Holy fuck! Remember the incest case a few months ago? They bailed out of jail and killed themselves together!

Holy fuck! Remember the incest case a few months ago? They bailed out of jail and killed themselves together!

>Three victims in an apparent double murder-suicide have been identified as a father-daughter couple who had been charged with incest and the girl's adoptive father. The father-daughter pair's infant son was also found dead in an incident related to the murder-suicide.

>Authorities said on Thursday afternoon that the body of Steven Pladl, 42, was found in a vehicle in New York while the bodies of his biological daughter, 20-year-old Katie Pladl, and her adoptive father, 56-year-old Anthony Fusco, were found in a vehicle several miles away in Connecticut. WNCN reports that all three victims died of gunshot wounds and that Steven Pladl is believed to have taken his own life.


Attached: Steven-Waltr-Pladl-and-Katie-Rose-Pladl1.jpg (696x419, 48K)

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FUcking christ, I remember her. She was at this point in time the closest I've ever seen IRL to my perfect girl (face wise). Rest in peace you incestuous fucks!

This is just even more proof that white dudes that are into asian chicks are fucked in the head.

Oh, and that Hapa chicks are just as fucked up as Hapa dudes.

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Well, three people lost their lives who wanted nothing but to live their own lives as consenting adults together, but at least we stopped (voluntary) incest from taking place! Good work team

I donno, the girl got indoctrinated into that shit by her dad, obviously. That's like syaing a cult brainwash victim 'wanted' to follow the cult leader.

Dann incest is fucked in the head

Glad the baby is dead, imagine being born like this, or should I ask you guys

wasn't the catch that the guy didn't know that she was his daughter?

No, he knew. That's how they met. She went looking for her biological parents and went to live with them. She started screwing her dad so the mom kicked her out and the father left with her.

When this was new I posted about how
I suspected her dad of being a sociopath. His eyes in that mug shot, man.

I feel bad for her. She was manipulated and taken for everything.

>or should i ask you guys
no need to be a meaniehead :(

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>adoptive father
It wasn't even real incest!

>No, he knew. That's how they met. She went looking for her biological parents and went to live with them.
Jesus Christ.

Read the op you stupid fucking subhuman

Holy shit get over yourself. It's 2018, some people can't read, fuck.

>the girl got indoctrinated into that shit by her dad
There's no evidence of that, the father was never around, they met up once she was already an adult.

Just one thing i want to point out that might be relevant. Did you know that getting used to a family members scent plays a role in the inhibition of romantic feelings between family members? I heard about it in a norwegian documentary about the senses of humans. In that case, the father and daughter being away from eachother prevented that scent "mechanic" to function making incest seem moral/appealing.

This is very common and predictable by psychs in most cases. Children that seek out their biological parents after not growing up with them are incredibly more likely to engage in sexual/romantic activity with them.

The baby did not want to
Also, it was wrong for the dad to both leave her and to take advantage of her (natural) need for a father towards his selfish sexual urges

Jesus fucking Christ this is actually so stupid, can you imagine killing yourself and your daughter?

>charged with incest
Wait, what the fuck, is incest an actual crime in us?
>adoptive father
Just what the actual fuck, ameritards?!

Wait, i'm a retard here.
But still, first question remains.

She had a baby with her BIOLOGICAL father, you fucking eurocuck.

I don't understand how the adoptive father ended up being killed there...

You clearly had time to refresh thread and read post above, americunt. Kill yourself.

The man, who made moves on the girl and got her pregnant, killed her and the baby.
It was a *murder* _and_ suicide, get it right.

Sounds about typical. He was abusive, lost control of the daughter, then reasserted it in a Pyrrhic victory.

She's not a hapa dumbass. Just a redneck; she has smooth features probably because she was a genetic mess even before getting knocked up by her dad.

>They bailed out of jail and killed themselves together!
That's... not what happened. At all.

The dude unhinged then went and shot the baby to death. Then he went to another state where he shot the daughter he got pregnant to death. He also killed the dude who raised her, got in his car drove away and shot himself in the head. This is, of course, after fucking and cumming inside his own daughter.

Real piece of work, this guy.

They didn't kill themselves together. He killed her and then killed himself.

Though not biological, it's her father. Of course a parent will protect their daughter, even if it means they'll be killed.

This just makes me sick. I used to laugh about this kind of stuff, but now it makes me depressed. What a horrible end to horrible lives. The sins of man should be cleansed by nuclear fire.

Man, I fapped a whole lot to this story when it first broke
now I'll fap even more

>some roastie died
No remorse
Navigated off course
Of course I can make you scream
But if you ask for more

it's a cool story like in those love novels
that guy was based and went out like a man that has done it all

Why is incest hated alot? I don't get it

Guess "the heart wants what the heart wants" but still don't see why everyone had to die in the end.

LMAO. *trows acid in yo face

Shit, you're right. That's totally fucked. I really don't know how to feel about this. It's all so sad but confusing as to why someone would do that or how this all took place in the first place.

Interesting theory. I knew a girl who started communicating to her real druggie biological parents after highschool. But in her case she lusted for her adoptive fathers cock.

"genetic sexual attraction"
A well known phenomenon that at first made this case sound sympathetic. Maybe not so much after the triple homicide.

Are the thought processes/instincts behind that similar to the ones that caused that gay pair of long lost twin brothers to be interested in each other? What are these instincts?

They didn't know they were brothers then but still.

People raised together in early infancy release don't-fuck-each-other hormones. It has an effect on parents too but it's less strong. Without those, close family members have a strong urge to fuck as you tend to be attracted to those of similar appearance and personality.

"The childhood friend never wins" trope probably works on the same concept.

Never mind, reading and going further into it and learning about the Westermarck effect explain a lot.

What I had thought is that you want someone like you but not related to you but it's more complicated than that, you want someone
>who looks like you
>who shares similar personality traits and mental processes
>who you didn't share the first 6-10 years of your life with
along with all the other things that conventionally determine attractiveness. I can see why the daughter and father fugged, they basically look like genderswapped versions of each other, with her looking a bit more Asian. They were both people who clearly didn't have inhibitions in this area either which is likely a genetic thing.

i went to school with her, her name was Katie Fusco, for some reason i cant post images, i.imgur.com/XJ7PZOX.jpg

Neat. Describe her. She seems like a typical druggie roast.

Fuck off back to Jow Forums.
You posted this exact same thread there

Shhe looks cute! CUTE!

It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...

How the hell were the parents able to access the kid?

and your (grand)son

chinks are shit though, just be glad you're only half.

>baby faced
>small frame
>small features
>small dick meme
>women perceive us as beta bux

There's a reason western asian girls have the highest rate of outrace preferences. At least you're one foot out of this hellhole.

How can you, an asian, possibly hate on the guy in OP's pic?

Asian "men" looking like effeminate little boipucci's isn't a meme. You literally have zero markers for testosterone nor dominance. Flat face. Weak jaw. Small frame. Small cock. Totally hairless.

White men go for asian women because they're even more effeminate than you guys, meaning fucking extremely.

It's just so easy

She's not Asian though. The father looks to be kinda Turkish but the mother is White. Hmm...

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>double murder-suicide

The girl, the kid, the father, then suicide? That's triple murder.

Did the couple (father-daughter) have a suicide pact or was he acting alone?

Not Asian, just FASian.

>you will never nut in your daughter

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