How do you think you'll do at basic training?

How do you think you'll do at basic training?

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Can't be drafted. Too autistic.

can't be drafted either, too mentally ill, too short, and also a tranny (read: mentally ill)

trump is not my president. i'm a spic and don't live in the US, tho

seriously fuck ofd with your "happenings" kid. 2016 was truly the death of this site. fucking hell

>goes to USMC bootcamp
>graduate with 0311 MOS
>gets deployed to wherever we fight those filthy ruskies
>kill a civilian family in process
>get court martialed
>get execution

i just signed up for the draft/turned 18 today
>ask me anything

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I'm morbidly obese and stricken with the diseases that come along with it, I was also put in a psych ward. If they still draft me, as soon as I get a gun in my hands I'm going to blow my brains out.

they can't draft me if i'm working fulltime and just took out a mortgage right?

Canadians are gonna fight in this war too, right?

Don't worry about it. If its war with Syria its just going to be more bombings and maybe some half assed occupation similar to Iraq. Naturally regime change will just make the entire region worse so look forward to seeing Isis 2.0 in 5 to 10 years.

If its war with Syria and Russia you also don't have to worry. The major cities and military bases that would have trained you will be incinerated early on in the war. The rest of us who don't live in cities or near military targets will get to die slowly of radiation poisoning. Might be worth it just to see the despair on the normies faces when they realize everything they have ever worked for and loved will be nothing but ashes in the end.

>tfw Russian
Are we gonna get raped?

Finally my mental deterioration comes in handy. I'll die before those fuckers draft me

Pretty certain they said the strike was called off. Also assuming they let diagnosed spergs in shouldn't be too bad, it is called basic. Afterwards is where things get real.

Made it about two weeks into basic before resigning.
If they draft me I'll just save Russia/China the time and off myself.

I signed up way back in the Bush administration. Did they give you that song and dance on how it was totally your choice to sign up? I decided to not sign up and see what would happen. They sent me another letter stating it was still totally my choice to sign up or not. However it then went on to stress that if I chose not to sign up I would end up with a large fine and be sent to prison. So basically they may as well of just put a gun to my head. land of the free indeed.

(I forgot the exact dollar amount of the fine. I think it was around 70k but its been awhile.)

Nah. Unless you get drafted and sent to Syria.
Most likely we'll be at "war" with no firefights. We'll just fling missiles at each other in syria until someone gives up. If we do get boots on the ground wear a pepe on your helmet and if I see you in the trenches we'll hug it out and stop war with love

Actually the news is now saying Trump is going to address the nation about the Syrian issue. It is also reported Mike Pence abruptly left a theater in Peru and is heading back to the US.

So the news is probably going to be not good.

I hope they nuke the fuck out of America. This country is fucking useless. 28 years in hell and it's just the same faggot shit. Can't even fucking kill yourself here. I've tried multiple times because Americans are fucking parasites and these psychos figure out a way to keep you alive to torture you more. Kill this entire fucking country amen.

Nah, they don't do that anymore, you just can't financial aid, government employment, job training, or get a driver's license if you don't sign up after you turn 26

Considering how miserable I am, honestly I don't have much worth living for at this point. I wouldn't even make it past training, but I hate how my life is. If my situation shows no sign of change, I'd rather fucking die in war.

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Strike was just confirmed by Trump. Uk and France working in tandem.

If a nation cannot entice its young men to fight for it, then it has lost the public mandate and doesn't deserve to exist.
Conscription is the height of bullshit: My country is full of people who don't share my values or language or heritage and every election they vote to turn this place into the same kind of shithole they came here from.
What business do I have fighting to protect those people? They mean nothing to me.
What business do I have fighting my government's enemies? They couldn't be any worse than the current leadership.

then you gotta go back pendejo

Can't be drafted. Too old and autistic.

I hope you're right, user. If I get drafted I'll just get it over with and kill myself.

hopefully theyll just draft all the traps and niggers

and leave docile neets such as mysel well enough alone :)

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>medically disqualified when trying to join military in 2016

I just wanted to die on a battlefield

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>not just shooting yourself in the head the instant they hand you a gun
It's like none of you are even trying.

I'd join if i could but i';d be considered mentally unfit.

Yes, but Canada does not have a draft, and the precedent is that there would have to be a nation-wide vote to re-introduce it during a time of great conflict

Oh my god I hope they draft me despite my diagnosed agoraphobia, depression, and current prescription to anti depressants. That way I can just put a bullet in my head once they give me a gun.

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Dunno about the US, but here in Australia you are in training for weeks before you get given a rifle and live ammunition.
How would a socially retarded autiste like being screamed at and made to do all manner of unpleasantness in the intervening period?
Just hang yourself as soon as your draft letter arrives and safe yourself the misery.

Nah I would probably shoot some loud jack ass drill sergeant that pissed me off.

>implying im an ameriburger

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Go back where? He doesn't live in the US, I'd assume he lives where he's supposed to be going "back" to.

I'm either going to jail or going to Mexico. I'm not fighting some retarded ass war for some guy's ego.

>tfw to smart too be drafted
Feels good mate. They will never draft me because I have such a high IQ it wouldn't be worth risking my life over.


Nothing is going to fucking happen you retards. No one wants to actually go to war because they know it'll end in mutually assured destruction because everyone's going to unleash all of their nukes at the first sign of shit going down.

Fuck this shit. I just got a GF. Now I'm about to be drafted. Why can't I win? I'm legit just going to be transgender at this rate

Kek can you imagine a bunch of traps sissy boys and feminist in the war dying like retards, thats the US Army nowadays, lost all your hope fags

I am disqualified because I have IBS. Even though it gives me horrible stomachaches and shits I go to a gym 4-5 days a week and am overall in decent shape.

American of Russian heritage. I wonder if I'd be considered a traitor if I fled to Russia.

couldn't they force you to wear diapers like they do in Israel?

I wonder what would happen if a person was drafted and when told to anything by a trainer they just said "no". they can't beat you like they did in the old days.

They'd probably put you in jail for a while. Still preferable to being in the military.

Ok Private Pyle

cant be drafted. I have pretty severe pectus excavatum that prevents me from doing harsh physical activities
and autism

Wait. I'm 20 and never signed up for the draft. Does that mean I should right now?

The US has a week of rifle training and than after boot camp they get sent to school of infantry (if you take infantry as a job) and get more training with our rifle for a couple of months

niigga what, aren't are required to sign up once youre 18. If you dont you get a fine or some shit

>letting yourself be drafted in this feminist society
get fucked

>pol is STILL spamming the Jow Forums

You don't have to go by the by. I'd hippie my way around.

>claim to be conscientious objector
>have legit autism
>be in school
>have citizenship in another country

Am I untouchable?

>bad eyesight
>horrible asthma
see y'all in 5-10 years, I'll be back home fucking lonely pussy while Chad's off fighting and/or watching civilization end in my comy NEET cave.
If they really get desperate enough to draft me, first firefight I see I'm dressing in all neon green and running out into the nearest open field.

lads, it's been a while since Jow Forums last had a thread discussing comfy wartime.

draft Joe tabat

It's ok I'm sure you're cute

I already went through Navy basic a while back. Just try not to be a bitch of a man and push yourself and it will be a breeze.
Your Navy sucks gorilla nads.
You know nothing

??? You must not have tried or be a girl because it's pretty easy to kill yourself.

>letting yourself
Selective Service is mandatory.

I like how all the rich people who advocate for the draft but are the first to make sure their kids don't get it

I'm 21 and never signed up for that shit and I swear on god I'll fucking blow any cops brains out, then mine, that tries to fucking arrest me over not wanting to be another pawn for some old white mans chess game.

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Fine. If I felt like it was legit going to happen I'm gonna enlist for the Navy or Chairforce but this is reminiscent of Obama drone strikes and the bombing of Libya. 1984 shit with these "wars" and battles always happening. Proxy conflicts and shit for people that worship the news and breath politics.

I'd be the guy who actually wanted to fight for my country, but got turned away because of mental problems. oh well, at least I won't get shot in the desert

I have asthma, so I have a get out of draft free card. Good luck dying for this shit country, anons.

Fuck. I gotta get diagnosed or something cause I have no interest in fighting for this country in its current state.

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I've never been happier to be schizophrenic in my life.

Might just take the trany pill to try and draft dodge.

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hahaha I'm disqualified from service

This but unironically I am repressed

>Jow Forums was right again
>oy vey the kikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

didn't Trump ban traps outright from the military?

>How do you think you'll do at basic training?

That depends. Does it involve a lot of nudity and rectal examination?

Yeah that's why
I might be or just gay and meming myself

So this is the power of American literacy education.

>going to basic training for the National Guard in two weeks
At least you guys would have more of a chance of getting grouped with other sad cunts.
I'm stuck in Chad Central for 10 weeks

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you think that the marines will allow me to lateral move to active duty infantry?

>Old white man
You mean Jewish

i have the mentality of a 13 year old goth girl defunct ears and eyes where do i sign

Jokes on you cause first chance i get with a gun is going to be a suicide.

They will put you on a crash diet and exercise regime

> makes posts about wanting death
>presented with opportunities
> bitch out

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Just give the jews their pipeline and nobody has to get hurt!

I'm pretty much the exact person they'd want to draft. I'm fit, single, unemployed, and my life pretty much sucks. Hopefully I wouldn't have to actually be on the front lines though because I don't want to potentially die in some sandy shithole that I don't care what happens to. Also I fucking hate boats so I better not be forced into the navy or something.

>modern wars are fought with unmanned drones, missiles, etc.
>the only use for infantry is taking over the city after it's been destroyed
I just want to beat people up.

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no not the traps send the women we dont need them.

This is just one more reason to swallow the trap pill. can't get drafted if you're a tranny.

All men are registered for the draft when they turn 18. It's automatic. Atleast in the usa.

its not automatic... you have to sign up for it, but you're essentailly required to do it.

I hope you all feel really silly when you look back at how much you overreacted to a simple strike on literal chemical weapon storage. This is pretty much the most standard, boring type of "attack" you can possibly launch and any leader on either side would have done it too.


off some shit i googled

"men between 18 and 25 are legally required to register with the SSS within 30 days of reaching eligibility. Men can register via mail, over the Internet, at the post office or with a high school Selective Service Registrar "

"The government may prosecute a potential draftee who does not register with the SSS. If convicted, the man would face up to five years in jail and a fine of up to $250,000."

You better cut it out with that shit you faggot before we get your ass banned too

>he dosen't liek doomposting
fuck you too buzzkill

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>36 years old
I won't get drafted right??

>he forgets we're literally allied with the juice
Nothing beats the juice man