Hey "nice guys" of Jow Forums, I want you to imagine something. Imagine liking a girl and she seems to like you back...

Hey "nice guys" of Jow Forums, I want you to imagine something. Imagine liking a girl and she seems to like you back. You get along really well together. You even sleep together. You love her and would do anything to make her happy because just being with her fills you with joy. But then you find out she's been fooling around with another guy and when you confront her, she denies there was anything serious between you two. Then she just leaves you, leaves you alone to feel angry, sad, confused, betrayed, mistrustful, hopeless, and empty.

Terrible, isn't it? Well that's what it is like to be a nice girl. Being friendzoned has nothing on this.

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>i went after chad and he played with me then threw me out liked a used tampon when stacy came along


Are you actually retarded? You're analogy makes 0 sense. I mean, I just cant even comprehend how you are drawing whatever conclusion you are trying to draw here. This has to be a 70 IQ or something. Jesus christ

>You even sleep together
Kill yourself, you disgusting used goods.

If somebody like you conversely chose the wrong woman and she was unfaithful to you, you would be the first to bemoan your fate on r9k.

>You even sleep together
This is why women can't be robots.

because i'm a guy and i belong on this board....

Why do only men belong on r9k?


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because we have feels you cannot possibly fathom

Fuck off roastie

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Because only men can know true suffering. desu we're living in matriarchy these days.

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theyre called 'nice guys'because theyre not nice, they just think they are. Dont bother trying to convince them, theyre completely un-self aware. youre on r9k for fucks sake

that guy isn't a "nice guy" you fucking idiot

I'll never "love" again so I can't really imagine

girls dont date you because youre a cunt. youre just another self proclaimed nice guy. Im a robot but at least im not filled with idiotic rage like you

The central fallacy in the common aphorism that "men have it worse than women" is that there is an inherent presumption that the ability to get meaningless sexual intercouse in and of itself is some sort of benefit. Whereas it would be better to live and die alone than to be used in a loveless partnership where you were wanted only for your outward physical appearance.

well done on missing the fucken point retard, i never said OP was a nice guy

Who ever said I was nice? You think I'm still in the beginning stages of a beta? I'm practically Eliot at this point

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'This is only happening because you're dating chads and brads [we "nice guys"] have nothing to do with your dating life because you do not date us you dumb stupid bitch'
>Who ever said I was nice?
You did, dumbass.

You fail to grasp the power of what sexual intercourse comes along with. You are protected by the stronger gender and are given easy routes to success because females are genetically incapable of achieving what man has achieved. Society bends its back for you people giving you scholarships, jobs, friends, and security, AND you still manage to bitch and complain. Not only do you bitch and moan all day about how hard you have it, you come into this board and start crying about how hard your life is because Chad didn't want to be in a relationship with you. There are hundreds and thousands of robots here who would gladly date you if you weren't being a fucking idiot on this thread right now.

girls are only noticed for their outward physical appearance

guys are only noticed for their outward physical appearance, how much money he makes, how big his house is, what kind of car he drives, how confident he is, etc etcetcetc

female abundance mentality is so sickening. you would not be saying things like this if you knew what it was like to be truly undesirable.

so desperate you are to claim misery that you make up a reason for why your options are worse than nothing.

like omg these guys like want to have sex with me like eww omg like why dont they like notice my like personality ya know like what the hell

Dumb stupid fucking idiot why do you think I used quotations? Tell me? What are quotations used for?

Dumbass whiteknight go read a book on grammar before you start running your mouth

not to mention guys still have to worry about being liked for shallow reasons on top of everything else.

>comparing subjective experiences

Sexual intercourse is a shame and a curse and an active hurt if it is unaccompanied by genuine love and partnership, and any partnership founded on a basis of outward physical appearance is fundamentally loveless and vile.

>being a nice girl

go and tell that to all the girls that are jumping on every other chads dick and loving it

holy shit you are retarded. You used the quotation marks in the context of 'quoting' a term that op used, which was: "nice guys". you said 'we' nice guys, which implies exactly what i fucking said. fuck me you are autistic

exactly why i said abundance mentality right here... you're spoiled by choices and you only want the best. this is why some user said you cannot fathom having nothing, because you literally can't.






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I suppose you have nothing to say about the fact that most men choose a woman on the basis of how she looks.

There is virtue and vice in both the sexes of mankind, but you commit the age-old fallacy of confining all the vice to one and the virtue to the other.

yea whatever dude you're stupid I'm down talking with you. Low IQ scum

no shit girls would jump on the dick of someone hot. Reverse the gender roles, would you rather fuck a 10/10 or a 6/10 given the chance.

refer to this post orig

>realises hes wrong
>"haha whatever dude you just have a low iq"

the difference is guys actually still fuck the 6/10s. all the girls just go for the top guys because they are biological whores for alpha chads

Are you claiming that women are not judged for their wealth also? That has always been an enormous consideration in society. Some men used to marry a woman on the basis of her dowry alone to get themselves out of a bad financial situation. Confidence is also a part of female charm.

Dude you are retarded if you don't realize he was referring to himself as a nice guy satirically.

Arguing with holes 101: talking holes always try to make you self aware that you ain't going to fuck her when they don't know what to say in a discussion.

Women are not nearly judged for their wealth and success like men are, wtf. you're on easy mode.


At this point you know what a booty call is, you know that you're going to be fucking and you're going to have this hot guy pounding your disgusting roastie. If you think you're the victim in this situation I pity you. No one is raping you, no one is tricking you into bed, you've been in this situation a hundred times and know exactly what you're doing

thats how it all works dumb shit. everyone chooses someone based on how they look. the rest is just a bunch of fluffy bullshit that people tell themselves to avoid the fact that they only like that person because they like how they look.

im sorry op :( im crossfaded as fuck but i give you kiss

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its r9k, people who genuinely think theyre nice guys arent an unusual occurrence here, so naturally id assume that he wasnt being satirical

>Are you claiming that women are not judged for their wealth also

lmao holy shit no, not at all. guys dont give a fuck what your job is or anything like that at all. zero, none. we don't care. we only care about how fat your ass is.

>contact with women
get out normalnigger

Yeah but he was really obviously being satirical.. also nice guys are a fucking meme, never seen anyone unironically call themselves a nice guy here.

I swear the nice guy is a fantasy of normies to justify guys who don't get laid by making them out to be some kind of bad person.

Well well well seems like you have poor reading comprehension user.

What will you do know?

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how long have you been here? ive spotted at least 3 of them in the wild on r9k in the past week

I think you're lying tbqh.

Benjamin Disraeli is an example of a man who married his wife purely for money.

The pretty first wife of the actor Charles Bronson married him when he had hardly a penny in his pocket, and worked to support him. What was her reward? Infidelity and eventual divorce.

What surprises me about somebody like you is that you have such a vile degraded mind and yet you will insist on blaming other people for your situation in life.

as oppose to the literally thousands of examples of women marrying men grossly wealthier than them?

Good. Women deserve to suffer until theyve paid the price for their retarded actions.

I think he's lying too. The nice guy meme died in 2008. Sort of sad ain't it? Making up lies to try and get his fallacious point across

I could provide you with thousands of examples of the reverse; what of it? Beauty, wealth, and personality are considered desirable by both the sexes.

go on any threads similar to this on r9k or even b and 1 in 4 times youll find one if you stay long enough.

When did I blame you? Explain yourself I don't even know you

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It's different for both men and women, and trying to analogize is a bit of a lost cause. I'm a guy, and I hate to say it, but it is basic biology that we would mate with as many women as possible given the chance, so it's a lot harder to comprehend the female preservative. With most men, it would not make a difference on whether they were used for sex or not, it's only the rejection part where both sexes can empathize. Neither is inherently worse to either sex, and like I said before, it's stupid to try to compare it or say you have it worse. This is not to say that either side is incapable of love and staying with one partner, I'm merely speaking at the most basic biological stand point.

Only there are demonstrativly inherent benefits. Physical human contact is essential to emotional and mental wellbeing which in turn impacts physical health. It's called skin hunger and it's fairly well documented among prsioners in solitary confinement. Women can not be robots.

If suffering were a zero-sum game, that is, a certain amount alotted to every person of each sex, men would be more represented at either end of the graph, while women would be more evenly distributed. The men on r9k are of the latter part of such a graph.
thanks for the anecdotes, totally useful and representative of most social situations.
Go ahead, let's see the studies.
Also nice job on accusing someone else of blaming other while also blaming Chad for exercising his prerogative to emotionally disavow you for the sake of physical pleasure.

Here's the real kicker: would you get back with him if he came back to you genuinely sorry for having left you in the first place?

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Jane Austen, Isaac Newton and Immanuel Kant all died virgins by choice. The famous Heloise retired to a monastery for the rest of her days after her affair with Peter Abelard came to its disastrous termination. People are quite able to live without sexual intercourse.

who wants to give me a kiss

Explain to me what your claim is. Do you think that a woman in a loveless partnership, where the man would feel nothing for her if she did not have her beauty, is happier than a single man? Because I say that the latter state is preferable to the former, and that the former is no better than a state of legalized prostitution.

I've never met a woman who doesn't cheat.

8/10 , employed, etc.

No one is forcing you to sleep with chad, you can chose to live the life of a single man if you truly feel that way.

but from your thread it seems like you don't do that.

I just said that a single life is preferable to a loveless partnership, so evidently you are not reading my posts. And this is not my thread.

>being pumped and dumped is worse than dying alone and unloved for your entire life
Well from a moral standpoint, yes, yours is worse. From a suffering standpoint, it seems like you're lecturing terminal cancer patients on how good they have it when you fell down the stairs this morning.

This is a really roundabout way of complaining about being """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""involuntarily"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" single. Take a note out of other anons' pages and just make a >tfw no bf post next time
I can't believe that's original.

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Well you're making an ultimatum of who has it worse. Which you sort of imply that women are whores sense you called it legalized prostitution.

Last time I checked whores like to be sexually promiscuous

you live in a fantasy world where everything is better for you and you still believe you have it worse

A man who chooses a woman on the basis of her looks is no better than a whoremaster.

pucker up and give me a smooch

Irrelevant. The claim wasn't "lack of sex will kill you" or "you are unable to achieve anything if you don't have sex" but rather that mens relative difficulties in obtaining sex compared to females does not mean men have things worse based on the preposition that meaningless sex had no value and as such easy acess to it does not provide any benefit to women. Human contact and physical intimacy does in fact have value though and provides significant emotional and mental health benefits which outright disproves the claim that meaningless sex has no value.

and you date ugly people? Sexual attraction goes both ways. And one last thing before I logically destroy you with my man brain.

"Whoremasters" wouldn't exist if thirsty whores didn't exist. Buh-bye slut

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It has a merely specious value if you mean in a loveless context. It is not worth having in that case. And as, all things being equal, it is just as difficult for a pretty woman to find love as an ugly man their cases are essentially equal.

b-but Chad dumped my whore ass!!! You virgins have it so easy!!!!!!!!!!

Whoremasters and whores are two sides of the same coin. You appear to me to be a would-be whoremaster; which makes you no better, morally speaking, than a practised one.

All other things being equal, I would definitely choose a 6/10 girl over a 10/10 girl. No question. Super hot girls are necessarily going to be trouble to deal with and to lock down. Shed be bombarded with constant attention for way higher quality dudes than me and also would have grown up literally being handed everything in life. A 6\10 will have a female skewed perception of reality, but not nearly as much as a 10/10. In fact I wouls choose 6/10 over a 7/10 any day for the same reason. Once a girl becomes "hot" she becomes troublesome.
Find me a single girl who will honestly say something like that. Every girl will lie and say it. I don't believe any one of them would actually do it.

Well you are mistaken yet again. Poor soul I have to explain everything to you, but I'd rather you keep running your dumb whore mouth for your own embarrassment

>it is just as difficult for a pretty woman to find love as an ugly man their cases are essentially equal
This should be a banner for this board specifically. I'll try as simply as I can to dissuade you of your delusion: a pretty woman has options. an ugly man has no options. Which of the two are more likely to find love?
If you answered:
>their cases are essentially equal.
then I'm afraid you're wrong. Please try again.

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You know that women cheat on men as well, don't you? You are not wrong that being cheated on is worse than unrequited love. But what is your point?

can we not pity ourselves in fucking peace

you have lolcow go away

Women are retarded. They get with guys way above their league. They think they got their perfect Chad. Sounds good right? But it NEVER lasts unless you're a true Stacey. Why the FUCK would Chad settle with a wench below him? Despite this obvious fact, the normie roastie whore deludes herself into believing a Chad will settle with her, getting pump n' dumped all throughout her 20s until she's a washed up cum rag and finally realizes she can't settle with Chad and becomes an hero. If women weren't so fucking retarded and actually had foresight, they would just immediately date and settle with men on their own level from the start. Even if a used cunt settles with a man that was once equal to her in her 30s, the guy still gets the short end of the stick because by that age range all men are superior to all women in every way.

Somebody who treats others as vilely as you must simply be some sort of sensitive soul looking for spiritual love then. I will take your word for it.

An option not worth taking is not an option worth considering in the balance. If one man has access to hard drugs, and another does not, the first has more options, but they are not desirable ones. Indeed you might argue that, temptation for an undesirable activity being thrown in his face, his condition is the worse of the two.

Women have more options very much worth taking than men, therefore they have it easier.

Yeah why doesn't OP just date in her league

so you're just too good for your options basically?

Meaningless sex is actively harmful, not helpful. It is spiritually injurious and morally opprobrious. As evidence of which, the more partners a woman has, the more unhappy she becomes and the more likely future partnerships are to fail.

And yet you roasties go ahead and fuck 100 men during your teenage years, it just shows how women are retarded and have the intelligence of a mentally deficient snail.

>be 18 year old turbomanlet
>meet girl online
>she seems really nice, albeit somewhat normie
>we trade pictures
>we both find eachother attractive
>i think i really like her, although it's too soon to say
>i seem to be taking it far more seriously than she is
>this is either going to end in me being catfished and my organs being stolen, or in intense heartbreak
what do lads

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Then stop having meaningless sex

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then why don't you wait...? this reminds me of the whole harvey weinstein thing, where a bunch of women showed a lack of integrity by sleeping with a movie producer to get ahead, and then turned around and acted like it was them being abused.

>waah i keep sleeping with guys and then they dump me
how can you not see your role in this?

People like you are incapable of understanding people as individuals instead of as classes.

then don't ride the cock carousel in the first place

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I am a man and I am not the OP.

now you're just grasping at straws lol. face it you were blessed with no challenges in life.

still take our advice lad. don't get your poo pushed in.

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