This won't be well received, will it

This won't be well received, will it.

Attached: 30629668_10156443755058092_4031131140088659968_o.jpg (1080x1079, 130K)

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Somebody should shop a merchant peaking around the corner of that house

why is this ok

>is your black violence showing?
>not racist btw haha

what does it mean?


more like pozzedland am i right

Why do liberals like losing so much? This won't win anyone over, just push people further away.
What is this even suppose to mean??

God fucking damn I hate living near this shithole so much. More than the people/cucks I just hate how much it rains

It's not supposed to win people over it's supposed to browbeat them into submission.

Theres people that openly speak about black people being violent, Is thats tolerated then this can be as well... right?

>Theres people that openly speak about black people being violent
Like whom?

Reminds me of what Alt-Hype said about Heresy. "If someone holds themselves out as an expert on Heresy and Heretics, then accuses you of Heresy, then way to respond isn't to say that you are not a Heretic. It is to deny that Heresy is a thing." We keep moving to the left because we keep accepting their terminology.

More accurately, we keep moving to the left because we keep accepting the validity of their concepts.

what is there is win or lose?

This what I dont get from USA/some europe countries politics.

The idea is to PERSUADE people into joining your cause...not bullying them into it.
To make things worse, it doesnt even work.

One of the designs just has "Black Narrative" written on it, and that's it. I don't get it.

Its an official stereotype,thats how often its assumed.

That's a bad strategy, most people will go the other way just out of spite, sure they will attract some cucks with this sort of thing but it mostly just polarizes people.

its referring to black people talking about their lifes from their perspectives as opposed to sjws

It's a statistical fact that no one in any mainstream position will ever discuss for fear of losing their job, despite it being a much bigger issue than "white fragility" whatever the fuck that is.
Ignoring it isn't going to make it go away.

and when has that ever worked?

Thats why Mgtow exist

"If MGTOW is fire, then perhaps feminism is gasoline." T
urns out everyone wants to be a snowflake.

Statistically its poor people.
Black on white crime only sticks out because blacks are minorites, your 4 times as likely to have your own race commit crime on you. Also with that being said black on black crime is highest of all. Your still in less danger than you would if you were black.

>Statistically its poor people.
No, because there are more poor white people than there are poor black people, so whites should be committing more crime if it was just about being poor, but they aren't.

it'll be received very well

no shit, and the people who put it up probably thought it was a "bold" and "daring" move haha

Forceful suppression of dissidents is commonplace throughout all of human history.

I'm glad I live in a small Christian town. Yeah I sometimes might get shit for being an obvious non-believer but at least people here are reasonable.

>West Virginia is the poorest state in the country with the majority of the population there living in poverty.
>One of the whitest states.
>In top the 3 in lowest crime rates in the country.

but it's not forceful. It's fingerpointing at worker class white people by a elite, educated and well of upper middle class.

And that shit hasnt bode well for the upper classes in the past.

It's a 21 century version of "Why dont they eat cake instead?"

>inb4 that isnt a true quote
Yeah yeah whatever, the sentiment still rings true.

I wish I did. Yeah I would have been an edgy douche as a teen but it's literally the best kind of place the live all things considered.

>It's a 21 century version of "Why dont they eat cake instead?"

this, good insight

I live in California and this shit always makes me laugh. Only upper middle class white kids in white neighborhoods can meme this shit with a straight face. Even the high functioning spics and nigs hate living in their ethnic ghetto shit holes to live in your kind of neighborhood.

Attached: 1523137178633.gif (400x533, 1.24M)

The people who would put up a billboard like that would be happy to put people in jail for hate speech. This already happens in Europe. So force isn't off the table at all. But besides that there's the use of social shaming, ridicule, and ostracization.

I just think it's really naive to believe that aggressive and hostile tactics are ineffective. This isn't a movie. People are animals and they can be intimidated into going along with things. That's reality.

You mean canada, the land of the eternal leaf

>This already happens in Europe
stop reading breitbart.

One thing is people speaking for themselfves as an person to another and expressing opinions, the other is literally an ad meant to discriminate and insult another race.
Thank god ww3 is about to happen, so people can actually move away from this uncessary shit.

Don't read it. But laws against hate speech are commonplace in western Europe, and people have been put in jail for making statements that are considered offensive.

Well I only know about germany and you could always get fined for insults and the like. Denying the holocaust and using nazi symbolism is straight up illegal but it has been that way since the third reich got nuked

Is Washington Post ok?

>Thank god ww3 is about to happen, so people can actually move away from this uncessary shit.

This, wtf are we even caring about this stupid shit for? americans and western europe are decadent slobs

>Liberals In America actively making race relations worse.


>been that way since the third reich got nuked

Holocaust denial laws are much more recent. Even Israel didn't have any such law until 1986.

well the UK is a very special place. They overlook organized crime and go after harmless stuff so they can show that they're doing something

Its ironic, they can see the rioting and strife and hatred happening in real time here without realizing our demographics shifted from what they have now to our imminent minority status in less than a human life span. Its the same dynamic for them as us witnessing the events in South Africa.

you're right, didn't bother to check that
well I guess the world had the cold war to deal with back then, but I've found that "hate speech" was already a crime in 1871 in germany

Of course. Liberals wouldn't have enough voters to ever win an election without minorities walking around with a chip on their shoulder and believing every bad thing in their life is the white man's fault.

Attached: liberal_ideology.jpg (480x480, 39K)

wtf does that even mean?
Is this more projection?

>The PDX Billboard Project is a multifaceted public ad campaign highlighting racial disparities in access to power structures and policy, as well as media coverage and representation within institutions throughout the Portland area.

>Through this campaign, we hope to demand public attention for the unjust nature of the deaths of Terrell Johnson and Larnell Bruce Jr. at the hands of law enforcement and white supremacists, and ignite change in policy and policing that criminalizes and victimizes certain members of our community, rather than protecting and serving all of us.

Basically some blacklivesmatter bullshit. Basically if you don't accept that some thugs were justly killed by the cops you are a white supremacist and if you don't like being called that you're "fragile".

Me? I just don't give a fuck.

>Theres people that openly speak about black people being violent, Is thats tolerated then this can be as well... right?
Thing is black violence is a real problem.

What the fuck even is "white fragility"? Sound like more white race envy.

accurate stereotype.

Just about every election in europe has seen the far right surge or outright win. Nobody is moving to the left anymore. What you're seeing is a last gasp from their dying ideology. Even in the US the left aka democrats are running pro-gun veterans to win elections. Not bernie sanders types. This billboard is a far left attempt to try and say "he we're still here" because as you have seen the #blacklivematter movement is pretty much just a few pro-ball players taking a knee at games.

This has "white people" written all over it. Probably started and funded by a white lesbian couple with one who's kind of manly and the other whos really fat with sixties sytle glasses a few tats and an unnatural hair color. Or it's some "cool hip" dad who's net worth is a few million and lives in a cool and "hip" part of town with his son "xander" who goes to an all white private school.

>What the fuck even is "white fragility"? Sound like more white race envy.

White fragility is just how they follow up on their arguments when a white person rejects their SJ nonsense.
>Hey John, your white privilege gives you unfair advantages
>WTF are you talking about David? I worked my up from my blue collar family
>OMG, White Fragility

>Statistically its poor people.
No statistically it's black people and no I'm not some Jow Forums tard whos gonna say "niggers are violent" But it is black culture that enables this culture failure. It's cultural not racial.

they were probably whites.

Just move to a city like dallas, or salt vegas.
People there don't give a fuck about this kind of shit. They are too busy making money, building houses and raising a family. It's only these liberal bubble cities where these things happen.

Is there a clinical term for someone like these people that have such self-loathing and hatred? It's almost like a form of Stockholm syndrome or survivors guilt.

ft worth is the better choice, I speak from experience

>Dogs and wolves are social constructs. There is only one breed of dog, the canine breed.

Attached: FuDImee.jpg (600x404, 57K)

Ft Worth is a little too blue collar for me.
I like plano, Grapevine or southlake.

Its just loud minorities on each side who does this bullshit.

When the people doing it already hold enough power and influence that those who don't keep their head down will have their lives destroyed for their defiance. How many careers and futures do you think have already been ruined by overzealous PC culture and Social Justice? I wager it's quite a few.

One of the reasons I'm not any social media, stay out of political debates at work and just vent on Jow Forums. At this point if you post anything political on Facebook you're an idiot.

As defeatist as it sounds if it doesn't affect you personally just don't get invovled. I usually only ever see the SJW shit on the internet and the media. In RL I don't see almost anything about #metoo or whatever hastag activism is going on this week. I see more bluelivesmatter stickers and those black american flags with the blue line in the middle than I do anything left-wing. Then again I live in the dfw metroplex and not a city like portlandia.

Soyboy is a pretty good label for them.

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