Kiid reaches into back of van

Kiid reaches into back of van

seat collapses and traps him upside down slowly suffocating him

uses hey Siri to call 911 twice and tells them hes trapped in his van and dying

they think its Just a joke

cops even see the van but cant see anyone in it

fuck it prob just a prank

He can be heard saying to tell his mom he loves her


watch the video for how it happened holy fuck Dying alone as a virgin

poor little guy

Attached: 5199AB1A-D757-4535-B9EC-D4DD09E6F3F7.jpg (640x360, 11K)

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Posting from my iPad so I couldnt green text or use apostrophes or periods and shit

Wait, ipads don't have punctuation?

What a shit way to die holy fuck

could you post a gif or something, how did the back seat of a car kill someone?

>an unarmed man reaches into his pocket to get his ID as we told him to
>better shoot him multiple times, he's probably drawing a gun

>kid says he's in trouble and slowly dying
>better not do anything, it's probably just a prank

To serve and protect.

Of course they do. OP is just lazy.

My guess would be he was hanging over the backrest when it tilted to the back trapping his chest between the seat and the chassis. Since he had no way of pulling himself up his own body weight kept pusting the backrest even further down and by that increasing the pressure on his chest.
Does that make sense?

cheers for explaining it to a brainlet

Shame he couldnt reach for the back door release knob

how exactly did he get to his phone if he was trapped in this manner

Fucking die.

I was muted for two seconds, because fuck you die twice.

>how exactly did he get to his phone if he was trapped in this manner

>uses hey Siri

Illiterate mongoloid.

dont you have to hold the button down for that?

ive never used siri, calm down

Why the fuck didn't he just open the trunk and retrieve his gear out the back?

Attached: Kaori___sore_toes_by_sl44n3sh.jpg (700x978, 93K)

you just have to say "Hey Siri."

i can control other peoples phones by just yelling hey siri, wtf

>go into a crowded place
>30 swat teams arrive
who /devilish/ here?

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black lives don't matter, fag

The same reason I try to pick up small things from the floor with my feet. Too lazy to do it in the proper way.


>he thinks "fucking die" is original

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