Does Jow Forums play any MMOs?
I'm think about getting into one before I kill myself
Does Jow Forums play any MMOs?
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I do play Black Desert, just got into it and all I have to say is that the striker can execute a Kamehameha straight from fucking dbz game's awesome 10/10 my neegro
if you played one you have played them all
i played wow for 2 years and any mmo i try out is the same or crappier grind game,really boring genre ,even with friends i couldnt bear playing mmos now
Yep, play BDO too. Love how you can just turn on pvp and kill strength training afk players.
I highly recommend Black Desert Online if you have a lot of time.
yeah its on/off kinda thing for most people my dude
I want to get into MMOs but it's hard. I played black desert for a day before I got max level and it became boring, I waited 3 years or whatever for blade and soul but it took so long to come out that I wasn't hyped enough to keep playing it for more than a week. I want to play EVE but idk if I'll have any fun playing that game because there's not a lot going on visually. I'm just waiting for Lost Ark at this point. I'll try to play on the Korean servers at launch. Pic not related
This is pretty true, after I quit WoW I thought I was just bored of WoW and not MMO's but I just couldn't stand the grind of any of them anymore. Which kills my social life even deader. Still looking for one that will interest me again though.
FFXIV but only really when there's a new patch
I'm wanting to play BDO but I have a shite computer so I'll have to wait for it to come to PS4 .
I used to be very into FFXIV.
Competitive raiding and all that jazz.
I started sticyclic antidepressants and my reactive time went to shit, my static raid group got, justifiably, salty and I subsequently quit altogether.
It was a fun couple of years.
Visually it can be pretty okay, but the reason eve online is fun is because of its depth.
cannot be bothered to commit the time to max out on an MMO. You get much more reward for the time you put into other genres without feeling like you're grinding hours of your life away. If you're gonna grind a shitty game just go work a 9-5 like the rest of the normies.
I thought about getting Wildstar at one point after remembering the telegraph system and because I don't have a gaming P. C., but after watching this review:
at 4 minutes when he talks about how long it takes I decided against it.
Like this person said M. M. O.s look so boring. With games like Halo or Battlefield you have to outplay anther human being. Every strategy you know is a strategy they could use. However with A. I.s they do the same stupid attacks over and over again. Once you figure out how to beat it you just have to keep doing the same thing over and over again.
I only like MMOs that have full loot and territory control/sieging
So basically I used to like Darkfall and now I'm fucked
Nowadays I do Second Life, Tera, Warframe, Elite Dangerous.
I used to do lots more before, but no more.
Do you play Tera on PS4?
nu, PC, sorry sempai
Damn alright. So what class do you mainly play as?
Oh yeah I forgot Warframe counts as an mmo now since eidolon came out. Yeah warframe is great, I need to play it more. It fills the void that Diablo 3 created because Diablo is a grind like Warframe but it's worse because you grind for the same gear that you already have on other characters you've made so it's painful to play it often.
I play Project Ascension (custom WoW server where you can pick abilities from all classes, with a PVP server where you drop loot when you die), and EVE online.
They're both insanely flawed and hard to get into, but quite satisfying to play sometimes.
Warframes pretty chill, glad i kept playing because when it first dropped it was so bad and rigid. Now its amazing with how you can drop in and out barely miss much but have new things to play with.
Archage and GW2 have that though.
I think you're not looking hard enough.
What sort of stuff are you doing in Second Life? Side question, are you hanging out with the furries?(no judgement here they can be cool in second life)
at MMORPGs? Mostly healer, then buffer like bards. Support is what I do better.
At Tera my main is a mystic.
Play Gw2. You can have fun without all the shitty grind and do what you want. No subscriptions. Only thing that sucks is that there are actual married women everwhere
No furry here, mostly I hangout with friends, we watch movies, buy stuff at marketplace, land decor, content creation, getting to know people, SL sex. In that order thinkso.
Stay away from tera. Game is shit now ans they are milking what they can from it
Those are the same friends I play MMOs with tho. We watch twitch streams or movies at but we hangout in SL. If SL's websurface would give us something like, we wouldn't use, instead SL's web browser does not support adblocker, popup blockers, etc.
We know it's grindy and jewing, but we're doing it because a friend (My bestie's roomie) likes it, they had been through a rough patch IRL, cancer, surgeries, depression, etc. It's helping so far, we're not investing on it but only our time and support for our friend, it's been funny so far, but I doubt we'll go deep into it.
I've never found one that I've wanted to stick with, but played Path of Exile for a while and OSRS, preddy good
>there are actual married women everwhere
why so?
I play WoW, mostly because I know how the market works so I can purchase more game time and collectibles.
> "Welcome to the guild user! Make sure to join our discord and talk t o your fellow guildies teh ee
> ok cool
>" Omg guys sorry about my autistic sons screeching! I told the hubby to take care of it but he's doing x mundane thing :(
> "Iktf stacey men amirite LOL!
2 of my guilds are run by women and it sucks how pussy whipped a lot of the dudes are. They fight for the attention of the branded roastie.
there are just a shit ton of woman in general in gw2.
>mostly healer
Are you a heal slut? Do you play as a loli mystic in tera?
I used to love Mabinogi when I was younger not because of any raiding or whatever as I had no friends but because of the lute playing. I was too stupid to write sheet music bit still enjoyed playing it.
>Are you a heal slut?
I made a joke about going to pick a castanic mystic, because I joke about being a horny heal-slut, but my friend adviced me to pick an elf for their race skills, I still want to try a castanic mystic or priest, lel.
>Do you play as a loli mystic in tera?
Nu, elven, but my usual party are all elin/lolis, this place is like 80% lolis, at least the mount tyrannas server.
Been plying Gw2. I have about 8k hrs and I still play everyday
1.7k hrs guy here. where do you get the motivation? I log in do my daily get bored and log out
I don't know it just sort of happened. I do my dailies, do a few of the world bosses in hope of getting a rare aura, do fractals - maybe a dungeon or so -, farm some materials, go to WvW for the rest of the day. When there's a new LS I do that for the week and finish all the achievements. Do the same thing on different classes, do some world completion, chat with guilds/hubs, do a bit of raiding here and there.
After a while the hours just stack up...
There is no max lvl in black desert my dude, and it takes a long time if you want to get a decent lvl
>forgot Warframe counts as an mmo now since eidolon came out
It's always been considered an MMO as far as I've known.
I'm thinking about start playing BDO but isn't it pay to win as fuck?