Femanons who have sent nudes

Do you feel bad or guilty when you do it? To guys who have received nudes, what do you think about girls who send you nudes?

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Jesus, your life is so bad you've never sent/received nudes? You know thry have those kik threads on /b/ right? Most of them are catfishes but the odd ones are real.

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Why only femanons?
How is it any different when a man gives out his nudes?

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Cus girls are seen to be more pure and less slutty. Now fuck off you tripfag weeb bitch

Maybe to filthy virgins

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I've sent nudes to 3 people. I only regret sending them to one person because I didn't care about him.

That sounds gayer than my husbando

Just dont send nudes unless its your bf/gf.

>women pure
Ayy lmao
>tfw most girls just sleep around because they can
Nigga fuck off with your gay shit, imagine being a chad and being able to bang a chick every night, that's what being an below average and above girl is like. Men want to fuck regardless but women almost always have the option to be picky. The only difference here is not all women want to get fucked and dumped because of how people view sluts.

Fuck outta here with your gay ass shit

That said, I've sent nudes to women online anonymously and whenever they send them back I feel eh, It's nothing special. But when I'm really into a woman and know her in person and she sends nudes back, it's a reallly good feel and I don't think of her more or less.

If I'm not doing anything sexual in the pic its art to me. Well, except there was this one guy I wanted really bad so I sent him a short video of me shaving my pussy. I didn't feel bad or guilty because it worked.

you sound like a real winner

>roastie morality

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>>roastie morality
and what do you call it when a guy sends me a pic of his dick as an introduction?

I call it sinful.
Why are you on dating websites? Go find a fat shy boy and date him.

I wanted to rail that smug loli

My gf got overly emotional over that topic. Had to assure her I don't fap to amateur stuff anymore. But I still do.

guy here. never cared about nudes either giving or receiving. if im gonna jerk off i watch porn and all the disgusting fetishes to fulfill my fantasies it brings. LDRs are shit and if you're in a normal relationship thats reached the point where nudes would be something you'd be comfortable sending then you're spending a lot of time around that person already so just fuck them. honestly never understood why so many people walk around everyday with nudes of themselves on their phones

So you're basically cucking her?

I don't do dating websites, most of the guys are not as advertised

then how are you getting "a pic of his dick as an introduction"?

if guys not from dating websites are sending you dickpics as an introduction you're either a social media thot or a known whore and they're skipping the pretense

Man just create a kik and post in any of the kik threads as a girl and you'll probably get 20 dicks in a minute

It's not that hard to imagine anyone else making a fake profile and sending dicks to girls

what? I get random guys that somehow get my info and send me a dick pic. I've never had a profile on a dating site, ever.

She calles nudes """art""" user. I think it's safe to assume she' a giant whore. Not surprising, female after all.

>create a kik
so even more degenerate than dating websites

I find that hard to believe.

are you stupid? all it takes is to be female and you get dick pics

Even if she was a giant slut, I know beautiful women that are just living their lives and posting pics on instagram that get dick pics.

>Finding it hard to believe
>while calling people degenerates
>Realizing current culture is full of degenerates

Find it hard to believe you have a brain

so you don't appreciate the female form?

my gf and both of our mom's and sister's are girls and none have dick pics on their phones. perhaps its because none of them are sluts

>just living their lives and posting pics on instagram that get dick pics
exactly, thanks user

>I know beautiful women that are just living their lives and posting pics on instagram that get dick pics.
>just living their lives
>and posting pics on instagram
social media is for the terminally vain. completely unshocked the degenerates that populate Instagram are receiving dick pics.

>Find it hard to believe you have a brain
Why? Because I find it hard to believe that a girl just happens to get random dick pics sent to her by people she's never met unless she is on some form of dating website or social media?

that you know of, I bet they have gotten unsolicited dick pics and delete like I do

none of them add any retard who sends them a friend request for the 3 second confidence boost it gives them and of the 60ish people who actually see anything they post 85% dont even have dicks so i highly doubt it. stop being a slut and you wont be treated like one

Literally EXACTLY that
I don't know where you live but it's either in some small ass town or you're ignorant/Naive as hell
Or the most plausible thing here, underage and baiting.

A coworker of mine stopped using instagram because people sent her dick picks all the time because she liked working out at the gym and posting about working out and running.

You may call this anecdotal evidence but I was raised with 3 sisters and 2 of them were gorgeous. They'd get hit on while we're going to the mall get ice cream or some stupid shit for years, you find it hard to believe a beautiful women wouldn't be the target of some creep online?

get out of here underage kiddo

Nah, she's "liberated" and fine with me jacking it to porn.
But most amateur stuff vioalates consent by being on there against their wills blah blah blah.

Not that guy, but the point of his post is that if you post pictures of yourself on Instagram, you aren't "just living your life".

You're seeking attention.

If you're a girl who posts "cute" pictures of yourself, you're looking for male attention.

So I'm going to dismiss your complaints out of hand when you actually GET male attention and don't like it.

so they are vain people? social media, especially instagram, is one of the more degenerate places on the internet. the only people who use it are obsessed with image and popularity and i'm not surprised they get dick pics. the dick pics are actually the most wholesome part of the whole process.
Do your sisters have an online presence on social media where they attention whore? because if they do then i'm not surprised they get dick pics. if they are not vain, don't use social media, and don't hang out with "bad boys" then I would be surprised if they were constantly being harassed by strangers with dick pics.

His point changed in his posts from dating websites to regular social media. Not my problem he changed his point mid posts.

If we're gonna go down this route sure.
If you're posting on social, sure you're seeking attention but is it that attention you're displaying by simply posting pictures of food or group photos or random pictures?

Tell me If you're a professor and want your attention of your students would you enjoy all the guys suddenly taking off their pants? No, it's not the SAME fucking attention. It's not the same attention as someone listening to you vent. If you were having a emotional turmoil and just wanted to talk. Would you rather your good friend give you attention by taking off his pants or sitting down listenting to you?

There's a major difference, if someone is posting quenching pictures(those pictures meant to get people to look at them and like them, those sticking their asses out), then sure, you're looking for that.

But are you honestly gonna tell me woman that post pictures of their ski trips with their friend. Or vacation photos of the pool WANT that attention? Hell no, you're delusional if you think so.

Ah yes my sisters are such big online whores, damn they should stop posting pictures of the big dinner our mother makes when eating with our family in a gathering, such whorish behavior. They should also stop posting pictures of themselves before they're attending a dinner party, because surely them wanting people to see their dresses and the time they spent doing makeup for eachother is surely not for people to like their posts and call them pretty. NO NO, they want dicks for that, even if they have a family, and children already and are happy.

Fuck off retard, I've spent too much time here already, but you should do a reality check

Exactly. this guy actually doesn't see the sheer vanity of posting pictures of yourself in yoga pants in "hot poses" on a public forum for attention and then rationalizing it as "i like to work out and go to the gym!"
and then he acts like that thot getting dick pics is the same thing as some random homebody without a social media presence getting dick pics texted to her by complete strangers.
like i said, the terminally vain.

God, the reddit spacing makes this hard to read

>what do you think about girls who send you nudes?
I have only ever received nudes from two girl and I thought it was nice of them to send them. One of them was trying to substitute nudes for actual sex and I didn't really like that. She had fucked my dad years before and refused to give me any. Even after he asked me if we should rape her in a hushed tone first time we encountered her on a public walking trail, didn't bother her one bit she was into him. The other one would have given me sex immediately had I drove to meet her.

I don't understand needing to see this one specific girl naked when there are thousands and thousands of other naked women to look at online though.

the fact that you see a quantifiable difference between dating websites and social media as far as vanity is concerned is very telling as to your general ability to think and perceive critically.
Why do you need to post group photos and what you had for breakfast and your recent ski trip or vacation photos at the pool? And to whom are you posting these? On a facebook with 35-60 friends? Or on a public instagram with 1000+ followers? Or on a Facebook with 1000+ friends?
You know it wasn't normal until very recently to bust out your Polaroids from dinner last night and show literally everyone you know and about 500 people you don't know so they can say: "I like that"
Yes. I think they WANT that attention. Because they want attention. You can't blast the world with your private life for attention and say you only want the good kind. That's like saying I want to eat taco-bell but not have the shits.
Yes they should stop blasting their private lives all over facebook and instagram. No one needs to see their dresses and makeup and they should not be so vain as to think anyone does or that the spike of social approval they get from 50+ likes on a post isn't being misplaced. That spike of social approval used to be reserved for actual accomplishments or at least actual human interaction. Now it is just "feed the coin into the internet box and get social approval for simply documenting my daily routine."
That's vanity and it's a sickness.
You have spent way too much time here. You should leave now. Jow Forums isn't for you. Go to somewhere where you can put your name on your posts and get that social approval spike you and your family so desperately crave.

>If it's not to my exact standards it's not good!(EVERYONE SHOULD DO WHAT I SAY)
>I THINK (but don't KNOW)
>They SHOULD(First line again)
>No one needs to see their makeup and dresses(I have never had a friend ever show interest in my or my hobbies, what is sharing?)
>That spike of social approval used to be reserved for actual accomplishments or at least actual human interaction. Now it is just "feed the coin into the internet box and get social approval for simply documenting my daily routine."(I never meet people irl and bring up things they might have posted on social media as a conversation topic to have a dialogue with)
>This is what robot tards actually believe

Take a course in philosophy and critical thinking, maybe you'd be see things in a way that NORMAL people do, because you sure as fuck ain't normal. It'll also get you some social interaction, what you desperately need. I'm out

You are out of your mind. According to you if you have any virtual presence at all, receive unsolicited attention, it means slut. I see you advocate a virtual burka for women or no social contact at all

not him but you're so incredibly retarded i wanted to respond.
your first 3 meme arrow replies are meaningless garbage i would expect from a 14 year old girl so ill ignore them
>No one needs to see their makeup and dresses(I have never had a friend ever show interest in my or my hobbies, what is sharing?)
friends wouldn't send dick pics therefore she's posting to more than friends. sorry buddy but you don't need 2500 instagram followers, and if those compliments are really that important there are tons of things like discord facebook or even group texts where you can limit yourself to people you know.

>"I never meet people irl and bring up things they might have posted on social media as a conversation topic to have a dialogue with
yes literally no one does this unless you already know the person at least semi closely. do you just stalk random people on social media so you can start conversations with them? what the fuck is wrong with you?

>>This is what robot tards actually believe
no this is what normal people believe robot tards dont even use social media and are jerking off to their waifus and crying about being incels

Fucking roastie slut you deserve to die

no if you have an internet presence and intentionally attract attention to yourself that would make people send you a dick pick then yes you are a slut.
make a reddit account and post like a normal human being, make another and go out of your way to mention you're a woman and you enjoy casual sex and that you have a "daddy" now which one do you think is gonna get more dick pics?

>Take a course in philosophy and critical thinking
It's funny that you would say that and then immediately follow it up with an appeal to the masses

>your life is so bad you've never sent/received nudes?
sending and receiving nudes is in no way an indicator of quality of life
get your shit together bro

lol sadboy detected
how sad

how does she know they were posted without the girl's consent? there are a lot of women who are into exhibitionism

>you're looking for male attention.
Not necessarily. A lot of it, maybe even most of it, is signaling to other women that they are superior or just have value


>To guys who have received nudes, what do you think about girls who send you nudes?
I think they are whores, but I like it. Nudes are basically the line between sex and wife material. So to all fembot, keep sending nudes, it makes us happy, just dont act surprised when we leave for another girl

>Do you feel bad or guilty when you do it?
Only after I get off

Can you get off with me please?

Can you get off with me please? Oriii

Please help us get off

Please don't be so thirsty
I'm not in the mood to fap

When will you get in the mood. Pls stop calling me us thirsty btw what else would we be if we haven't been given the chance to DRINK

>Sending nudes
Something a whore does.

Yes I do feel guilty about them

I felt no different about them. One time I received a vag pick throughout the middle of a conversation and that was kind of weird but I don't really mind

>To guys who have received nudes, what do you think about girls who send you nudes?


>both of them tell each other to leave
>no one leaves

I only feel guilty that the relationship didn't last. Otherwise it's just both of us exchanging our privates after having a strong emotional bond that had sexual elements added later

I sent a pic of me in a bra and no face to my first and only boyfriend. He got mad I wouldn't send full nudes and we broke up.

It's not art. You didn't make anything. You as a product of your parents is not art.

>To guys who have received nudes, what do you think about girls who send you nudes?

35 year old kissless virgin here. Nudes and very rare fooling around online are the only action I get. I love getting nudes because it gives me some brief self-esteem boost even though most girls sending nudes without being in a relationship are sending them to a lot of guys.

Also if I know them, it's just hotter seeing a nude of smeone you know than randos on porn sites.

I don't really think anything of them one way or the other, although if I'm friends with them, seeing them naked can complicate things emotionally sometimes. Usually the girls who fool around with me and send me nudes are slutty types, but despite being an actual wizard compared to the college-aged wannabes on here, I don't really have any resentment against slutty girls. I resent life for being shit and stuff, but I can't judge them for easy dick access as I'd probably be the same if I had girls throwing pussy at me left and right.

Plus if it wasn't for the slutty girls I'd get no sexual validation at all.

Lmfao JFMSU senpai (originally, sorry that was pretty funny)

Pretty retarded to send nudes. No matter who it is, you may not be together forever and you don't know what they'll do with it even if you are together. Plus the number of threads I used to see on /b/ where guys working in phone repair shops stole nudes off some girls phones is enough to put me off it for life

I've only sent them to my boyfriend. I don't feel guilty at all and still send them. He love them, so why not?

Plus I always take care to strip all metadata and leave out identifiable features/backgrounds, so no shits given if it gets leaked.

Just posting to say that I agree with everything you say, and that you are wasting your time and sacrificing your mental peace in arguing with fools.

As much as it upset me at the time, I'm glad it happened.

Because you learned he wasnt the right guy, correct? Yeah someone who throws a tantrum over not getting full nudes probably isnt someone you want to raise your kids

Ive sent and received nudes with about 20 girls in the past year all through discord
I dont think any less of them were both just tryna nut. Neither ever feel guilty
Always mutual, only saved if they said it was ok and never exposed anyone

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>tfw you find dick picks on your grandma's phone
>tfw its someone you know
>tfw its not grandpa

Yeah, he clearly was just using me. I felt dumb and hurt for a long time after, and that I should have known because he was kind of out of my league looks wise, but we had a lot of shared hobbies, so I thought that might be why he actually liked me.

shit the fuck up stupid nigger you're lucky we even taught you how to read and write, worthless trash.

I've gotten nudes from a girl by accident and more than anything I'm glad she sent them to me over some other random that would do something like post them on a swedish flyfishing forum.

I got guilted into taking some
I'm glad I got then though

This. It's so fucking sad.