What can you assume about pic related?
I know her very well and I'll answer questions too.
(She's NOT a Stacy)
What can you assume about pic related?
she looks like she is into rap and takes it up the ass
Looks like a fat hooker, probably takes it up the ass
She deserves to be raped
Well Op, does she?
probably depressed and does drugs. let me guess raped
just post general info nd more pics
i dunno what do you assume about this pic related?
i bet she cuts herself for attention and calls herself an "artist" and posts pictures of herself on the internet pretending to be a friend for attention
She was sexually assaulted when she was younger.
She's attractive, and puts effort into her appearance, but doesn't know how to turn this to her advantage.
She'd never consider dating a "nice guy" or a robot, because they might crack her shell and she'd have to deal with all the pain she's plastered over for the last umpteen years.
She has a variety of hobbies based on pop culture, none of which she puts more than passing interest in.
She spends way too much time on social media comparing herself to people she believes are better than she is (but who are actually just posting blatant lies, like insta-whores who use a ton of filters).
She's a thot and makes for a boring conversation
She is kinda into rap but she doesn't do ass related stuff.
She's NOT fat.
She's kinda depressed, doesn't do drugs though (aside from the common one's), and no she wasn't raped.
She doesn't cut herself but she does want to be an artist, no luck with that though.
No assaults, she likes putting effort in her appearance because she's egotistic and loves herself too much, she doesn't really want a relationship.
>Doesn't want a relationship
That means she wants to get fucked by niggers
That's originally wrong.
You're just a beta she has around to make her feel better, she's probably getting blacked right now
I'll let you in on a major factor: she's a virgin.
She wears so much makeup no one actually knows what she looks like
>He thinks she's telling the truth
That's true, but she rarely exaggerates.
>He thinks I don't know every factual detail about her.
OP that's you in the picture isn't it.
OP, can you make sure, for everybody's sake here on R9K that she never has sex with a black guy?
Are you the roastie OP? Hows that BPD treating you
female edgelord
So how big is her dick then?
Than get the fuck out of here roastie, you've had your 5 mins of fame
>being so mindcucked you care if a roastbloat youll never meet fucks tyrone
That shall remain unknown.
I know that she's a virgin as a fact.
She's got no dick.
I assume she rejected you because she is asian even though she is asian her(him?)self and (s)he moved her just moved her a couple months ago.
>doesn't do drugs though (aside from the common one's),
so she does drugs
She's originally NOT Asian.
Cigarettes are so commonplace that nobody really cares.
Regards to your responses so far: you are posting a selfie and looking for compliments/insults because you are a lonely fucking bastard and also I love the way you look please go out with me.
OP, are you in love with her? Do you want to hook up with her? This is a trick question. You can't fall in love with yourself, because narcissists aren't human, so they don't even exist as a "self".
Got any pics of her where we don't have to turn our heads at 45 degree angles and crank up the brightness to see her?
>tfw shes your lookmatch but women only date up
She never had a close relationship with her parents
She sometimes gets attention because of her looks bot doesn't want any and therefore doens't know how to handle.
She never developed any special skills like drawing or singing because she got all the attention in her early teens because of her looks and never had to do anything to get noticed, and now noone is noticing her and she doesn't fucking like missing out on all the good stuff now. She's so fucking sad she tells herself it's just the way she is and never really wanted in the first place to cope
ok she's a degenerate piece of shit good thing u cleared that up
Listen, OP you just might be the good girl you're advocating for, but listen here. We're not here to give you validation if that's what you're looking for. I can't say I wouldn't smash because I would definitely be up in them guts, but as far as I know, that's all you have on the internet. Do yourself a favor, go out and find yourself a man who doesn't just want to fuck your brains out. Do yourself a favor and stay away from manipulative fucking faggots like me. Do yourself a favor and don't even take a single grain of my advice because I can't even trust myself sometimes.
>he doesnt even comprehend how cringe that was
>Lonely fucking bastard
Thatbis true.
I do think so.
First statement is wrong.
Everything else is spot on.
She's not interested in relationships though.
Someone please roast this bitch.
>She's not interested in relationships though.
If she said to you that she isn't interested in relationships, then most likely that means she's not interested in a relationship with you. That or she just wants dick and you should be smooth enough to give it to her. Or she just doesn't want a relationship.. lol
I'm assuming things here..
That is rude.
She's just not interested in relationships.
Post tits already, we have a short attention span.
You want validation, we want to see some tits, it's a sensical exchange of services.
Otherwise, fuck off.
Looks insecure and depressed.
Picture most likely taken for validation.
So you've come here feel better about yourself, oh excuuuuse me, so she can feel better about herself. Well, tell her, that atleast we've come to terms eith ourselves and don't seek the validation by playing the easy game. If you want to feel superior get a dog, maybe even something with smaller brains. Just keep on telling yourself you dont want a relationship, ahh fuck me, she. She won't ever get what she wants cuz she a roastie now fuck off
She doesn't take such pics.
That's quite accurate.
>She doesn't take such pics
Then what the fuck do you even want?
Yeah you are attractive in the pictures that you take from the exact same angle, big whoop. Attractive women on the internet are a dime a dozen.
You are in a board comprised of lonely, sexually frustrated males, you really picked the right place to get validation.
>camwhoring on a board overrun with autistic incels for sole intent of ego boost
>whole nother level of gay
Just fuck off to reddit, or post tits
She just wants to pass time in a lonely environment such as herself, I'd say.
She's definitely insecure, it's obvious with the angle and pose being the the same in each pic.
Also she looks pretentious.
That's just the pose she likes the most, so she just uses it.
It's just the best angle to eat your fingers eat
Soo what's the point of this entire thread?
>Hey guys, make assumptions on what she's like.
>"She's this this and this"
>Noo she's actually the opposite of what you think
>"She's a lying thot an you're a beta"
What has anyone gotten out of this?
That is true as well.
It's fun.
>vapid onionhead
she must me styx's twin sister
How do I get in contact with her?
As far as I'm aware she has Kik if that's of any help.
Ugly fat ass
It's not of any help unless you have her username too
>*eats liver with fava beans and a nice Chianti*
*gay hissing noises*
She thinks she's a lot smarter than she is, or at least that's the front she puts on. Probably spends a lot of time "reading" but actually knows she's pretty dumb and resents it. Says she likes smart guys but really she kind of hates them for some reason that she can't ever quite bring to mind. She's had a few boyfriends, mostly Chad types, but maybe one or two oddballs. Really likes a guy she's never been with and hasn't seen in the last three months, and hasn't been in regular contact with for about a year, maybe more. Though she knows that even if she got with the guy, she'd just ruin his life too.
Kind of hates herself, but isn't consciously aware of that so it comes out in other ways. Ways like she is always a little bored with everything. Spends a lot of time on her phone, texting her large group of "friends" though in reality she has maybe 1 or 2 real friends and one of them is a beta-orbiter she's known since middle-school.
Wishes she was a little bit uglier than she is, because she's superficial enough to think that plain girls are smarter by virtue of being plain. 99 to 1 odds that she has dyed her hair multiple times, but never a wacky color. Just like going from brown to blonde and then back to brown with highlights.
Likes shitty folk music and popular shit. Doesn't really like the popular shit but everyone else likes it so she convinces herself she likes it. This happened long enough ago that she doesn't remember the process of convincing herself.
Has a slightly rocky relationship with her dad, but neither of them would ever talk about it. Loves her mom but thinks she's a bit of an airhead sometimes.
Would definitely say she's NOT a Stacy but she acts like one 99% of the time. The other 1% of the time is when she remembers that she's supposed to be larping as a smart girl.
Spends a lot of time practicing her "mysterious" look but doesn't realize thats what she's doing
99 to 1 she is on hormonal birth control.
Her Kik is: Volgorsk
Egotistic due to the makeup and will purposely set up scenarios where she can post her set up pictures so she wont seem as egotistical. She has the art hoe look so I assume she wants to be an artist. She draws shitty sad looking anime characters like a Lofi hiphop thumbnail someone would use.She can draw moderately well but could be better if she actually hunkered down and practice technique instead of watching friends on Netflix or some shit. She was posted on here so she probably has discord orbiters of instagram ones. She is somewhat sad. the kind of sad thats trendy like ugggh socially awkward. She does not play video games at all or at most overwatch and league, anything that has a high player count. Shes at the 17-19yr old range anything higher than that would shock me