
What's with the roastie meme? Surely girl's getting smashed by their first and only boyfriend/husband every other day will lead to their vagines getting fooked up as much as them getting fucker by multiple different lads

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Are you that mouthy bitch in the Auspol thread now using a meme flag?
Tits or GTFO

different penis sizes

not everyone is blessed

Roastie isn't just "shes got high milage"
It's a mental state, these women that because of the collapse of the organized religious family unit just spend their days being massive sluts till they hit 30 and then find some beta provider who doesn't care about the 6 miles of nigger cock shes taken.

And then 10 years later she divorces him, getting massive child support and alimony.

>hit 30 and then find some beta provider

They used to be able to do this. A lot more men are aware of this nowadays

wrong. with one guy the pussy gets used to two sizes, at ease and at full attention. with multiple partners it is fluctuating between many diferent sizes and it wears out the elasticity, like a pair of sweatpants.

Attached: taylor swift pussy shot atomic bomb NUKED GOOKS.gif (500x300, 1.9M)

It doesn't matter if the meme makes sense or not. What matters is that it triggers roasties and makes them easily identifiable, this avoidable.

>roasties always carry a garden variety of std's just to make sure you never forget them.

Not if they only have sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation
anything else is just degenerate

Its a shill meme designed to cripple insecure young fags. Should be obvious but its not because incel scum came here as they were shoa'ed off their old platforms and they always take the bait. Now its part of the board culture and the oldfags play along with it for the lels.
Don't believe me? Take a vacation from the front lines and go to infinity chan Jow Forums, aka le echo chamber. ctrl f and search for "roastie," I'd be surprised if you got even one result.

your mistake is assuming the meme has something to do with it has to do with the insecurity of males when it comes to sex. If a woman has been with 8 men she has 8 points of references to compare your sexual skills to. If she's only been with 1 that's only 1 other refernce not that big a deal for insecure males. if you're really really insecure with a tiny dick you will demand a virgin because they have no reference and don't know any better.

I'm not insecure or have a tiny dick, just don't want to put it in the same place other dicks have been. Race does come into it too, but not really because of size. I feel the same if there were with Chinese or Africans. They are more likely to come into contact with infections and diseases the more varied the groups they move in.

It's because we want stable marriages.

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virgin detected

>Expecting Jow Forums incel virgins to know female anatomy


I'm gunna rant here but feel this is a good place to unload... My girl fucked around with 2 guys before she was 17... She's now 21 and I've been with her seriously for 3+ years. She was always honest with me about it and extremely remorseful to the point of hysterical crying for hours on multiple occasions. I think her fucking around sent her into depression,, and before I was with her she used to inflict light self harm... She has a few tiny scars... It stuffed her up but she has been honest and loyal with me... She is a unique chick, very loving and caring and I'm the only guy she has introduced to her parents, but it still messes with my head that 2 other dudes have soiled her. I don't know what to do because I love and trust this girl but with the wealth of info I'm bombarded with regarding non-virgins it sometimes eats away at me. I've told her it was the hardest obstacle for me to overcome. I've been a trad dude and only gotten head n shit with random hookups through my youth, always managed to retain my seed, I've also subtly redpilled her and she's agreed to not use contraception during a long-term/marital relationship. What do i do? Advice anons

it's not just a meme, unfortunatly

Attached: rostie doesn't want to.jpg (576x1024, 113K)

Nigggger faggot jesus

>What do I do?
get off this board and go to reddit.

Why do you want a stable marriage? Are you marrying a horse?

Ok time to save everyone from having to reply. You're welcome friend.

Attached: Best immunity dog.jpg (480x600, 48K)

It's always funny when this subject comes up, and those who have never seen a vagina in real life make it so painfully obvious.

Test orofofoinal

porn damaged men who think their weenies can destroy a pussy.

>They used to be able to do this.
No, what they used to be able to do was getting married at 20.
Until the 1970s, nobody got married in their 30s.

deserves a (you)

That dog can't even protect himself from diabetes.

they were never really all that capable of getting married at 30. just used to be that basically none would end up in a situation where they were 30 and still unmarried.

The type of women who are sexing lots of different men are shoving coke bottles up their vagoos, inattentive to hygiene, and so on.

Well, the average age for getting married is around 30.

Dont be a a cuck and go for it. Also im sorry but I cant fee sympathy for her frivolous use of her body.

We can't un-soil her. You're chances of finding a virgin girl at your age is slim to none so I just say accept it or maybe find a eatern european or azn