all i said is that robots are delusionals virgin, which is a fact
all i said is that robots are delusionals virgin, which is a fact
Made me chuckle for a moment.
that place is not for normalfaggots like you. read the rules next time.
>Jow Forums
>A place for hanging out and posting greentext stories.
>Global Rule #3 is in effect - /b/ material belongs on /b/
>Advice threads belong on Jow Forums
>Purposefully evading the ROBOT9000 filter is not permitted.
What went wrong?
Looks like you got bad luck on Friday the 13th, hehe.
>implying I browse cuckchan regularry
i just came here to cry
Hopefully the mods continue to do gods work
Also nice ban evasion
Looks like an off-brand website. You can tell by the special snowflake name he had on and the entirely different ban format.
Ain't for you either, poser.
>13 weeks
should have been permanent you gay
>ban evasion
>being this retarded
This is a ban on infinity chan's Jow Forums you normies.
People used to treat me like shit the first time I didn't know what it was, and know this.
Haha, looks like they were right. You are a normalfaggot.
I'm gonna treat you like shit one more time for not noticing how this place has turned to shit.
>special snowflake name
>literally what the users are called
You are the special one.
This is why you are treated like shit, normalslave.
What was the post you where replying to?
And here comes the ban evasion permaban. I hope the mods make it public.
"As the normalniggers drink soy we eat the onions, soon we will reconquer our planet."
"Blood and fire will come, we will deliver and take as we should had a long time ago. Never forget, we are superior."
who you callin a poser
Please tell me what is that chan, i'm going there as soon as I can. fuck this degenerate infested place, I will spam gore CP once I find a better place.
Please don't leave. I only need 3 months. Also, it's r9k on 8. How do you not know this?
>I only need 3 months.
For what?
youre a faggot normie thus you got banned justifiably
fuck off
>You are the special one.
I don't need an entire subreddit to show how special and unique I am.
To make a place for you to go.
You're trolling now, right?
I mean, some virgins are delusional. The ones who think it's smart to "befriend" (fake being friends in hopes of getting what you want) women are.
they don't fuck around on double chan. They want to keep that place norman free
You just aren't cut-out to understand us. Leave, normalfag.
>You're a normalfag for calling me normie because I don't know what infinity chan's Jow Forums is
Only a little less than a year ago, everyone would call you that for not knowing.
I did notice it's going to shit for a while, which is why I go on infinity chan more the last year.
>You're wrong for calling me a normie
>uses reddit
>believes he's above anyone
A bullet is what you need
Now get lost, normie.
Leave and forget about this place. The only thing worth seeing will be here in due time.
>this thread
i only come here to laugh at you
Should get banned here too, also this
>phone posting
You are the normalnigger. Stop trying to fit in for you will never be one of us.
Read the thread, retard.
What will happen lad? Someone else mentioned some mysterious shit too that'll happen.
Hope you don't mean April 23rd or 24th
I saw you on another thread. Any indirect person waiting for the other to ask what you're talking about are usually inconsistent people.
Infinity chan has an r9k, and it may be slow, but I doubt yours would be faster
So you are the cuckchanner who spam the cuckchan threads heh, you fucking crossposter? You are the cancer we will burn first. Pray Jow Forums gets you first in the big day.
>implying speed matters at all
>implying speed isn't inversionally proportional to quality
hate is too fucking fast and its still getting faster. If you think speed is good them stay in the tranny-loving female-tolerating piss-lake
I haven't linked a single foorchan thread on r9k and I don't even make threads there. I doubt I'm the only one who knows about both, jesus you fucking normies are glow in the dark
>Read the thread, retard.
You're a normalfag, you should get banned on Jow Forums's Jow Forums as well as that *chan's Jow Forums.
I'm not op you projecting critter, and you cant hide you read now loser.