Why don't you just lower your standards and get an average gf?

Why don't you just lower your standards and get an average gf?

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then i wouldnt get what i wanted.

>No longer have standards
Still virgin cuck because ugly autist
>There's no one that would want me

I have one, I love her very much.

then u aren't roboto

I'd rather have a girlfriend than fit in with losers on the internet with nothing to be proud of other than how much of a loser they are.

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can this meme just an hero already?

I bet you that she gets blacked behind your back

>Hey user, you're an average guy and I'm an average girl. We should be an average couple!

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Because it doesn't work this way.

>I wanted to try it out, that's all. But I don't think it'll go much further
>Fucks chad

Why would Chad want an average girl when he can have Stacy?

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sauce? she's one of the prettiest girls i've ever seen

Because he can have both.

I already get made fun of for how low my standards are, and it changes nothing. 3's and 4's ghost and reject me all the same.

If only it were as simple as asking out an ugly girl. No. They want Chad too.

An "average" gf is out of my league

Polygamy isn't allowed. You need to find a girl that wants marriage.

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I have resolved not mostly because these threads make me think you're running some kind of psyops on us.

At this point, women l find attractive make me sad/depressed because l know what l want will never come true.

Average girls still have legions of options. A 5/10 has access to 7/10 men. Dating apps/Social Media has fucked over the average male.

Because average girls only date men who are above their social class. They won't date plebs.

I am running a psyop, the goal of which is to make young men and women get married and make babies.

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How much are you getting paid to post these threads every day?

I've made this thread once or twice this year.

every girl in this thread is perfect by my book

Yeah right. Like you're not the one who has been posting "Why don't you settle for a 4 instead of 10?" every day for the last year or so. It's such a fucking unoriginal thread.

The only threads I've ever made daily were the rawr uncle user threads.

I cant get an average gf let alone a 2/10 gf looking like this

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Because all girls are the same, they have the same requirements for a BF and basically if you're an insecure, low confidence, average looking dude you're basically swept away by the gene pool.

would love an average gf but id prolly be too pretentious and always think of greener grass cuz im an asshole

>"get an average gf!"
>posts beautiful women
Cease this meme

fpbp, dubs,/thread

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This is the only place a fag like u can pretend ur a chad. Ur still a faggot tho.

This is my ideal, but hilariously I'm black so LOL, good shit God.

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I'm either physically attracted to someone or I'm not. Physical attraction is instantaneous too, there is no logical thought process to it. And getting into relationships with people you feel no physical attraction to is doomed to failure.

Apart from that I have no standards. I'd never go
>She looks pretty alright, but the boobs are a bit small so I'll not go for her

How in the fuck is that girl "average"?

Because there's no where you can hang out and talk to a girl without looking disabled ir creepy