If this post is singles you'll loose your virginity TOMORROW

If this post is singles you'll loose your virginity TOMORROW

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Not likely.


Unlikely but rolling.

i don't even plan on going anywhere tomorrow.

I can't wait! To be fucking disappointed.

>not doing shit tomorrow due to being a betafag with no friends

best i could do is watch anime and order dominos like a fag

woot woot! im doing it boys!

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>Send your cutest delivery boi

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>Lose virginity
>I'm still a useless piece of shit

Sex doesn't magically fix your life.

Nice haha seeya later virgins

kek hates me so he will give me dubs

These doubles say everything about this thread is a lie.

Please take it back user, the only way I'm ever fucking is if I get raped and my boipucci can't handle that

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Loosey goosey

there's no difference between lose and loose
p.s. Observe the latter digits of my post number.

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origernal rolle

Loose implies it's a dirty, loose, dry hole.


Smelly virgin

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originally oh

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Not gonna happen originall

I'm actually going out tomorrow after being a shut-in for so long. Is this my time bros?

Please bless me slaanesh

Ffs not original.

>Off by one.

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Looks like we're getting laid

see you later faggots

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sounds good, doesn't work


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this is the only time I'll get quints for sure

y e s, i w a i t e d e n o u g h

Rolling boyzzz cya later

The likely hood of anything that good happening to me on my birthday is pretty much 0.


Well you dodged a quint made out of 5s if that means anything. Jesus that's just depressing to look at. hahahaha

Yeah, I saw that. It is honestly probably for the best that I did.

Ezpz Cya later virgins

Trips i will loose it today

checkem boys
its an original comment now you cunt filter

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Id have to regain it first

Check en

Also are some boards frozen?????

Virginity status: protected by Denuvo

poastie postieeee
teehee! deedle dee!


>lmplying I'II get singles

Well... here we go boys. Looks like im getting out of here!

Not even really gonna happen me fucking retarted yuuuh