Oh fuck it's happening lads. Some french Jow Forumsack is about to shoot up a school
Oh fuck it's happening lads. Some french Jow Forumsack is about to shoot up a school
>shoot up a school
He's probably taking a screwdriver to school and will stab one kid before he gets the shit kicked out of him
Impossible. Guns are a big no-no in France. We should make USA a one large gun-freee zone too to stop shootings.
...should we call the school?
also i bet he doesn't do shit. bet he has dildos in that fucking bag.
>its a trap guys, its the annuly "cosplay" day in my school. Just getting edgy on those normies :)
I hate emojis
If I take out the dildo will you die?
Use the power
Taste the bliss
Harvest salvation
Now is the time
Get on the right side
And you'll be godlike
Naah, just an attention whore.
It's called emoticons you normalfag.
patrician song
well, thought he was just cosplaying but it looks like he posted a picture of a real gun with his bag. everyone tune into french news stations
>industrial is shi-
I live in Russia. This year some dude took an axe, a molotov cocktail and attacked a school. He threw the bottle in some classroom and just chopped every kid trying to run out of it.
Oui oui fren
Scary af, but only if not a manlet. Otherwise you just throw a stapler at him and keep it moving.
shoud have thrown chairs and every shit they have on him
or in my case I would just jump outta the window cuz im on first floor
Well, they were in panic, did not spot him an he wasn't standing in the door frame, so was not any way to hit him.
As for jumping, in Russia all the classes from 1st to 11th share the same building, so 3-floor schools are not that rare. He might have attacked the 3rd floor. It should also be noted that frequently windows are jammed so that students won't leave school unnoticed or start throwing stuff at passerbys for lulz.
seems fake ttbh desuyu
is this what caused the freeze?
>the virgin shooting
>the chad fire slaughter
>IThatT: losers throwing insults at him because theyre jealous
Jow Forums is just boneless Jow Forums
>Guns are a big no-no in France
That's not true user
t. Frenchbot
Seems fake desu