
Finally the weekend, thank god edition

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What did you lads do when Jow Forums was down?

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Jow Forums was up

fucked up the skip
really want to break something
preferably expensive

you fucking pot noodle eating cunts

I am rather drunk and am currently tucking into a ham sandwich or two to sober up a little.

How has everyone's week been?

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Bloody maintenance. Absoloute.

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Just got fucked by my tulpa. AMA.

Having a kit-kat and a cup of tea.

Then gonna play some Fortnite until I'm ready for bed.

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it's fucked up that there's like half a million people in this city but i couldn't one of them a real friend

Student loan hits on Monday. Last few days of financial issues. Start my internship in June. Comfy wages. Feeling pretty good rn

I was meant to go out to the GP to ask about endocrinology and then go out shopping for girl clothes and makeup, but I slept through the entire day instead and only just woke up. I was so disappointed with myself. But it's ok, I'll just do it tomorrow, and in the meantime I'll research what hormones I'll take?

I've been looking at accessories I could wear. I really like the idea of having a flower hair clip because it's an overt signal that shouts 'I'M FEMALE', and I also think this neckace is really cute. Tell me what you think?

[Aw, linking them makes it think my post is spam]

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America has taken the decision to bomb Syria, lods.

Can't stand the yanks.

Lad, your copy pasted drivel is not how you go about things.

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good luck with that blog post

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I drank a cheap bottle of vodka and played STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl

Took a walk also

Skinny jeans are fucking awful in comparison to a pair of joggers, quite literally stop the circulation in your legs
How do women wear them so often?

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>Britfeel/Jow Forums is down all day
>Thread comes back up
>Instantly ruined by the cunt normie attention seekers

Lads I'm pretty sure I can get an uggo off Tinder to fuck me, do I do it?

I'm conflicted.

I just got drunk and played a VN, was a good day

uggo in what way? i fucked a few fat girls with pretty faces and honestly I was fine with it. couldnt do it the other way round though

dmanon is a nonce, lads. Been waiting to say hat all day

Fucken what are we all drinking then lads, mon then yous wee quiet bastards you's have me worried, your my only source of conversation in life beyond that of normie parents?

Now meself I've a bottle of famous Grouse smokey black and the stuff is the bollocks in all honesty, to the point I've done three quarters a bottle of that, on top of about a quarter bottle of congac along a wee dribble of absolout vodka so all in all I'm fucken pissed as it should be for a weekend eh, now enough about my shite tell us about you's lads even if it's your ploughing orange or cranberry juice your still worthy of story for my ears...

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Shame on you, men. Shame on you.

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She's an ex fatty 'gym freak' that's still overweight with a real bad nose. Like a platypus.

Best opportunity ive got to lose my V card. I've actually met her briefly before and been told at a party she was into me and I brushed it off as I'm not attracted to her.

I think she killed herself. Bit sad really.

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>hates herself
>my fault

its because for men they cut off the circulation in your balls. if you wear them to me you are either female or just another soy boy

Did your tulpa make you shove a finger up your ass

If shes nice and not a total Stacey then I say go for it lad. Once you are balls deep it doesnt really matter what she looks like as long as she isnt repulsive

Don't believe instagram - most are munters,

Just sling it up there and be done with it. The first time is usually shit, anyway.

Ive been polishing off a bottle of JD that I got cheap in Asda, had to mix it with ginger ale as it tastes like soap neat. Got a good buzz now so who cares

Shit, we just attacked Syria.

Mate even instagram filters don't make this girl look good.

I think she's probably a good person and I know she played WoW back in the day, far from a stacy.

My plan is to just open on Tinder with 'hey what you up to this weekend, wanna catch up over some netflix at mine?'. If she doesn't go for it I won't pursue any further, reckon there's a good chance she'll want more of a relationship anyway.

Indeed we fucking did.
This has much potential to start a war down there.

>Sign up
>Dead before 25 or permanently disabled
Lets go boys

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Skinny jeans have been proven scientifically to reduce sperm count in your bollocks alongside making you look like a faggot arsed poofta

I mean I've often talked of a simmilar subject on /fa/ and Jow Forums and they all whole heatedly agree that their is a world wide conspiracy to feminise men through fashion over the years specially with mainstream high street retailers like Burton, topman, primark, blue Inc, JD. Debenhams, next etc but specifically by the big French monopoly who owns a shedload of fashion companies.

Just you look at the trends over the years and how they popular fashion has become more faggoty over the years.
>Tight fitting chinos.
>Skinny jeans.
>Tight fitting T shirts.
>Accessories like jewelry beyond watches.
>Dennim jackets with fur collars.

For all I say don't take it as a personal attack on your sexuality, it's merely an attack against corporations pandering to a minority and forcing it upon a majority as I'm all for diffrent styles yet I'm against the compete and utter feminisation of men in order to sterilise them and make them mincers...

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The missiles have started to fly in Syria, lads. We're fucked

Don't worry, conscripts, Abdul will make sure you return to a land fit for heros.

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Abu and Mahmod will take care of the women and children while you're gone

All the women I don't have and all the children I will never have anyway

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The lord god green amphibian has willed WW3.
The chaos will soon become realised. Normies and roasties alike will finally see the 2000 year old unwritten doctrine of social structure is a mere lie. And they will crumble, become catatonic at what they have believed to be true is false...

Thank you kek

Going to stab my next door neighbour once it all kicks off. He's had it coming for a long time..he wont be calling anyone "soft lad" ever again

The world sits and waits to see if Russia is all talk or will take action.
But they ain't shooting down these missiles yet.

Livestreams on FB shows multiple anti-aircraft missiles being shot above the skies of Damascus.

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>am a bender
>dress in comfy chavcore

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Aye that's the drinking spirit, it's only within a few of us specifically us with Scottish and irish genes; as after all were born aflicted by the eternal drinking Jew to the point its a bloody curse that will be our comeuppance...

Like I say I've been to 7 funerals in my life all from relatives who have died of drink, drugs or smoking fags, so there is no bloody salvation for me I know I'm bloody fucked yet I might as well live fast die hard, I mean fuck all that Alzheimer's shite into old age who in their right mind wants to fucking go through that?

Bugger that I say give me a bottle of scotch, a kilo of Colombian gold coke and and a beach full of hardbodies with their tits out on some fucking middle of no where island in the carribean that's what I want, now another drinks calling I reckon...

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>bombed some empty buildings in the desert


really hope you get "shanked" you disgusting little sodomite

well lads we're at war with Syria.

Putin said any attack on it's ally is an attack on Russia and will respond with military action to any militaristic efforts against Syria.

It's been fun shitposting with you boys.


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I'm a politics pleb, is there an actual target or is this just the land of the free flexing?

came at the perfect time to deflect the russian spy thing

wow I couldn't even fucking lose my virginity before WW3 started

sorry lads, this ones on me

If, as
Suggests then maybe they're targeting areas around Damascus. Fucking hypocrites trying to bomb civilians


No US missiles reported passing near Russian air base in Latakia.

US apparently firing cruise missile through Lebanese airspace. This is likely to prevent them being shot down. Reports that the Damascus airport has been destroyed are coming out.

What is worrying about this is that Russian aircraft have been seen taking off from a Syrian airbase to intercept our bomber planes.

It's kicking off.

more rapefugees inc

Russia has declared the strikes an act of aggression.

Fuck me lads. Hold me.

Jun will save us from the burly Russian soldiers

I take back what I said, as provided you adopt into the normality and dont pander towards spreading extra curricular sexual agendas on this board your okay in my eyes and are worthy of those heldback (you)s...

After all I love a bit of terror core just to splice things up, as you cant go wrong with military surplus to make normies scared that your a serial killer who is going to shoot up the place...

However my probem with fags is the whole "let's make a movement out of taking cock up are arse" whereas I can see the prevailing notion is to act like heterosexuals where we all just get on with it and make nothing of it, sure we have made advancements in progress but do we need to parade them forever?
Surely not it just seems like a miked politcal agenda rather than an act of actual sexual freedom in life if you ask me...

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I havnt shit in 5 days. What do?

should probably have a shit mate

>Jun proceeds to sodomise an entire battalion overnight
>Russian morale drops utterly

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>Jeremy Corbyn repeatedly refuses to say evidence implicates Assad regime and won't dismiss Russian claims

Comrade Corbyn seems well and truly redpilled on the JQ. I may be "far right" but he's gone up in my estimations the past few weeks

Epic bants XDDD

Who here stands with our fucking based enemies /Putin/, /Assad/, /Rouhani/ and of course based /Xi/...

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Yeah, I may be a homosexual but I'm not a flaming faggot
If I've said anything to indicate the contrary in the past it was a LARP, I hate faggot culture

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A day without britfeel is a bad day

They're leaving Syria.

Found an interesting youtuber
He was some neet who got a job in the army, it doesn't really make sense though, he says he works at the military base and stays there, and then gets leave and just stays at home until he has to go back, I don't understand what that job is.


Fuck me lads, state of this is unreal. Firstly, I don't even think there is an age restriction. Secondly, this has opened my eyes to the state of the world, and this isn't even anywhere near as bad as it has gotten. Literally, people killed random people including children in cold blood. Just straight ended their life and fucked off. Then the savages living around the area too! Really? You're actually going to live and bring children up there?

We are being told that we must accept these people into our society yet their morals are drastically different to ours, even the ones who haven't killed. Utter state of our world, utter, utter state. Puts into perspective the totally meaningless crap we give meaning to.

Also, now I'm totally for western intervention in such situations. There are people who are killed for no reason at all, towns destroyed, lives ruined for what? Religion? These people and their government aren't able to control these situations so a moral organisation should intervene. Be it individual countries like UK and USA or an organisation like NATO going in head first, it cannot be left alone.

>I hate faggot culture
>Flirts with every tranny here desperate to hook up

Yeah, sure thing. You're fucking disgusting and a cancerous cretin. Go use female pronouns to describe a 6'2 freak just for a chance to get your dick wet, faggot normie.



>I hate faggot culture

See you're back to copying Tilde and other personalities just like Crona does for attention, interesting. So boring and basic you have to copy others, why bother?

No you twat, that IS Crona. He made that personality to boost his main one. The amount of attention he gets from their supposed relationship when he was being totally shunned?

Also uses different personalities for some of his different interests, though it seems goose is more or less just drama these days. Unironically want him to kill himself like the 40%.

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>I'm totally for western intervention in such situations

Why? Let the someone else play world police man..and let them take the refugees too.

>No you twat, that IS Crona

Wouldn't shock me, remember when Crona used a trip called "Felix" to convince himself to transition and had huge conversations with himself? Fucking hell what a freak

Starting to worry that I might be a Crona creation

army seems like the worst job for a shut in

You wanna try this girls channel for comfy vids but hands off she's mine, you mustn't touch this she is my confirmed for life waifu...

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I actually love vice. I have very different political opinions to them sure, but some of their stuff is showcasing with the odd bit of their own opinion or putting a particular agenda in the limelight.

Their gritty journalism is brilliant; they get right in there on the front line. Sure it's pick and choose but it takes an idiot not to for their own opinions after watching. Also, did you post pic related saying ">wears a coat

lad...."? If so you made me howl for about 5 minutes.

NATO for example or a new organisation that has strict rules which if broken, will intervene. For example human right laws so shit like that doesn't happen. The organisation would be very similar to NATO with the combined forces from participating countries. Anyway, with a formindable force that stops this anarchy quickly and effectively, there would be little need for refuge.

forget the pic I did

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i miss len but i think they got a gf/gf(m). are they subject to the latest identity retcon

No but you are, Sneklad

who here has /uniwork/ to do but is instead browsing Jow Forums like a fucking retard.

Strikes over, 3 targets hit. May actually be nothing.

give me a better identity than that

Is it not short sighted to blow up a military base supposedly stockpiling chemical weapons?

Surely you're releasing god knows what onto the nearby population.

Not me, just can't sleep. Woke up from a lucid dream now i'm wide awake.

Did you shove a finger up your tulpas arse?

Reporting in.
I've pretty much just procrastinated all day, wrote 300 words; I have the content in my mind but I just can't be bothered to get it out

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>Got out of bed at 6pm
>Wrote a paragraph
>Need to write pages more by monday
>Work on Sunday
Can't be bothered honestly

>tfw nocturnal emission

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Fuck NATO=North Atlantic terrorist organisation, they are responsible for the genocide of the ethnic Serbian people...

Truly they are Turk jew cock suckers in bed with the hook noosed Jewish globalists who deserve nothing but the harshest death, they are the true enemies of the European people if their ever was people in need of violence the Ustashe and ethnic Albanians would be the ones on the list...

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Just taken the LSD, the tab is in my mouth right now

Currently feel alright and like normal

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played Old School Runescape

He's right you know, lods

Nobody fucking cares you attention seeking cunt

Anyone else feel like Crona is a mix of Ebin and Tilde?