Fembot thread.
Fembots, why do you like black guys so much?
Fembot thread.
Fembots, why do you like black guys so much?
big dicks and they smell really nice. plus they drive my racist family insane.
Fun. No getting called "roastie whore," no getting treated like a glass princess who has to be handled super gently. No whining about "muh white heritage."
You know what you get with a black guy? A good time. Music, some junk food, movies/vidya.
and getting beaten to death
Girls like black guys yet I'm never liked and I'm still a virgin, what gives
White dude: "N-niggers are gonna beat you to death!"
Black dude: "Ay yo little mama, hop in my ride, lemme whisper in yo ear."
>she actually believes this shit
then he drives you to a back alley and kills you. Take that whiteboys!!!
White dude: you look really pretty
Black dude: ay bitch come hop on muh dick
I have zero attraction to black men.
To me they are all hideous, their dicks look like excrement, they only ever want sex, they have low standards, they speak like imbeciles, they're unintelligent, uncultured, and act like animals, we don't usually have anything in common, and I feel nothing romantically towards them. Just the thought of kissing another black person makes me feel gross.
>another black person
Are you a black qt by any chance?
So many larps on this thread. Even OP is one
i dont mind if women date black guys sometimes but the fetish towards them makes me lol. ik intelligent black guys exist but fuck me if i've ever met one with IQ>100
> this is what white virgins believe
I bet youve never seen a pussy, white boi.
Black guys are disgusting, the only positive thing about them is that they're disgusting enough they can be used as a fetish.
If you're here then you are already fucked.
Are you a black qt?
Would you be my black gf and make Tyrone mad?
>It's a "black roastie hijacks the thread for pity points from her whiteknights" episode
now i know why you fembots always ignore me it's because your all nigger loving whores.you fembots are no different than roasties.
>Black guys
"Female" here refers to "non-black females"
Female weirdos and loners don't like black guys
Alpha females (who like black guys) like them for the "lore" surrounding ghetto black men. For the cool points that she, herself, gets. They do not associate with regular legitimate black guys. Only criminal hoodlums. And alpha females who don't like black guys feel they are too good for black guys.
Beta females (who like black guys) tend to be off-put by dangerous ghetto lifestyle. They don't date a thug, or any black guy, for cool points. If they're with a black guy, it's because they actually like him. Whether he's good to her, or he's a hoodlum who treats her like trash, her connection to him is genuine. Beta females who don't date black guys may actually like them but will fear the social ramifications of "standing out" by being an interracial couple.
Fembots (none of which like black guys) barely date. They have legitimate mental illness. They have social or familial trauma that hampers their communication. It's not even a matter of preference of guys. That's too far on the "normal" side of the spectrum. In their current state, they can't unfuck their own mental space enough to get to a normal idea like "dating." Over time though, maybe
I've met and dated far more girls IRL that would be apprehensive to date a black guy than the other way around. You spend far too much time on Jow Forums/blacked if you believe the memery user.
Seriously. Ask any black dude about the percentage of non-POC chicks willing to give him the time of day.
I'm pretty sure that femanons here are more racists than the males
Anyof of "them" who isn't is a larper
Am black, qt is debatable
hmmm maybe :3
>hijacks the thread
Literally OP specifically asked fembots for our opinions, that's just mines.
>he posts an image of a white man from the 1960s who in reality would regularly beat his wife and that'd be ok
This, get off 4chins for a while.
Just fuck off. Fembots don't exist
>he actually believes these posts were made by women.
There Is no such thing as a fembot and niggers ate very rarely chads
bullshit, white women don't stop mentioning black dick and 'bbc' see and hear it everywhere
90% of white girls don't like black guys, stop living in some weird fantasy land
They're gross, rude, stupid, and liable to beat and leave you
Only white guys are attractive
I'm black. I only really dated white girls growing up and my wife is white. Hmmmm...
Don't forget you also get a disgusting mixed race child you then have to spend the next 18 years raising alone because you let a black man get you pregnant.
fucking where dipshit, on the internet? go meet people and forge some experiences for yourself dumbass.
I have never heard the expression 'bbc' used anywhere other than on the internet EVER. black dudes having big dicks may be a meme as old as time but I haven't met nearly as many white chicks who were willing to overcome the perceived social stigma/their social construct of blackness to date a black dude as this website would make you think.
they mention it all the time, on the internet and in real life. casually too, like they do it all the time. anything dark and remotely phallic and they will mention it, even at random
You can have her. I wouldn't want a chick that would even consider a black guy.
Let me start a list of bullshit about black people.
>Never close their mouths, walk around with their mouths open. Wtf.
>Smell like shit
>Laugh at the dumbest shit for no reason. All you see is black guys fake laughing at each other, though both people know the shit they're saying isn't even funny.
>Never humble. Every black person I've ever met has been the most arrogant prick.
>Hates racism, yet they are the most racist race of all time.
>Love ignorance. Having a good education is frowned upon.
>Going to prison or jail is a badge of honor. Shit is ridiculous.
On and on.
>like they do it all the time. anything dark and remotely phallic and they will mention it, even at random
you're retarded user.
Kek seems like you're the only person here that's obsessed with a little BBC.
I do not like black guys though. Also fembots do not exist.
T. Black femanon
I dont?
Now black chicks, thats where the money is.
Unfortunately, not alot of bigger black women that are into other women. It sucks but whatever.
Why not? Is it an aesthetic thing?
Not into black guys either but I wouldn't say no to being friends with a black dude who shared my interests.
t. black lesbian femanon
95% of 'black femanons' are white guys larping
I should have rephrased it as in I would never date one but some can be great friends. A lot of it is I am just not attracted to black guys and a lot of them I have met smell pretty bad. A lot of them have nigger or hood personalties even in whitewashed places like where I live and I think those are pretty gross and annoying.
I don't have any preference to them. I don't necessarily find them unattractive, but I tend to crush more on white emo boys than anything else.
Half the traits you've listed describes the average robot.
>whitewashed places like where I live
You live in a country built by whites you fucking idiot
What about white robots?
I see 5 white female, black male couples at my school just today.
You probably live in bumfuck ohio
testing moi postan
And? I am just using it to say I live in a really white town unlike city ghettos or the deep south like where most black people live.
White robots can be pretty qt
I need your help. I'm a chad that happens to like black women. The issue is the smart ones/hot tend to fall for the whole nigger trap bullshit and end up dating a dumb black dude. Why do intelligent/hot black woman do this shit? I don't get it. So what i'm asking is do black women really like white guys? I never get approached by them but do by white/asian girls which pisses me off. I'm just tryna get a black smart qt gf. wtf.
So you want qt robots?
Sorry for wasting your time
You are not wasting my time and yeah. I think my ideal bf would be a cute, pale, shy, lanky robot.
Coal burning whores should be hung with the niggers.
I have a black roommate in uni
I've come to realize a lot white chicks in uni are very easy if you're black
Everyday he's with a new white or latina girl
I've also come to realize I'm a cuck
>I've come to realize a lot white chicks in uni are very easy if you're black
white girls are easy full stop. white chads are getting just the same
cant be much of a chad if you cant get anywhere without having to rely on women approaching you.
but this guy isn't a Chad or Tyrone
He just shouldn't be getting this much pussy, it has to be something to do with his race
>, it has to be something to do with his race
yeah that is it. not that he is sociable or anything while you sit in your room
>I've come to realize a lot white chicks in uni are very easy if you're black
I'm black and one guy commented that "You're like one of the three black guys at your university, how are you not getting any pussy?"
I'm a massive insecure autist who's socially retarded and I'm a manlet to boot, so that's probably why.
I don't. I would never willingly associate with one.
t. nonwhite fembot
Because most fembots ARE black.
I don't. I like pasty spics.
These guys are actually so autistic they don't see their driving their own women away.
>thanks for the white bitches
fembots are ugly and have low standards thats the reason dont listen to anything they try to say
I know this is going to sound insane but, what about just letting people like what they want?
>what about just letting people like what they want?
I don't want a shitty, ugly world.
You always have the choice of taking your own life, you know? Nobody owns you shit and nobody is forcing you to live.
>nobody is forcing you to live.
Reincarnation. There's no running from this.
>Nobody owns you shit
Hence, if you want something you have to get it yourself.
How the fuck am I supposed to talk to a fembot when she won't tell me anything about herself except?
Like it's just me messaging paragraphs and then getting essentially "lol k" back.
If you want to believe in that, fine. But there is still no actual proof of it.
>Hence, if you want something you have to get it yourself.
Want a clean world? Clean it yourself.
>Clean it yourself.
That's the idea. We're on the same page.
And this is why you will never get a gf.
>a lot of them I have met smell pretty bad
I always hear about black people smelling "bad" but Ive smelled both black men and white men and both of them smell about the same to me but besides that, I get what you are saying.
obviously not
what board are you on
>everyone beats their wife
In my experience the other girls who, like myself, were raised in mostly-white environments prefer whites over all else.
I always went to white schools, am an 'oreo', and the school i go to now is majority-white.
I don't know of too many other top-tier black girls who go for black guys, unless they have been bullied by whites + have high self esteem (I was bullied but have very low self esteem).
They probably won't approach you though. I would never approach a guy because I am way too strong and since black women are not usually white mens' (or anyone's) preference the fear of rejection is strong.
>>a lot of them I have met smell pretty bad
I didn't get that either until chemisty class in high school. I was seated next to this kid who smelled like Satan's spawn and my cunt of a teacher seated me next to him. Every time i'd try to move my seat away from him she'd yell at me to move back. Fast forward a few bad smelling black people to now in college there's this fat guy who works at the front desk of my building and damn! If you get within a 20ft radius of this man you better bring a gas mask. I use the escape doors whenever he's at the office.
Yeah but Ive lived around both blacks and whites my entire life. I feel like these complaints are just about certain people with bad hygiene.
If he has trouble what chance do I have?
Sure he wasn't muslim?
Fembots don't exist. Either way blacks have a bad reputation. Its also stigmatized for women in the white race to date black men. It would ostracize them from their families,friends and future partners. Whites are willing to be the step fathers of any race other than blacks. I don't know why its this way, but thats how it is. It could be genetic/evolutionary or it could be social/environment/culture. I personally love black women and would love to race play as the white masta and treat my slave like the little whore she is.
I think I might be your guy depending on your definition of cute
I honestly unironically like Asians.
White is probably second, I could see myself raising a family with either.
Hispanic and black are probably the lowest, mainly because I'm a bit intimidated by blacks and a large majority of Hispanics in my area are short pricks. But if they initiated anything, I'd be willing to try.
black guy here. ive been dating my black girlfriend since high school. we go to the college. should i marry her in a couple years? im 19, shes 20
Sure? Considering the only information given to me is that you've together for a bit and that you're considering marriage, you seem compatible.
>unironically like Asians
Be my gf then or you're larping.
I don't tho. Frenchies are my weakness desu
The first guy was from Somalia so I guess he was.
I imagine a lot of guys here are really cute in terms of looks and personality in my eyes.
we're all gonna make it, blackanon
je suis omelette du fromage. send nudes now?
Hey Dexter is your sister still single?
oi slut blow me then
Um we dont?
>he doesn't know that blacks are much more likely to beat their wives, and were much more likely to do so in the 60's
Why the fuck would you want a white pig man who's only hobbies are video games and jerking off to porn?
id rather just never have sex if i had to fuck a dude who wasnt white, some asian chicks are ok though.
i will continue to spread pure ranga genes in my community, to ward off the invading lebos.
>plus they drive my racist family insane.
So it's just to be defiant against your family who might be racist for a good reason. Typical women shit who need to stir up chaos just to get drama started. It's no wonder people are demanding that women lose their rights.