Why do normies like Harry Potter? It's so fucking stupid

Why do normies like Harry Potter? It's so fucking stupid.

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Normies care more about pervasiveness than quality.

Were you born in the 21st century? Because for most young people today that was their childhood.

This. My mom read it to me as a toddler.

Nope I was part of the Harry Potter generation. This series is just fucking gay. Get over yourself.

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Not op, but I never liked harry pooper, spongeboob, or (insert dumb shit reddit worships)

Because it's simplistic, childish shit. People who didn't grow out of it are literal emotionally stunted. People who compare serious issues about politics to Harry Potter are beyond hope.

It spends a lot of time on small details about the world so it's good for escapism.

harry potter is super overrated

Same as game of thrones
Only until some celebrity approves it then normos ale all in with herd mentality

while we're at it pic related is garbage too

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Haha imagine not enjoying one of the major pop culture phenomenon of your generation.

I was watching game of thrones with normies. I said I did not like it and they were viciously antagonistic the rest of the day.

Woah, they may already know. Ffs dont say anything wrong about nintendo or soymilk.

>Were you born in the 21st century?
Thankfully not.

I watched chamber of secrets at the cinema when i was a kid. Never got further into it except when my mum bought me the ps1 game of the same name.
The whole harry potter series is pretty much meh; It's cute but who the fuck would take it so seriously?

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harry potter is good
lord of the rings is good
game of thrones is good
breaking bad is REALLY good

virgin opinions truly are not worthwhile opinions

Wtf is the appeal for game of thrones? I never understood.

because it's kino you fucking pleb

LOTR is fine. Everything else in there is shit.

first 3-4 seasons are entertaining. the rest is shit. same with the books, first 3 books are entertaining reads, the rest is a boring slog.

I'm old as balls. Do kids even like Harry Potter? Seems like it was more of a millennial thing.

game of thrones is actually better than lord of the rings in some aspects.

Only for fapping

and political intrigue, and long monologues, and unnecessary violence. Not in terms of score, or CGI or acting merit *with consistency

>political intrigue, and long monologues
That is just pseudo intellectual bullshit to make normies feel smart for listening. No appeal for me.

pseudo intellectual as opposed to actual intellectualism portrayed in LOTR or whatever it is that you think is better than game of thrones.

>pseudo intellectualism
is just a meme spouted when you want to seem like an intellectual yourself and can't muster the argument for why you don't like something

It just means overcomplicating bullshit for the sake of seeming smart. It is what made Eva less amazing than it could have been.

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who says it's for the sake of being smart? it's fiction about zombies and dragons and incest, best not to take it so seriously. That's why they call if fantasy

Nostalgia keeps it running, the films gave it extra life, typical YA novel bullshit to make it popular in first place. I was not impressed by the series but it wasn't too bad. Fandom is cancer.

It is liberal propaganda anyways