If you've never rejected a bitch who wanted you, then you're not a man

If you've never rejected a bitch who wanted you, then you're not a man.

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Fuck off, she was clinically insane

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Told a girl I was gay to get out of it once. Ended up having to tell everyone I was in a guy phase or some shit because I didn't want her finding out. Had guys asking me out and girls asking me if their bfs are cute for a few months. Had to drop that entire circle and find new friends.

i rejected a fat girl when i was 8
does that count???

I've rejected a number of girls but only one was sexy. Feels ok man.

That's some serious autism. Could've just said that you just came out of a long distance relationship that ended badly and you're not ready to date again.

>be me
>be gay
>be in closet
>if I come out my family will fall apart
>girls alway want your dick
>turn them down
>they don't fuck off
>tell them you're into hard core BDSM to het them of you
>only makes them more intrested
>I just want a sub boyfriend

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Ya. I was a robot my whole life and some chad thought I was cool because I said brutal shit. He threw me into a giant social circle and I couldn't ever become the normie he wanted me to be.

Autism is a lot less 8 years later but it has flare ups at times. No friends but a steady gf for a few years. Guess I learned a bit.

does it count if she was ugly?

does it count if i unintentionally rejected a bitch due to my lack of awareness of how to proceed a girl dropping massive hints. "i can't do "x"! then no one would want to sleep with me"

Well, OP can you tell me how to talk to this seemingly boring chick who tells me she's into me, but is reluctant to do anything with me? Because I'm about to jump off the ship because she is so boring. That and she usually blows our plans off for work.

What if it was a trap??

He said bitch. That would imply female and not male.

I have
Full story
>meet 9/10 roastie on tinder some drunk night while at bar, offer to meet her halfway on random road
>too hot on pictures to be real, try anyway
>i see her, even better than on photos. SJW bright hair, ton of piercings, skinny, pretty face, basically my ideal fuck hole
>offer her to come over and get drunk at my place
>fuck her same night
>do this for two weeks
>bitch starts ignoring me more and more
>something is going on
>one morning after night at her place as we walk her dog i say "if you don't want a relationship, i am done", and walk away
>she screams my name, i keep walking like a boss
>never see her again until month later with some other guy
>find out he was her boyfriend all along and i cucked him
Good times

Youre not a faggot, because faggot shit is a fetish. Also I dont believe you.

>be me
>meet a girl who has mental issues
>decide to be there for her and help her and support her
>love her
>she starts treating me like shit and makes my life into a nightmare, even though I still love her

>another girl appears
>she's also got mental issues
>realize anons were always right to tell me to never go with the girls who have issues
>remember the nightmare I went through with the previous girl
>decide to reject this girl
>"fuck you, user, just because I cut myself and have a depression doesn't mean I'm anything worse"
I wish I could ever have a sane girl look my way

The thing is women are batshit in general so if you go to one who is diagnosed or openly admits/displays shes fucked its all ogre.

I'd be so easy to twist and pull his balls and that's all I want to see

It's a good way to catch people like myself, because I'm the caring type. I want to fix the whole world because to be honest I have issues myself.

I'm never going to try this shit again though. I got my lesson and I'd legitimately rather die alone than go for a girl with mental issues at this point.

I rejected a woman. She was fat had that special snowflake mentality. Got a blowjob from her but realized that was a god damn awful mistake. Literally told her I'm not attracted to her. Later on cut friendship with her.

I've rejected somebody, but it's somebody I wish I just never met in the first place

If any girl wanted you, you're a normalfag.

I did that at least three times. Accidental, all of them.

If you post nutsacks youre not a real man.
>high school
>ugly girl slips something in my pocket
>look at it
>its her even uglier friends phone number

>Be me in elementary school
>girl revealed she liked me
>ignored her offer of a relatioship.
>Be me in highschool
>Freshman year
>had another girl who was interested in me that I talked to every period,but I awkwardly pushed her away and ignored her and all of her signals of coming back to talk to me.
>had yet another girl literally have her head lean on my shoulder and I acted like she didn't even existed.
>Sophmore year
>girl had asked me for spare change and implied that I walk out of school with her and I awkwardly ignored her.
>Junior year
>had another girl in my group of friends that started to pay attention to me.
>we played around with each other for a few days.
>she litteraly came face to face with me and we starred at each other while I said "no" to her for an entire lunch.
>I ignored more signals she gave later on.
>another girl told that she was attracted to me through social media.
>you know how this goes.
>Senior year.
>The previous girl that I had a starring contest with starred at me across the class and I did the usual absurd, behavior.
>I ended up with nothing at the end.
>Believe it or not, I'm not a virgin since I did it with a slutty girl from my neighborhood.

I am a very dysfunctional person. So much, I fuck myself.

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> who wanted you
Go back to Jow Forums9k

I've rejected 3 so far, and with 2 was too autistic to see they were into me while I was into them

But yeah I'm pretty much a lesbian woman in a cute boys body

I did.
I'm still not sure if it was the right decision - on the one hand, I'd say it was morally right because while she wasn't ugly, I felt zero attraction to her. I would have fucked her and then inevitably dumped her at some point, and she clearly felt strongly about me so I didn't want to play with her feelings.
On the other hand now I might now end up as wizard because apparently that was the only girl on the planet who was into me.

>he didnt know practice gf is no meme
Women can tell if you dont get pussy, and youre more attractive if you have a gf. Wish I had a cute gf again....been so long...

No, I do know that for my own personal life it would have been the better decision to just go for it and not give a shit that I'll end up breaking her heart.
I'm a huge moralfag to the point of constant self sabotage though. I wish I could stop it.

And now I wish I hadn't rejected her, even though you wouldn't now regard me as a man.

>girl has been trying to have sex with me for the past month
>I don't do one night stands

>crush and her slut friend were both dtf.
>Turn down chance to fuck slut friend because i thought it'd ruin chance with crush.
>Crush goes back to drug dealer boyfriend
>end up with no lovin
>end me

I tried hard to but she ended up forcing sex and interactions on me and hanging off my arm like she was gorgeous eye candy and shit and she really was the closest thing I had to a girlfriend while we were living together. This really hot girl used to come over and basically inform me that "she is your girlfriend whether you like it or not" and encourage us to be together even though she knew I had a thing for her, treat me coldly and pawn me off on her

how the fuck are his balls so big?
or is that a fucking baby grabbing them?

Yea, it took me a while but it happened.

>be PhD student
>be TA for Multivariable Calculus
>semester is totally normal, nothing of note happens.
>Semester ends, winter break starts.
>sitting in my room with my literal gf during Christmas
>an email pops up from a former student who never talked to me and whose name+face I could barely remember
>"Hi user, just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed your class and that I wanted you the whole time... I'm down if you are"
>show gf
>we both laugh, after gf mercilessly grills me on why some thot from my class is emailing me looking for the D
>never responded to said email

I think about it from time to time, honestly made me feel better about myself and that my gains are starting to get noticed.

I have 3 balls (i think), AMA.

I wonder how much of this thread is LARPing

how the fuck do you people meet other people? is it common to constantly be socializing with strangers?

>tfw you come back to this board after leaving in 2013
>you realize that all the people saying they were forever alone uncles with no future were just being angsty
>most of the people who posted here have gotten their life together and now have friends, a career, and a collection of meaningful relationships with women
>meanwhile ive fermented since 2013, not moved a single fucking centimeter
>tfw you're truly alone
>tfw you're truly, uniquely stupid and dysfunctional
>tfw you're so stupid and dysfunctional you can't perform even accomplish the most basic of life's requirements
>tfw dead end
>tfw weak
i quit. i am too weak and stupid and unfit to live in this world. i want this to be over.

>girl likes me
>I talk to her
>I'm sweet to her
>Tell her how great I got along with my exes
>Tell her how I do well financially (I'm almost 30)
>"gee, you're great user :)"
>and she means it
>I make a move
>"not yet user, I'm not ready..."
>drop that bitch. 100%. on every level. on to the next one

I don't hard-reject ANY girl who likes me. I'm nice whether I like them too or not. But if a girl likes me, but she tries to control me, while also expecting me to initiate anything, I'm an all-out asshole

No girl is worth trying to "guess" what she's feeling. She either likes you and goes with your word, or she's a fucking zero

Well then im a man atleast.

A 27 year old kisslesshugless virgin man.


If she turns your stomach after you get your nut, you probably should've turned her down to begin with. It's not about being a man or not, if about not being so horney and desperate you allow yourself to be stupid.

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does it count if she was an unattractive drunk 40-50 year old woman who only asked me to go home with her after she asked two or three of my friends?

Great feeling 2bh. Makes you feel like James Bond, even more so than when you get a girl