Just got back from browsing Crystal Cafe. Any other robots do this?
Just got back from browsing Crystal Cafe. Any other robots do this?
Other urls found in this thread:
I feel kinda dumb for not knowing what that is, but I'm too scared to look it up
It's way too slow, also boring
>It's way too slow, also boring
want to do something slow and boring with me?
I found the fats at lolcow to be more entertaining.
I dont get this joke, I must be dumb
big love, baby
"Female only" chan spinoff from lolcow I think, spinoff of /cgl/.
Yes, which is why I only check it once every few weeks. And now that it has an official discord it's probably even slower.
It does seem more mild than lolcow. It has a "man dislike" thread instead of a "man hate" thread.
oh lmao, I thought it was a cp site for some reason
I didn't even know what TERFs were before I saw this
>I thought it was a cp site for some reason
where is your mind at???
keep it there
Just saw this
>Admin, can you please talk with the Jow Forums mods to ban any mention of crystal.cafe on Jow Forums or something like that? Look what have they done to the man dislike thread on /b/. I'm afraid mere bans don't suffice to keep them away. Also, why is au-tism filtered?
Do you think Hiro/Rapeape will bother?
the women who use cc seem nice but the lolcow women are really scary
i did too for some reason. what the fuck
Probably not, man dislike threads are just containment threads anyway and she is too dumb to realize it
>Do you think Hiro/Rapeape will bother?
I know I wouldn't. Fuck em.
Are men allowed on the site?
I know they can't enforce it, but will they ban you if you say you're a man?
it's woman only, dont even browse let alone post or you're breaking the rules
They will ban you if they suspect you to be one.
oh shit, I might as well turn myself in now
yes, actually. it's literally rule 7
Good user, come peacefully and no one gets hurt
So they'll ban you if you disagree with them?
I'm not surprised.
>literally rule 7
what do you mean by this
What the fuck is a creamy crusted curdled crumpled corroded corkscrewed cummy cuck cock?
Can we raid this site?
I've only been on it for 15 minutes, and I already hate it.
i need to stop because its just the equivalent of reading girls diaries
i've already added one from discord and they don't even know I'm a guy. Been lurking since November 2017. The key is to not be some kind of attention-seeker whiner who flocks to the men-hate threads to play devils advocate. I'm eager to see my discord acquaintance's reaction when they find out i'm a guy.
>what do you mean by this
So, this is the power of brainlets.
I don't want to be around other woman irl why would someone make a dedicated site for just that purpose?
>"literally rule 7"
>implying that the number 7 has any significance
>its not even the first rule
and you're calling me a brainlet?
There was some vore site with "cafe" (or "kafe"?) in the name, so maybe that just triggered your assumption of hardcore shit
What she's saying in response to this is As in yeas men will be banned because
>It's ;literally rule 7
how is vore hardcore?
I guarantee more than half of the posters on Crytal Cafe are guys.
Alrighty bucko, saying literally before something, makes it seem like the following word is important.
You could've just said "yes, actually. it's rule 7", instead of saying that its literally 7.
Keep that in mind next time lad, and have a good night.
You mean cannibal cafe?
Definition of the word "literally" copypasta from webster.
in a literal manner or sense; exactly.
Oh I'm sorry? Where does it say that it adds importance to the word?
Please stop mentioning the site here. You're ruining it by creating an influx of male lurkers who post shitty threads in the same way BLACKED and trap/cuck posters ruined this board.
What you did just there, adding literally before saying stupid.
It added emphasis to the next word.
Let me use an example.
Are you literally retarded?
they all flock to the man-dislike/vent threads and ooga-booga until they get bored. Obvious to spot
This is how you teach people. Monkey see monkey do.
What we just used was the informal usage of the word "literally" defined as emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true.
user was using the formal version you were assuming informal because you can't into English
Quit samefagging, this thread only has room for one stupid person, and that person is you.
What is the point of saying "literally" before something if it doesn't add any meaning?
That's like saying I'm literally human, it doesn't add that much meaning to it.
If the first rule stated that no boys were allowed, then it would've made sense to say that it was literally the first rule.
Because I would only have to see the first rule to know that I wasn't welcomed there.
But it was rule number 7, what is so special about number 7?
You must be one of those dumb roasties who use the word "literally" whenever they feel like it's necessary.
"I'm literally going to the bathroom right now", "I'm literally alive right now", "I'm literally tired right now".
Have a good night.
Sounds like that would be you since I know the difference between formal and informal speech.
remember this guys women are a bunch of hypocrite roastie who will cheat or snitch you.
They only care about themselves
>mfw I'm a woman and was being serious. I'm not even accepted by my own kind
>le raid thread
I hope this shit thread dies soon
Whatever helps you sleep lad, sweet dreams!
This. They're all normie sluts. You people are retarded if you think actual sluts would go to some user place and not use some online internet persona ala reddit if not some outright social media.
>le raid thread
delusional woman this aint no raid, go back to cooking your brain is wasted here
Why are women so hard to talk to?
what happens when the farts build up in that chamber? will the residents die from the methane?
I didn't originally mean to quote anyone
That's funny actually, I first heard about the site by a female poster here named Bebe. I even told her in the thread she made that it was like an invitation to raid.
Bebe is an attention whore who did that on purpose because she got banned.
Oh, no wonder. I knew she must have had some beef with it but she deflected it my asking.
You would probably get the same answer if you asked what happens when farts build up in the iss
idk what the iss is, user
International Space Station
They're a bunch of trannies.
It's funny how only femoids feel the need to have female only safe spaces. Even though many robots don't like fembots I rarely see them calling for a rule banning them. males ftw
There's Wizardchan you know
There are maybe 3 male only forums like that. Femoids have thousands.
rarely but the misandry is too depressive to browse for long.
I find it really interesting to read threads on there, like a bizarro Jow Forums
a very educational experience to say the least
Are we doing taxes, user?
This is just /cgl/ culture with no topic constraint. It's just every shitty off-topic thing about /cgl/ culture with absolutely no bounding on it. There's even a /cgl/ board on it. It's just a dense yet heterogenous concentration of /cgl/.
I love it.
>OP does a raid thread
>instead of posting blacked cuck shit like OP wants me to do I just say "I'm a male" and leave
Who here /slightly devilish/
lold irl
i feel really pretty when i lurk there
but i'm too shy to post
I got banned for a year for being male. Yeah idk why it was a year, maybe by next march i'll have grown a vagina.
I'm shit posting there right now triggering these whores why arent you guys in the man hate thread?
Lmao banned for having a cock pathetic
Saw this. What exactly was the guy's fault here? Boners are involuntary.
>On train to visit parents with then girlfriend
>Train is a column of 3 seater chairs and a column of 2 seaters
>Two seats available on the 3 seater, some dude is in the windowseat, I sit in the middle seat with her on the outside
>It's a long train ride, read for a bit and girlfriend eventually cuddles close to me
>Quickly give her a kiss when she moves close, before she curls into my shoulder to try and sleep
>Man beside us coughs and attempts to cross his legs
>Man beside us has giant errection
>Gently shake girlfriend awake, say it's our stop
>"No it's not, we just got on"
>"No, no, you've been asleep, come on"
>Move to compartment where the doors are (it's separate from the seating) and tell her about the dude
>She laughs hysterically, I say she wouldn't find it as funny if she was right next to him
>She concedes that and we move to another carriage for the rest of the trip
>Men are pigs I swear to fuck.
Their minor pda, or just the thought of them together was arousing to him. That's pretty awkward.
fuck this shit i'm leaving
original oreganooo