everyday is the same thing over and over again. I get shit on most of the day for things that are completely out of my control--personality, cognitive ability, looks, acne, etc--and I put up with it, for the most part, because I tell myself that it'll all be worth it once I make it through and god gives me my rightfully deserved eliza significant other. But then I come home only to see that the closest thing this shit world has to eliza is ciara, and shes not at all like what I envisioned eliza to be like, and that just makes the pain from the day unbearable
i dont have any fucking skills whatsoever and everyone hates me
legitimately got bullied today by some sophmore bitch. she walked face first into me and then said "eeww" while making a disgusted face looking right at me
god didn't even make me a brain-chad as compensation for giving me this shit face and acne
Everyday is the same thing over and over again...
Spend less time crying about your looks and more time compensating for it via becoming a fucking brain chad.
Clean your face and do some sport and you won't have acnes you lazy fuck
>But then I come home only to see that the closest thing this shit world has to eliza is ciara, and shes not at all like what I envisioned eliza to be like
Yes, I do know what you mean.
Specifically, this is Eliza. Cute, bubbly, charming. A persona created to lure in orbiters. Nothing like the person behind the persona.
And this is Ciara "Hitler" Horan, teenage psychopath. Cold, cynical, spiteful. This is it. This is the real person.
Oh well. At least you're still in 9th grade, CheerUp. It's better you learn this stuff now than later.
How do people get attracted to this?
Its cringeworthy.
Maybe I'm just too old.
This post is all lies made by Ciara to discredit Eliza. Both videos actually feature Ciara and not Eliza. I'm an Eliza analyzer so I'm 100 percent sure it's not Eliza.
>How do people get attracted to this?
They're lonely and their loneliness, and lack of social development/ability to spot a con artist, places them at risk for predatory types like Ciara. The internet is a cruel and dangerous place to a socially stunted person. It promises companionship but the companions it provides are the depressed person's imaginary friends, or at worst, predators who can't wait to get their claws into their next victim.
he speaks the truth! eliza is being defamed by evil ciara
Except I have absolutely no friends and still see no appeal to this.
Its beyond understanding for me, all I can say is that these are people who suffer from some intense mental illness.
this is a very insightful outlook on this whole dreary situation that has unfolded on all these poor poor pooooooooor robots. lol.
how could you not love this sweetheart?
When confronted on being a total fake who fabricated a public persona, Ciara admits to it and further admits that it's exhausting pretending to be "Eliza, your favorite teenage waifu" all the time. She even admits this outside of chat, now, whereas before she would only admit it to her inner circle. Pic related.
See also:
"It is exhausting. I'd like to think that I'm being myself when I talk to people one on one."
She looks average.
I don't see the appeal.
it makes her seem attainable to the people here.
the appeal is that she's underaged. she's been on this board since she was 15, and she's finally turning 18 this month
Guess I'm just not the desperate type.
>I have absolutely no friends and still see no appeal to this.
I have a few friends but I basically agree with you that her orbiters are desperate to the point of mental illness being a real plausibility. In the case of OP, I'm 90 percent certain he's a 14 year old boy from Lookism who believed her lies, so I'll give him a break.
Also, I don't think she looks average. She's well below average, facially at least. She looks like Charles II crossed with Liam Gallagher. But the cute little upbeat persona that she created made her irresistible to a lot of sad sacks inhabiting Jow Forums. You have to think about how hard up a lot of these orbiters are. A lot of the delusional shut ins who post here have literally never had attention of even acknowledgement from a female in their entire lives, and that might even include their own mother in some cases. Perhaps that explains how Ciara was able to scam some people seeking "mommy" content.
Did she stop uploading on her insta? Has she got other profiles?
Did she carve the word "DIE" into her thigh or is that just my imagination?
Yeah I've experienced similar.
I've had tons of experience of faggot orbiters becoming infatuated with me and going so far as to send me hundreds of dollars to buy me vidya and shit.
Its quite sad people like this exist where they obsess over the idea of finding someone.
i honestly wouldn't doubt it.......
Wish I could help you user, I come across as pretty dominant and authoritarian which seems to attract pathetic subbies who use money to try and get my attention and form a relationship.
Although when it comes to maximizing how much you want I feel as if pretending to be a suicidal tranny to be most beneficial.
Knew a nigger who got some cuck to give him $2k while pretending to be a depressed tranny.
Didn't have to show off any of his pics or anything.
the most crazy stories are those about anons who dream with her and wake up in misery many of them aren't even obsessed with her its just those dream stories that I relate in a way its total sadness
>I've had tons of experience of faggot orbiters becoming infatuated with me and going so far as to send me hundreds of dollars to buy me vidya and shit.
Just a word to the wise: I'd be very careful about accepting gifts of any kind from mentally and emotionally unstable orbiters. No meal is more expensive than the free lunch (a lesson Ciara appears to slowly be learning the hard way). You don't want these people to develop a sense of entitlement. It could lead to very bad things down the line.
>Its quite sad people like this exist where they obsess over the idea of finding someone.
Indeed. It's not exactly new though. Prostitution is the world's oldest profession. What hustlers online are doing nowadays is just a different form of prostitution, promising some sort of attention or acknowledgment instead of sex. Definitely sad, but not surprising when you think about it. If the internet existed hundreds of years ago, we'd probably see a lot of people totally differently For instance, Isaac Newton died and virgin and was basically his era's equivalent of a Wizard. His powers allowed him to invent calculus and modern physics. But if he had access to the internet, he might have just sat around all day simultaneously crying and masturbating furiously to webms of his teenage waifu cutting herself.
Honestly, I'd recommend just stealing some pics from Facebook and pretending to be a 4/10 teenage girl so you can hustle lonely orbiters. It works for Ciara. Just be prepared for the shit to hit the ever loving fan if or when they find out. The worst has yet to happen to Jow Forums's favorite train wreck.
you sound like someone with an iq of 115
Is that intended to be an insult?
nein, 115 is pretty good
Indeed, it's a full standard deviation above average.
>she's finally turning 18 this month
she finally gets to go to jail for spreading CP of sunny
Does someone know if she got socials other than instagram?
>Does someone know if she got socials other than instagram?
Does plebbit count as social media? She frequents Jow ForumsSugarBaby.
What a time to be alive originally.
she has a facebook i think but she doesn't add people
Does she have a bf? What does she look for in a guy? Do u gize think I have a chance?