Jow Forums gets Fit 2019

Everyone should have a goal, a set of achievements or maybe just a bucket list.
You're here because you don't, you're aimless and have nowhere to go in life.
So why not make a goal to get fitter by 2019? everyone knows exercise not only improves your physical state, but mental state too. It also improves your chance of getting a gf.
>b-b-but i'm a twig how do I start??
general guide to fitness:
>b-b-b-but I weigh 300 pounds!
then make it your goal to lose weight by the start of 2019!
>*something something become a sissy*
"no!" reminder to ignore all lgbt shills you see on Jow Forums!
>I'm able bodied, where do I start?
look up more "calisthenic" exercises once these become too easy.
Whether it's going to the gym, going for a jog or just not gorging on chocolate everyday, make everyone proud and become fitter by 2019.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I support your good willed attempt for this place, and am already participating.

Let's not just make it about physical prowess though, considering some here are disabled or ill. Those who can not better themselves physically should try to strive to be the best they can mentally or creatively.


Ironically the bottom image is 10 times gayer than the top

only if you look at it in a gay way, which means you're gay.

>looking like an actual male is gay

Not how it works friend

Muscle gay is better than trans gay.

Friendly reminder.

More strength = More respect from normies

And don't give me that "FUCK NORMIES REEE" shit. This place isn't a bigger loser contest, you fucking retards.

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Unironically if this is funny or it doesn't motivate you in the slightest, you are a lost cause forever, as a man. Watch it at your own risk.

Because you should let cute anime girls inspire you to workout and not trying to fit in the Jow Forums faggot culture.

Friendly reminder to take the neckpill.

Attached: neckpill.jpg (961x3000, 864K)

What about bodyweight? I can't afford a gym membership and I struggle moving my body out of the bed, so I started with bodyweight, is this good? I can't find information about bodyweight in that link, am I doing meme exercises?
Also I'm 6'3ft 177lbs

What the pic is describing is not a sexual desire for those forms but a desire to imitate those forms as your own.

The neck only adds emphasis to those chad features but it isn't a chad feature itself.

if you're too big to do simple exercises you should probably start with dieting. doing Star jumps and shit like that every day will help too.

>"Grrrr I hate that no one is attracted to me tfw no gf! I also hate the way I look too!"
>"Work out and self improve? Yeah but Jow Forums is gay I'd rather jack off to anime men that look like girls"
TWO SCOOPS from hell?

Attached: Two+scoops+twwwwooooooo+scooooooops+_d902a5a6bec5a4d9f68f0420cc5887d0.jpg (538x445, 69K)

False. Everyone looks objectively more masculine with a strong muscular neck.

I'm not big, I used to be an skelly, but started GOMAD without any exercise and I'm now an skelly with a funny belly and 0 phisical strength and cardio endurance

In my case it didn't help my medical state at all. I've lifted for two periods of about 6 months and while I got stronger, there was no other benefit.

I recommend everyone download either Yazio or MyFitnessPal app on their phone or tablet - it's a good way to track your food intake. Working out means jack shit if you're eating junk, since I've started eating right my workouts have improved tenfold.
Make this a general please, /r9fit/ or something, it might motivate some people.

what do people mean by low weight, high volume. how many reps is high volume and how low should the weight be.

like idc about strength, just aesthetics

Threads official theme

Mental state god damn it

>Doing GODMAD without lifting

Are you retarded?

High volume is between 10 and 16 reps per set.

okay, show me blackops2cel edited with a thick neck

Attached: bo2cel.jpg (720x960, 58K)

Check and mate faggot
Take the neckpill

Attached: unOhc44.jpg (1512x994, 457K)

Pls no bully, I looked so bad so I thought more weight will work, now I look like those starving African child with and inflated belly.
Send help

i saidneck, not every single feature you faggot

Start lifting. Also nice numbers

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You see fellas? Jow Forums is actually much more robot friendly than faggots. Those people might spam words like "degenerate" too much, but they care about long term happiness of the people and you in particular. Jow Forumsacks might be annoying at times, but I personally like them.
Trannyfags only care about the high right now, they will exploit you and make your life even more miserable.

But this is Jow Forums not Jow Forums
Jow Forums is false flagging or starting the Jew bullshit somewhere

Im disabled. Severe scoliosis
Pls stop assuming everyone can do this

lol get fucked disabled fag. Don't pass your genes on.

You get aesthetics by doing 3 sets of 5-8 reps at a weight that is difficult for that amount of reps. When you can do 8-8-8 consistently move up to a heavier weight.

my goal is to destroy this world , but people are already doing it without my help so i have nothing to do desu

Jow Forums is Jow Forums's satelite board

Over 9000 hours in paint for this one. Now shut the fuck up and train your neck.

Attached: Untitled-5.jpg (681x898, 158K)

Being Jow Forums is Jow Forums - an aesthetic body has been referred to as "the fascist aesthetic" by radfems and antifa.

I already started in february
let's fucking go faggots

if you have gym anxiety:
you can buy a squat rack, barbell, and some plates on amazon for less than $500. $500 will last at least a years worth of progress

here you go fellas, have some oregano! take care

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i'm already motivated and on board

january 1st i weighed 245 and now i weigh 235. I got super depressed and kinda stopped trying and started eating comfort food but i'm back on track, aiming to be 220 by the end of may.

I have too much social anxiety.

What if I don't have any anxiety about it but just don't want it bad enough?

Being fit isn't gay dude, liking guys dressed in skirts is.

Find a nice quiet gym, people usually don't talk to u there anyways

The whole picture is mega gay. (Which is fine too, nothing wrong with wanting to be either if you're mentally disciplined enough).. Just likee us, girls have preferences and for most its somewhere in the middle. Just be healthy, toned if you want, eat well, exercise regularly, set goals, accomplish as many as you can (you will fail, but that's part of it). All that shit. That's the way out of here. It's about solving your problems, not finding another source of escapism

Do I have to use machines or can I just use dumbbells?

This, this and only this. Muscle and bara are made for only patricians.

Thinking about starting to get Jow Forums too.
Gyms here are infested with dudebros, wiggers, Turks and sandniggers, how likely is it that I can avoid having to deal with these "people"? I lost contact with my old friends from school and my new friends live too far away from me, so I'll have to go alone.

Thought this thread was dumb, but Jow Forums being frozen for so long made me realize how empty my life is

Based, but whomst caused the freeze this time?

I'm fit already and I approve this idea. There is no better way for a sperg to fell better than when you push your body and sweat, it does the trick, more confidence and self worth.

Based, Shiro's Sagisu creations are God Tier workout music, especially ost from Magi is pure gold. When L'arabesque sindria is playing I feel like fucking god of thunders and storm raging in the middle of the battlefield.

is there a Jow Forums fit discord?

Just buy a couple 30 pound weights, do sit ups and push ups etc all in the comfort of your pwn womb

*own room

Yes, our desire to know intensifies

I already tried. For months. I bought a home gym. I stuffed my face with whey every day. Nothing happened. I stayed a dyel.

Buy a cheap jumprope for under $10, do pushups, situps, squats.
Do those 3 5 at a time till you can 10 at a time, then go for 15, ect.
Around 50 in a row you will probably peak and have a harder time progressing, so instead of doing more, add weight to what you do. Add 2.5lbs every half week, keep getting stronger.

This is how I got to 102 push ups in 2 minutes, 50 with a 45lb pl8 on my back, the easy formula is
>do pushups every day
>start with 5, add 5 each day/week depending on how fast you progress
>if you physically cant do more, add weight to what you can do

Do this for push ups, sit ups, and squats till you reach 100 in 2 minutes for each exercise, enjoy being fit on a budget. (For cheap weight go to the hardware store, get 50lb sandbags for around $3-5, pour some into a gym bag or an old taped up shirt to get the weight you want).

Also run and jump rope every day, run at least 2 miles, jump rope between your 3 exercises. Once you can hold a 5 minute mile for 2 miles bump it up to 3, once you can hold a 5 minute mile for 3 go to 4, ect.

Agreed, if youre going to do it you should do it alongside training for the rest of your body, obviously

How to get rid of a beer belly?
I don't drink I just have this disgusting stomach. Nothing else on me is fat.

why can't I make new threads

But I'm already fit, what am I supposed to do?

but muh traps

hey do you know whats going on
why can't I make new threads

where do you live?

Originally in western Germanistan.

is it worse in the west than the east or did you just want to be specific

>just lift bro

You have to go back

As a female, should I aim for thick neck? Will it make my features stand out?

FBI is raiding the board today

Explain why lifting is a bad idea

The West is far worse. We got all the Turks and other minorities here to work in the mines, it's the most densely populated area in Germany and now we got the most fugees too. Somehow, we also got the loudest "diversity is strength" leftards. Girls in large cities are literally afraid of going outside in the evenings.
Wigger culture is strong here too thanks to Turks, Albanians, North Africans and Arabs having a strong impact on youth culture. They're literal apes.
The ex-GDR is full of right-wingers who don't want a government to impose a political set of beliefs on them, mixed with literal nazis. However, they're still sadly on average poorer than us Wessies and have worse job opportunities.

Should I focus on weight loss or muscle gain first? I'm about 20 pounds overweight and I'd like to be fit enough to serve in an army very well.
Any advice?
Muscle training seems way harder so I'm very tempted to focus on weight loss but I've heard it's easier to gain muscle when fat.

Also I refuse to get a gym membership or buy equipment.

Got fat from meds so i worked on it regulary about a year now. Want to go down to about 85kg next. I go to the gym 3+ days a week and Run and do bodyweight exercises on the days i don't go. Still too much bodyfat but the strength is coming back. I will keep at it

As a female you should aim to get off this board

>we have to be inclusive
Go back to tumblr

Slender necks on females are the best.

Yes go for that nasim aghdam aesthetic

You can have femboy aesthetics and also be fit. Best of both worlds.

Upload is failing so I'll try putting the image separately.

man, that sounds like hell. Good luck out there.

I don't have the time, money, energy, means, or motivation to do get fit

Using dumbbells is usually preferable for beginners.

I don't lift but I did run 6 miles today.

Am I welcome in this thread?

Dieting and light exercise seem the most ideal to pursue first to lose weight then slowly progress into more intense lifting to start gaining more muscle.

Is that Grubby?

I think you should be my gf

I'm doing keto

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bara is gross though

You should become strong for your own fun and amusement.

I lifted in the past and it felt pretty good being strong. Lifting previously heavy objects like they were nothing, even my own body felt light with my newly acquired strength. I never stopped being a skeleton, but felt the power running through my veins.

I only stopped because of money and because I was quitting neetdom. But I intend to go back, it felt pretty good.
The upper levels of strong must feel trippy, even. Knowing you can crush a normalfag enemy with your hands if they step out of the line.

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If I get fit, I'd look like a balding Adam Jensen. No chick would be into that.