What if we all just accepted our stereotypes and got along anyway?
Like what if we could all admit our race's problems and laugh about them instead of trying to act like they don't exist and fake gasp whenever anyone brings them up.
What if we all just accepted our stereotypes and got along anyway?
Like what if we could all admit our race's problems and laugh about them instead of trying to act like they don't exist and fake gasp whenever anyone brings them up.
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Fine as long as white people accept they are meant to be trapping faggots.
I want to do a meme where it's the
"Virgin Chad" and the "Chad Virgin"
but I'm not good with paint or photoshop and I'm not clever. oh well
Because blacks are too prideful to have any amount of humility and all the colored folk don't want whites to be proud of who they are because "muh slavery" and all that bullshit.
What if we all just accepted that judging an individual on the basis of their race is stupid and stereotypes are meaningless?
10,000 milliseconds in MS paint
Because stereotypes exist for statistically valid reasons. You are the exact type of person that's in denial about race.
thx ro-bro
mind if i mess with the text? its good but i got some ideas
All images are owned and copyrighted by the owner.
LOL mate it's Jow Forums do whatever.
> "white people dont season food!"
Hahahah that's funny!
> "black people don't work."
*Autistic screaming and riots.*
People get too worked up over race because muh slavery. Have you noticed blacks are the only people who really seem to get bent out of shape over things they perceive as racist? (Even when they really aren't.)
Fine as long as niggers accept they were meant to be chattel and forced into chains to do my menial tasks.
Only if you accept to bend over and accept the sweaty BBC after a days of long hard work.
Omg so edgy im totes triggered user! :(
Take your HRT and show daddy the you pathetic whiteboi
Fuck off you gay nigger. You'll swing from a rope.
Because White people taught them. In the 70s Blacks would joke about themselves being lazy and shit.
Stereotypes serve a purpose. It is logical and adaptive thinking - recognizing patterns. Everything you expect out of a person, animal, plant, even a situation is a "stereotype"; you have experienced something before from that entity, or heard others' experiences, and so you anticipate what will happen during the interaction. Stereotypes are healthy and normal.
Example 1: I see a dog. The dog looks well-kept, well-fed, well-groomed, has a collar, is not making signs of stress. I can safely assume that this dog will not attack me. I can also assume that it is owned by someone. I should check his collar and see if I can find the owner.
Example 2: I see a dog. The dog looks emaciated. Its fur is ratty. It has no collar. It is acting erratically and showing signs of stress. It has foam at the mouth. I should be cautious around this dog because it could be a danger to me.
I know these things from what I've experienced and what I've been told by others. I am stereotyping, and adjusting my behavior, in order to protect myself.
Now, all that said, you shouldn't pigeonhole every person of a type into one behavioral pattern, nor should you always expect the same outcome from someone or something. You should always be open to new data and exceptions to the rule. But still bear in mind that your preconceptions exist for a reason - to protect you and give you an idea of how to behave.
Yeah almost everyone agrees but usually your argument is used to say that you should never see a forest, only trees.
Individuals are parts of groups and groups can have characteristics even if not every individual in the group has them.
Bend over and put your head in this yoke, black boi. I need some cotton picked.
Watch your tone with me black boi or I'll have the mulattoes I sired with your sister tie you up and lash you again.
It's funny that even psychology professors who should understand pattern recognition act like racial stereotyping is unnatural and say shit like "we just don't know how people can behave like that!"
They're forced to, otherwise the PC Police could revoke their licenses and they'd be financially ruined.
You're right. Most stereotypes are in jest and people are usually intelligent enough to judge an individual on merit before race. And yet we have a "war against racism" not to protect the persecuted but to attack free speech.
Hans, could you pass over the gas to me?
It would seem that we have faggot to be dealt with.
Minorities literally want to kill all white men and make white women sex slaves. This is why we'll never be friends, we're enemies
Because nurture > nature dude
Because stereotypes aren't always accurate. But yeah, every single black guy I have ever known has laughed at my nigger jokes after we got to know each other. If you're likable and are able to make friends with other human beings, this is only any issue when some whiny liberal woman overhears your conversation and calls you racist on facebook.
This type of thing is only possible between the Chads of every race. Failures like the ones on Jow Forums either use race to feel superior to others or to make themselves look like victims:
Go talk to any minority it's always, "I wanna fuck a white girl this" or "death to all white people that" it's not a meme
I have never in my life heard anyone say this, minority or not. Do you just live inside your own head?
Why do we have to get along? Why can't we all just live a safe distance apart from each other?
>tfw hapa
I do that already by coming here
Yes, but can't we at least acknowledge that different races are often 'nurtured' differently?
Is Omar Somali?
no, how about you shit off
why don't you judge floors on an individual basis. Judy because the floor your walking on is asphalt and has a yellow line in the middle doesn't mean it's a street. Have you personally seen any cars on it? No? Then it's safe to play on until proven otherwise
Nah the ideas are just straight facts. Misogynist are usually people who love women and are disgusted that women aren't better than they are in reality. Racists are just people who want social cohesion. They hate niggers because they aren't better than they should be. Racists today don't hate the Japanese for example. Usually when we hate Asians it's the Chinese and they always say the same thing which ultimately winds down to the Chinese should be better.
It would be better than now probably, since we've got problems with both liberalism and fascist uprisings in this era
Oh you probably think you're so clever because of your right-wing reactionary bullshit, literally inventing questions within problems that are of completely different nature than the dimensions you approach them from, without ever giving concrete innovative answers, ''let's just continue solving these issues like our forefathers did!'', don't you, you little shit, you invent problems regarding things that you don't like because you always think someone else is to blame for your inactive sexual life, ''it's the blacks, they are literally taking away every white woman on the world, no white women are left anymore!'', ignorant little white shit fuck you I hope you choke on black women's feet
Welcome to 2006
Daily reminder all robots are fascist if political.
>letting normies run a country by mere majority
Wew thats a huge strawman. I like how you come to Jow Forums because the only way you can win an argument is arm chair psychology and ad hom
Chang still sounds like a loser
No, because what constitutes a sterotype as "chad" in the first place is their fitness. Chad is Chad because Stacy(average woman) wants his genes, everyone wants to be chad, so if everyone acted like their stereotypes women will pick one particular stereotype more and there'll be MORE competition and resentment between people. Eventually one stereotype that is a conglomerate of multiple traits in different stereotypes is going to be the one true chad. So no, right now everyone is fighting for THEIR traits to be accepted into this one ubermensch, telling everyone to act as their stereotype is like telling them not to try to chad up.
Non-democracies are a meme user, you wouldn't last a decade under a dictator, even if he were the greatest in history
Because the white stereotype is "awesome" and the other stereotypes are "lol faggots"
i thought gook moot microwaved you psyops guys
There is no way to keep a cohesive society with so many races of people. I've lived in many so called "diverse" cities and people seem to just separate themselves automatically.
the white stereotype is that we're all pussies and dorks that eat shitty food
>What if we all just accepted our stereotypes and got along anyway?
We were well on our way to doing just that before feminism and outrage culture took over. Then, of course, quality of life went down for everyone and stereotypes became less funny and a matter of survival.