off.

Still think that black bois got it worse tho. A few bad apples spoil the bunch

I was merely pointing out how easy things are if you just comply. I was a suspect in a robbery AND gave up too much information, making them think I knew something, but even then it was all ez pz
last bit about racism was sarcasm

hated rap before finding this album

I'm asian and I want a QT black gf

but yeah white girls don't really see asians as datable

Neither does any white person but we comply.
I think this is the basis of the difference between our races. I genuinely don't think whites or blacks are smarter or dumber, but I think whites are much more willing and like to have hierarchies and defer to authority more than blacks. We love it, we like military uniforms and hierarchy and ranks and fanfare and all that stuff, black people don't for some reason.
Like in this situation, a white person just shows him the ID, he's given an order by an authority figure (within reason) and you do it.

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or we can just stop providing police and emergency services to poor high crime neighborhoods and let them purge themselves.

gotcha man, i thought you were serious can't really see sarcasm as well online, sorry.

>gets frustrated by Jow Forums fag's reply
>writes story that never pans out
>is obviously frustrated that they are correct

sure showed that whitefag.

He most likely was:
1. Seeing if you were someone on the wanted list/ looked similar to a criminal/someone who did anything against the law
2. Because of lack of context, most likely it had to do with something you were near or crimes committed near or some shit
All you had to do was show your ID. You're a moron if you just assume he's going to get you unless your area has a thing with cops actually being shit, most likely it was the opposite.
Show your ID to an officer and you're good. He's not asking for anything else or randomly wants you to lay down. You're lucky to have cops in your area, nigger.

>never committed crime
>never do drugs
>just black and a little poor because i'm a NEET
>get harassed by police for no reason

Just don't carry ID retard. What the fuck do you need ID for anyway.

If you don't carry ID then the have to take you to a police station and fingerprint you. The problem is there has to be a reason for them to take you in to verify your identity.

Without a reason, this becomes an illegal stop and actually creates more of a problem for the officer.

Police are not the arbitrators of the law. Judges are. I only carry ID when I am drinking and or driving. Aside from that I don't need it.

Officer: Give me ID
Me: I don't have.
Officer: Give me ID or I will arrest you.
Me: I don't have search me.
Officer (afyer checking pockets): You know you should really carry ID...
Me: I'm not driving.
Officer ...

How can the officer know that? All he sees is a poor black guy.
>just black and a little poor because i'm a NEET
Poor people are more likely to commit crimes. If you look like Urkel from Family Matters you think you're gonna get harrassed?

you deserved it nigger. you accomplish absolutely nothing by disobeying a police officer. this isn't wakanda you faggot.

be a good nigger next time and remember you live in the white man's world.

found the white trash.
get back in your trailer and make more meth.

I actually watched a nerdy black kid get harrassed and he was a harmless twig, breathing hard, crying and the cop just kept screaming at him for no real reason.
He gets super nervous when cops are around and told the cop that when the cop asked why hes being figgity (hes a nervous fuck) and the cop just flipped his shit
We got pulled over for a search since our vehicle matched a vague description
None of us moved because well if we did chances are wed get shot if it even mildly LOOKED like we had a gun
Had a ps vita in my pocket and i was sweating bullets that night
Tbh cops make me nervous too though, they are jumpy and armed and as soon as one scream gun gun gun youre taking a bullet even if there wasnt one

>Give me your name
>*Runs your name*

Same thing, just more effort. All they need is your name to bring up an image of your ID.
Lie about your name they will take you in. Give them your real name and they do a check, see if its really you, arrest for warrant or let you go.
Literally no difference except not having your ID holds you up longer.

when confronted by a policeman, calmly communicate. He only wants your ID to make sure you are who you say you are and that you're not a wanted criminal.
you don't start screaming WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO?!!?!?!?
>gets tazed
nigga from the story you typed you could have sued him for tazing you for excessive force.

go Hispanic desu. Especially if you are Viet the Hispanic girls love them some Catholic Asian cock.

This was a big thing in my city recently...
>commit crimes at 3x the rate
>randomly stopped and ID'd by cops at 2x the rate
>"Oh my god how could the police target the poor african-canadians, this is blatant institutional racism."
Do you honestly not see the logic behind what the cops do?

>things that never happen

I'm the guy you responded to, and completely DISREGARDED my entire post.
This is bait lads. Real bait

a lot of white guys like kendrick lamar and also black people say he's good too
i've never listened to him and i'm also white and don't listen to rap so i don't know

Kendrick Lamar sucks and has a squeaky voice.

i feel like no matter how "cute" i make myself i'm always gonna be someone's last choice
there was that thread of people listing what races they're date and black usually came in last
if i got some colored contacts maybe i could pass for a different race

Its not just usa you dumb blackass, here police can ask you for your id out of nothing, you would get fucked no matter what color of skin you hav, just show your goddamn id and go away

>refuse because what the fuck did i do?
Are you dumb, nigger? You don't need to do anything for officer to check you. Maybe a criminal that is on the run looks like you, maybe you just look suspicious - just comply and cooperate. Is it that hard?

>what did i do
Tfw this niggo acted like in kindergarten when a girl tells teacher you grab her hair

>whites = German LARPers that got beaten twice in a row in wars they started

You're not wrong on that stuff to a degree, but that's not the best example.

Attached: beaten up & raped-german-woman-near-czechoslovakia-1945-wwii.jpg (564x451, 37K)

>everyone says blacks can't be robots
>join a black robot discord
>half of them have had sex or gfs
>they clearly see virgins as pathetic
>kinda start to ghost them
I just want to meet black losers like me.

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>mu-muh oppreshun!11
it happens all the time retard, it never makes the news cause hey! no one cares.

There are next to no Catholic viets, that'd be flips. Viets are either atheist, traditional Confucian, or Buddhist. No diety worship.

I'm racist as fuck but if that really happened OP then you're 100% right to be pissed off. Everyone in here saying "why didn't you just show ID" is a sackless bootlicker who probably should be sent to a gulag to do hard labor until they die, because they were born to be slaves.

I disagree with most of the black lives matter stuff, but many cops really are just schoolyard bullies who grew up and got a badge. And everyone knows it. It's why a large percentage of the population is not sad when they do those overblown parades for dead cops.

Why do you wanna brood with black losers over discord

>all these boot licking honkies on my Jow Forums absolutely sickening

Cos he wants to leach some pussy

>Pardon me user can I see your ID please? Please cooperate.
and then user gets tased and acts like he was in the right

>nigger intelligence in action
I live in a country with approx 0.00000000001% nigger population and police officers ask for ID randomly regardless. They check it out, ask some general questions, then bid a good day.
I suggest you get rid of that victim complex of yours asap.

>muh dick mofugga
every damn time

i find the amount of victim carding niggers on this board absolutely sickening

>waiting to cross the street
>old lady hobbles over lugging a massive bag
>ask her if she'd like help getting it across the street
>she looks at me like she's fucking terrified and hobbles into traffic, nearly dies from oncoming traffic because she stepped out before the light even changed
This sort of thing happens so much. I'm not even intimidating looking. I'm like 5'10'', I wear thick glasses because I'm fucking blind, I dress like a nerd, and I don't do much lifting so I'm pretty thin. My hairstyle is basic as fuck, it's not some crusty dread thing. I should look like the most boring motherfucker on the planet, but so often people kill themselves crossing the street to get away from me like I'm gonna kill them.
>getting off the bus
>pull string before this old asian woman can do it
>bus stops, get off
>old asian lady behind me trying to get off the same bus, but she's got one of those wheeled carts full of groceries in it and she's struggling to push it out of the bus without it falling to the ground and ruining her stuff
>offer to help her; grab the front side of the cart and pull it out
>she looks at me like I just slapped her grandson
>doesn't even say thanks
>when we're both off the bus she j-walks across the street in a hurry, only to cross back to my side of the street once I'm far enough away
And then there's the work related stuff.
>go to work.
>surrounded by middle aged white dudes dressed like homeless people, everyone just gives them the benefit of the doubt and assumes they belong there
>I show up early, dressed professionally
>some bitch from HR comes in 20 minutes later wearing yoga pants to work, and gives ME looks
>asks me who let me into the building
>"I WORK here."
>just says "oh" and walks away
And then you have the millions of women who assume you're a violent criminal or a wife beater and won't even entertain the idea of dating you, and the black women who aren't legit crazy shack up with white dudes. Black robots are fucked.

I don't even want to brood. I want to encourage self-improvement, make genuine bonds, and grow together as people, to the point where we're all confident and slaying pussy on the regular. Shit, they don't even have to be black, really.

Ill add you on psn if you want

I've had good feels today
>I usually use my "quiet voice" when speaking
>have presentation, and use my actual voice
>everyone snaps to attentions and don't say a word until I'm done
>"I really like your voice user"

today was the first good day in a long time

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>disobey officer, who happens to be a human
>humans are creatures of habit
>that officer has dealt with hundreds if not THOUSANDS of black/non-white crazy cunts with a gat jammed down their pants thinking they're the king of the world
Wait another forty years for the police to be as absolutely cucked as the UK police are, then you'll be good to go.

I have a discord I've been trying to get people to join, though it's a work in progress.


>be 20 year old white male
>fucking barely legal Asian girl in back of my car
>Hear tapping on window
>Oh shit
>Officer asks us to put clothes on and step out of the car
>Asks for ID and we both show him
>Think I'm fucked
>"Look, you really can't be doing this. A kid could have seen you and you would both be in very big trouble. I'm letting you go but don't let me catch you doing this again."

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Dumb nigger he should've just Michael Brown'd your ass

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I joined. DM me your psn so we can play fortnite

>and then user wakes up and resumes his daily life shitposting on Jow Forums

It must suck being a decent black man

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This is in California, too. Everyone acts like this state is some liberal hippie state, but it's full of closeted bigots. I attended university in one of the most liberal cities in the state and still had to deal with the kinds of shit I wrote about in my first post on a daily basis, compounded with extra academic shit like people being surprised I got accepted or assuming affirmative action had something to do with it (despite public universities in California doing away with AA several years before I even considered applying), owners of multiple bookstores asking me to check in my bookbag at the front while letting white women with MASSIVE handbags walk by without an issue, and students being anxious about pairing up with me for assignments. This sort of thing doesn't sound bad when it's written as a one-off thing but when you constantly see proof on a daily basis that everyone thinks you're up to no good, it fucks you up after a while. Shit's made me super anxious every time I go out, and I generally stay indoors and have friends through the internet because I can't fucking stand dealing with people who judge solely on appearance. Going outside and dealing with these people is constantly the shittiest part of my day, I really can't stand any of them.



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the ABSOLUTE states of america

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>Neither does any white person but we comply.
white people aren't targeted or even looked at by police when they walk up to their cars. A white person would never be put in this situation. Anyone that thinks otherwise hasn't ever been near a low income neighborhood.