>tfw this picture is accurate
Tfw this picture is accurate
I'm paranoid delusional but when I look at people as they pass me most of the time they're paying no mind. In fact they're usually on their cell phones and that's why they're driving like an idiot. Every time I see a car with black hubcaps though I assume it's an unmarked police vehicle.
I will just stand on the foot path and stare at cars full of people driving past me. They usually are looking at me but that's probably because I'm staring at them like a weirdo.
That is weird though. Sooner or later one of those cars is going to be full of gangstas who will jump you just for eyeballing them.
Im this way but everywhere.
It takes me 3 hours to shop for groceries at the store.
happened the other day here. 3 nigs with knives came out of a car at a dad with his daughter just for looking at them. Nobody got hurt, fortunately, but you never know when diversity will strike.
One thing I really hate is people sitting in their cars at the side of the road and then looking at me as I walk past
>if given the chance i either dress like a discount bjork or a schoolgirl
>talk to myself all throughout the day, about 5 or 6 full on conversations
>have temporarily given up on close relationships because my paranoid suspicions of my friends got too much to handle
>if people smile at me on the street i think they're making fun of me, if they don't smile i think they're angry at me
>history of weird medical superstitions, was paranoid of milk because i thought the calcium would cause me to grow bone deformities
is... is this it? is this what it's been this whole time? all these symptoms are sounding very familiar.....
>Every time I see a car with black hubcaps though I assume it's an unmarked police vehicle.
Why? Is that actually something they do?
I mean, every time I read about a "special operations training accident" I assume a wet ops team probably got shot up while doing something naughty, but in all honest that's not that unlikely. Maybe half the black-hubcaps actually are cops.
Chad would knock on the window and ask if they need something.
>>if given the chance i either dress like a discount bjork or a schoolgirl
pls be my girlfriend
I feel like this a lot. I have my head down usually when I'm out and about and everytime I raise my head someone is always staring at me. It's weird
Back off! This is my gf ;( don't take this from me
>tfw car's fucked up so now I gotta walk places and live OP's pic
Lift your head then, faggot
>Stare at the driver
>Dead eyed
>Light usually takes some time
>It starts to get akward for him/her
>He tries to look away but cant stop thinking about me looking at him.
One of my few NEET hobbies is annoying early morning drivers
I'm too far gone. The most meaningful interactions are have are with people online. I'm starting to view anons as more real than humans IRL. I'm so profoundly starved of human contact that I sink deeper and deeper into the digital hellscape. I'm so afraid.
Anyone else take really long backroad ways to walk so you don't have to walk past anyone who will look at you?
>get home from work
>walk towards apartment door
>neighbors or someone are sitting outside talking
>go back and sit in car until they leave
I did this cause I didn't want them to see or talk to me. For no reason I could figure out it just felt like an instinct. I don't think I have any mental problems, but stuff like this happens often.
What kind of shithole do you live in?
Can you have a meaningful interaction with me? ;( I'm lonely
>picture clearly says schizotypal
schizoid and schizotypal are two different disorders, user
>friend ignores something I say
>he's trying to belittle me I'll get that motherfucker
>friend wants to hang out with me
>he must have fallen in love with em and wants to fuck me
I've stopped talking to people.
I hear voices all the time (even from off screen characters on /tv/) and hear people talking shit about me constantly. The trick is realizing that it's not real and keeping confident anyway. Schizophrenia runs on both sides of my family (Dad and maternal grandfather) but I don't think I'm developing it, I just did too much acid and stimulants for so long that I developed auditory hallucinations. Sometimes slightly delusional shit (ROOMMATES ARE CONTROLLING MY DREAMS TO MAKE ME SAY SECRETS IN MY SLEEP) but nothing too unhinged.
>walk anywhere
>every brown person on the way angrily glares at me
> Imagine
I've had people stop their car to laugh, yell at me or tell me I'm ugly so it isn't me being paranoid.
Someone I knew (really it wasn't me) had someone slow down next to them while walking on the street and take a photo of them with a bright flash. Spooky because he didn't look like a creep or ugly or anything.
i love cocky hahahahah
>walking down road
>guy drives past and yells faggot at me
Felt like I was home
>Be Britbong
>Minding my own business
>See car drive by and someone yells at me
>Further down the road
>Same car comes by and they throw a rock at me while filming it
>See who's in the car
>Two chavy guys, driver is an old man and a woman is in the back
can I post yet please
internet gay shit
Originallly check based niggrt
>this is exactly how i feel
>had to drop out of college because i thought whenever people were laughimg or talking it was about me
>constantly thought people were looking at me in class
>all i could think was "stop looking at me" and "i want to kill you please stop" at a mile a minute with terrible anxiety, clawing at my throat
>feel robotic physically and mentally
>physically when i move my body feels so uncomfortable, i can feel the mechanical operations to an autistic degree
>sometimes feel a cog in my head painfully drag itself against the inside of my forehead
>mentally its like my brain goes through machine code to determine an answer best suited for the situation vs just saying whatever you want if youre human
>if a then b or if c then a etc
>no connection to people at all
>been making progress so at least i can feel attachment to animals now
>incredibly thick barrier that doesnt even have to do with a bad experience not allowing myself to express my emotions even in situations where its incredibly easy to do so
>paranoid as described before
>always think theres somebody in my house or some kind of paranormal entity who wishes me harm
>always scared the voice will come back or come back with more people
>started getting attacked by shadow people and bugs from my peripherals
>starting to see black dots on things and thinking they have a connection to eachother
>scared of faces coming into the walls when im high
>can detach the face from the body and it makes me feel really creeped out how mechanical everyone really is, like they are a doll
>perma mute
>perma blank face
>"user, smile!"
>"what are you doing? smile for real!"
>lessen smile
>"can you stop messing with me? just smile"
>"fucking stop with the fake smiles im tired of it"
>gets worser and worser until theyre yelling at me
>genuinely dont know how to smile
>insecure about how robotic my facial expressions are
Should I see somebody? Or is this just normal autism?
That's what we have therapists for.
I'm the same way. People are weird, but I'm weirder
>mfw my name is sam
What the fuck, Jow Forums?
Id judge you in public lmao, you probably jitter around and we all notice it lad
Now thats comedy
Are you serious? These symptoms have been apparent for about the last 5 years or so and worsened in the past 1 or 2. Initially I thought it was just really bad OCD considering how many weird rituals I have.
I can't get help for another few months and nobody takes me seriously.
you could just be stupid though
>wah woe is me look at all these terrible feelings i feel isnt my life just so sad :(
>look at me exaggerate all of these things that arent nearly as bad as im saying they are i just want to sound cool and edgy
fuck off with your sob story
fuck i just realized thru the greentexts that im schizotypal too i thougt that was just extreme anxiety i have like 5 or more disorders that i discovered thru Jow Forums i dont feel like a human anymore
>schizophrenic people are so detached from reality that they think other people care about them
>reeee I don't have any of those symptoms I want to be cool too
Have you ever had people throw shit at you or scream at you from their cars while you walk on the footpath?
just postin these
Paranoid personality D
another piccha
julie is a bit of a daft cunt