Do you think it's hot when a girl cries?

Do you think it's hot when a girl cries?

Attached: IMG_20180411_182734_799.jpg (900x1600, 263K)

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Only if there is a dick inside of her

Crocodile tears. Nothing sincere about this girl.

No, but i want to cuddle a girl and comfort her.
I realize it won't help, especially because i'm an ugly beta, though.

connection tester

>tfw you read all the comments about your massive chin again

I think it's cute. I wouldn't settle with a girl who doesn't cry much.
Okay, maybe I'd settle anyways, but overemotional girls are top tier. I wanna hug that girl so bad.

wtf is this honeypot

Hell ya my x gf (she was bpd and a monsyer) wouod cry abiut half the tine I fucked her doggy style my dick is big and it would hurt her and remind her of hiw she was "raped" I did this when I was mad at her and that was most of the time I came buckets and zero fucks were given lol she would sob and let me pound away so I could finish

I guess it would depend on what she is crying about.
It it was about a romantic reason then maybe.
But if it's for any other reason then it would be a huge tern off.
When a girl cries for stupid reasons it's almost infuriating, like come on, get your shit together and attack the problem, don't just sit their and blubber around like a wounded 5 year old.

not hot, but cute. My dream is to hold and comfort a crying QT someday.

They do it for attention and pitty its disgusting

l wanna be a girl who cries when she gets fucked

My wife cries about everything. It's obnoxious.

I would laugh at a woman in pain. I want to see women tortured and die horrible deaths. What have they done to me

sometimes my boyfriend makes me cry when were on the phone and soon after he will say hes gotten turned on. does that count

Only when its due to physical pain and she gets off on that sort of thing.

No, hearing someone cry is one of the most annoying things there is.

she's crying because she didn't make enough money from selling her dirty panties online this month.

Satisfying, laughable, righteous; not hot.

No they fucking aren't. You need to get a grip on reality my man.

join our discord server for a high quality roastie-free alternative

I want to punch Ciara in the stomach, really fucking hard.

>I think it's cute. I wouldn't settle with a girl who doesn't cry much.
> Okay, maybe I'd settle anyways, but overemotional girls are top tier. I wanna hug that girl so bad.
Why wouldn't you just want an emotionless girl who has no empathy for you or anyone and only wants to crush you balls with her fists, knees, heels and spit in your eyes and mouth, put out cigarettes on your nipples and laugh in your face while calling you a worthless excuse of a man and telling you to kill yourself because you don't deserve someone as good looking as her.

Thats my dream girl

i like girls who cry a lot. its a sign of emotional instability, which I like. i want my gf to start crying and threatening suicide if i so much as look at another girl. i want her to cry if she makes dinner and i tell her it tastes bad.

Not really, but as a guy who broke a lot of hearts in high school, I will say that I almost always got a boner when a girl cried.

I don't think crying arouses me necessarily, I think it feeds into my larger fetish for power/domination. Me staying cool in an emotionally charge situation while she breaks down = rock hard.

I'm not a bad person, I promise.

>gf to start crying and threatening suicide if i so much as look at another girl
>her to cry if she makes dinner and i tell her it tastes bad.
god l wish that were me

Yes, I too am an edgelord.

When that happens my autism kicks in, i have no idea how to comfort people

Crying while deep throating is the best

when my autism kicks in i start crying

What if i cry while i get my shit together? I'm really emotional and cry very easily, but I don't just sit and cry. I do what I need to through the tears.

>deep throating

It'll be a sad day when I meet a girl who can take my dick all the way down. Like, 90% of my self-esteem is tied up in having big dick that chicks gag on. It's what keeps me going even though I'm a 27 year old who makes $14/hr.

>Do you think it's hot when a girl cries?

Only if she's crying because I'm fucking her ass

>girl who can take my dick all the way down
god l wish that were me

does anyone know why i cant post images?

>god l wish that were me
You wish you were a girl who could take my dick all the way down? Why? Your existence would destroy 90% of my self-esteem.

Well it's cute but im starting feel bad for them and im starting crying too ;(

>Your existence would destroy 90% of my self-esteem
This is my goal. Big dick robot whose self esteem is so low they would never leave me.

i can tell her tears are realer than unicorns

whoever made her cry, please, stop bullying ciara.


Fair enough.

How big is your lap rocket anyway?

Pushing 9.

Yeah it kinda is

Your self-esteem is safe. I would definitely choke on that.

You granted me a smile Gaynon. For that, I thank you.

beep boop

There's nothing going on behind those eyes. She's a sociopath, but a low IQ sociopath.

I dunno. I once considered it my primary fetish, but I don't know if really arouses me, gets my thingy hard and my mind too worked up to avoid masturbating, like some other things do. I think I like it and the feelings I get from hearing it, from a cute girl.

no way, post a pic

Is that you again, CheerUp?

If she were here right now, she'd feebly attempt to defend herself by saying "I never sold used panties! I just pretended to in order to scam people. I took their money without mailing them out."

only if they're anime

Attached: c7r4J7h.png (1280x720, 930K)

Why is that sociopath crying?

I will save Ciara.

Attached: 1522697814022.jpg (900x1600, 281K)

I think it is hot when a guy gets off from abusing a girl and making her cry

too late she has had 4 dicks in her vag and over a dozen in her mouth

she is a huge slut, a drug addict, piece of shit

So what are her latest instagram pictures of? Can anyone post them please?

>over a dozen

This isn't true. I haven't read anything that proves that.

People have been speculating she's been a druggie slut since 13. So who knows?

yeah, but I have a rape fetish.

>she has admitted to doing heroin, opiates, and benzos
>admitted to fucking jake, fatty who turned into a drug dealer, and some other guy who "raped" her
She has admitted to plenty

>fatty who turned into a drug dealer,

hahhahah. I fucking called that. Ciara is SO god damn predictable. That guy was a goofy looking doofus, I saw that and I was like "Oh she's with him for drugs."

Her first was Noah. Now there's two takes on Noah. First Ciara was the pure little girl, they dated, and Noah got her on drugs. The second take is that Ciara was already a druggie slut, and she started banging her dealer.

What drugs are she currently on?

>What drugs are she currently on?
She claims none but we all know that isn't true.

She claimed to be on benzos earlier this year.

I have sex don't you know

She dumped him because she found out he was doing drugs. She specifically did not want to be with a dealer.

I'd find it incredibly annoying. The overdramatic bawling just angers me for some reason.

>She claims none but we all know that isn't true.

We should just assume all of them then.

What the FUCK is that drawing on the right is more like.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-04-13-22-38-53~01.png (984x516, 330K)

What kind of logic is that? She's stated that she hasn't used drugs at all in 2018. Her pupils are always a normal size.

>covering chin with hand
>fake tell
typical Sierra

>She's stated that she hasn't used drugs at all in 2018.
No she said she did some benzos but stopped in early February.

Where did I say that? I was talking about 2017 in pretty sure...

More cute than hot. Whenever my ex cried it was really enjoyable to listen to, even when I liked her.

>She's stated that she hasn't used drugs at all in 2018.
Trusting a drug addict.

>Her pupils are always a normal size.
That is because the pupils will only dilate if she has overdosed if she is only on benzos.

>She's stated that she hasn't used drugs at all in 2018.

Junkies aren't the most reliable people.

>Her pupils are always a normal size.

So? She takes pics when shes not high.

Hey Ciara.
How are you doing?

How is sunny doing?

Why do you hate your orbiters?

I've never actually seen any proof that she's an addict. She may have experimented but that's it.

She takes pictures of herself all day.

So did you ever talk to that guy you like? Or did any of your orbiters, I mean friends, show up to your job at Target like they said they would on curiouscat?

Also were you serious when you said you were attracted to older guys? Like in their late 20s and early 30s?

>lol guys any mention of drug use was just lies and photoshopped chat logs
sorry faggots, it's a little too late to retcon the last 4 years of this whores life

>I've never actually seen any proof that she's an addict.
Yeah all those chat logs were obviously faked.
All the pictures of her pupils all fucked up were obviously fake.

Its all one big conspiracy against her. She is just a pure virgin girl who never did anything wrong.

Pupils are big from antidepressants

>She has admitted to plenty
true. she posted this to her old blogspot before deleting it

>My life is a fucking joke.
>Seriously, I'm pathetic. I hate the idea of living so much, I can't fucking fit in, and I'm miserable all the time. I "cope" is by joking about my chronic depression to make myself forget that it's actually real and snorting heroin 3-5 times a day.
>I'm a poly-drug addict. If it gets me high and relaxes me, I'm all for it. Weed, I smoked daily for months before I got back into dope. I liked how it made me hungry and it made shit funny, but it made me too paranoid and it was too obvious. Benzos were great. I think. I don't remember fucking shit. Just made me act drunk and forget 3 weeks of my summer. Woo-hoo. Alcohol is a pain in the ass to hide and it tastes awful. It all points back to heroin in the end. I'll do a drug but inside I'll just be wishing it was heroin.
>It's my first day of school tomorrow. I'm picking up a bundle later. This is what I've been wanting the past 5 months. Sweet, sweet heroin.

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What namtes fit her more?

Junkie Chan
Heroin Chan

If its from an abortion

Eric Cartman gets shot.

Attached: latest.png (281x145, 39K)

No, it's annoying. Once I licked the tears off my (now ex) wife's face because I was just so tired of her histrionics. The sound of a crying women just makes me angry, probably because of her.


certainly not heroin chan because she has admitted to doing a lot of other drugs other than heroin

Druggie Chan
Crackwhore chan

Sucks dicks for Meth chan

>What namtes fit her more?
I feel like the whole x chan thing is so passe at this point but if we must, I like Hitler Chan.

Other names I like better:
Ciara Hitler
Hitler Horan
Heroin Horan (Get it? It sounds like "heroin whore." How very droll).

Attached: Ciara Hitler Horan.jpg (1080x720, 121K)

Of course she denies that now. She denies everything she did before 2017 that there isn't photographic proof of. And if she could, she'd deny that as well.

Anyone could make anything up about her

>Anyone could make anything up about her
Ok, Sierra.

Didn't realize that was you I was arguing with.

I'd if it's hot but it raises a certain energy in me that almost feels like a fetish

If this is Ciara speaking, fuck what these niggers say about u. Everyone makes mistakes, and yours were just amplified by the internet. Everyone behind a keyboard has an opinion, tis a robots favourite pasttime.

Here is to hoping that you do well in uni, meet someone special, and start the next chapter of your life.

Does anyone know natalie's (weedcommunist) instagram? Pic unrelated

Attached: outback.jpg (962x722, 82K)

>Here is to hoping that you do well in uni
Wait. She wants actually to go to uni? Holy kek

Biggest question I have about this photo is where is the snapchat UI that's normally at the top? It's clearly snapchatted, but the fact that the UI is missing makes me think that the photo was camera rolled and then sent by someone that isn't her.

I could be wrong, but fuck it I'll speculate since I know there are people who pretend to be her. Also your green text is apparently not true, she commented on it today.