Am I a pedophile if I like a girl that looks really young? At uni I hang around a girl that's 4'8" and looks like she's 10, I have a big crush on her. A guy I know says I'm a pedophile for liking her though.
A-Am I a child diddler in denial?
Am I a pedophile if I like a girl that looks really young? At uni I hang around a girl that's 4'8" and looks like she's 10, I have a big crush on her. A guy I know says I'm a pedophile for liking her though.
A-Am I a child diddler in denial?
A legal age woman (at birth) that looks like a 10 y.o. You need to breed it and make more selfish fuck.
imagine being undateable by people just because you look like a child when you're really 23 or something.
OP, of course it's not fucking pedophilia unless she really is 10 years old
Legal is legal bro, even if she doesn't look it. That guy just wants to get to her first, everyone knows deep down the younger and smaller the better.
you're a pedophile if you're male and willing to date outside your SMV bracket. that's the definition now. Jow Forums agreed don't bother them about it
post pics of her. this comment is almost definately unoriginal and im not even going to attempt to post it without adding more useless text. i fucking hate people who elongate their posts with shit which contributes nothing to the discussion only so that they can bypass the r9k bot.
thats why people go for asians bro
Well you're not a pedophile if she's legal. It's really only weird if you treat her like a child IMO. Regardless, you should be respectful; I bet a girl whose used to being talked down to (presumably the case with her because she's 4'8") would really appreciate someone who sees her as an equal.
People who arent pedophiles never have to ask "Am I a pedophile?"
>oh no am I this thing? Does that mean I'm evil!?
Normies are so weird with this crap. You know what you want, user. Stop letting people fuck with your head and making you doubt your own feelings and intentions. You find a girl your age cute, someone has to, or else she'd be lonely and unloved. It's as normal as it gets. And even if someone had a deep infatuation for a 2D loli, he shouldn't be asking questions like this and getting himself all worked up over nothing. Just relax and do your thing unless you have actual clear reason to worry that something bad might happen.
every male has asked himself that, though
People who never thought they are may have had doubts put in their head, causing them to ask such a question
Indeed you are. A properly raised, mentally sound human male is only attracted to adult females who look like adult females. Y'all probably got diddled as a kid and y'all are gonna go and do it again. Please seek help before doing so, for the good of society.
Yes it is, but she is legal so whatever
Not trying to derail your thread but this is my biggest worry, I am barely 5ft and strangers think I am 12, guys my age dont approach me and I will be stuck with a guy with pedobrain
So no one should fuck grown women that look young?
No one actually thinks that way because its fucking stupid and that fag is either virtue signaling or wants to be the one to fuck her
It can potentially mean paedophilia. Paedophilia is a physical attraction to not necessarily prepubescents and young people, but the body types and physical looks typically found in them.
But you need a consistency of paedophilic behaviour in order to be diagnosed as one, which being attracted to one person who looks young does not provide.
I am a billionaire?
Btw OP, there's nothing wrong with peadosexuality, but you may probably hebesexual, which again, there's nothing wrong with it. Also, easy question. Does it bother you if your girlfriend has pubic hair? If not, you aren't a peadosexual.
funny. actual pedophiles often don't think they're one.
No. Shes of legal age and that other guy is insecure
>Am I a pedophile if I like a girl that looks really young? At uni I hang around a girl that's 4'8" and looks like she's 10, I have a big crush on her. A guy I know says I'm a pedophile for liking her though.
Pedophiles are attracted to people who LOOK young. Sometimes those who also act young, but mostly it's on based on physical looks. Though, if you genuinely like this girl for who she is, and this is the closest you've ever been to being attracted to young-looking people, it sounds like you're in the clear.
>A-Am I a child diddler in denial?
You have to actually diddle/molest children in order to have that moniker.
She's legal, so no worries. Do your thing user
>be OP
>have crush on a girl legal age who isn't quickly approaching the wall
>friend calls him a pedo
I think your normalfag friend is the pedo in denial. Time to make some new friends.
>anime reaction image
>A-Am I a child diddler in denial?
>she's legal
Doesn't mean it's not pedo or abusive. A 21 year old guy with an 18 year old girl (even as young as 16!!! in some states) is legal but it's problematic as fuck.
If you like her and you think you have a chance, go for it, don't let other people's opinion affect you.
>18 and 21 yr old in a relationship
go back to tumblr you piece of shit
Are you attracted to her BECAUSE she looks 10? If so, it's questionable. If not, you're fine.
please be bait
I fucking hate how that word has been used for the past few years.
If they're both adults, then what the fuck is the problem dude.
Not unless you only like her BECAUSE she looks like a child. Most men like women who are young (but still have secondary sex characteristics) because youth and fertility go hand in hand for females.
Obviously fertility is not there among pre-pubescent females, so that attraction is abnormal and also wrong for other reasons. But anyway no you're not.
>they're both over X age so it's not rapey!!
There's literally nothing ethically questionable about having consensual sex with a girl that looks young. If nothing else, it's unfortunate to avoid her solely BECAUSE she looks like that.
They are both of legal age and consenting. Its literally not rape you retard bait nigger
not him
on paper it's looks okay but practicality is the question
this is where they're young
also what is the chances of them getting a well paying job if they plan to marry?
also in op's situation, it looks like bad social rep
keep crying you spineless bitch
>A person with an illegal sexual fixation wont admit to it.
Funny, but sad. I had a roommate who straight up told me his stepdad is in prison because he falsely accused him of molestation. He was also a turbo lisping openly homosexual alcoholic. He also asked me without joking if he could grab my ass.
Depends on how social op is and how much he lets his social life run him and his thoughts. I highly doubt many companies even cares who you marry so long as youre not breaking the law.
Also bad social rep? These red cup chugging cunts will forget everything post graduation when they are separated from the zoo.
Unless these ppl and their failed relationships are just that vindictive theyll keep attacking a relationship and her looks while mis-using the word pedophilia for years and they have no way to ignore it OP is fine.
Op quit being a bitch btw.