What level of hell you going to robots?
What level of hell you going to robots?
Well, see all you robots there
fifth level of hell user
>tfw Limbo
I feel like im already there
You need to work on yourself lad.
1st circle, Limbo. Sounds about right.
in what way advice user
Whatever hell king solomon will be in.
i answered honestly and got lust, i am actually disturbed by this
Is it a comfy city?
pray for me anons
I was expecting a much deeper level, but sure.
Olala, did I do good?
>those Jow Forums tabs above
Yeah why don't you just fuck off
Fuckin' metal dude.
>tfw granted the mercy of forgiveness via repentance in purgatorio
I got the second layer. I was hoping the layer would be as bad as my life is, but it was based on my morals.
So are there different people from the various layers who did such and such to get there and that's how they made the test?
3rd layer is the best one were are my 3rd layer dwellers at
>Fasting is a way of expressing religious conviction that you have chosen or would gladly choose.
>false = sixth layer
>true = limbo
I got sent to the 4th.
I'm starting to think I'm already in the fifth level of hell holy shit. It's literally Jow Forums incarnate.
7th circle, for suicide
*tips fedora unrepentantly*
test queestions r flawed. Nostradamus wasnt a prophet.
5th level of hell
>Do you use God's name in vain (ex. "God damn it," "Oh my God")?
Do your research, damn it. God's name is not God, therefore saying "God damn it" or the like is not using His name in vain.
Purgatory - Very Low
Level 1 - Very Low
Level 2 - High
Level 3 - High
Level 4 - High
Level 5 - Extreme
Level 6 - Extreme
Level 7 - Extreme
Level 8 - High
Level 9 - High
Got sent to 7th, probably for suicide attempt
For 8th it was. not believing in tarots and fortune tellers, yet believing nostrudamus for his prediction of future events. Also stealing.
Weird because overall I thought I answered fairly moral (which is relative) while believing god, I haven't read much scripture nor do I go to church. I'm actually surprised I scored as low as I did. I knew I was a bit evil but not a step bellow genociding babies evil.
Purgatory bitches
tf? originalo
I get to hang out with Caesar and Aristotle in limbo.
Not bad.
>Do you belive in God?
What to answer if Agnostic?
I dont even know what this means. Origidig
Agnostics can or cannot believe in god. Answer with either 'yes' or 'no'
agnostics would leave then answer unmarked and thus be unable to finish the quiz
Sent to the eight. Pretty metal.
same as me, i cant put yes because idk if there is a god and i cant put no because idk if there is no god, religion and atheism make no sense, how is it possible for someone to know if there is or isnt a god
seventh for me too
seems comfy