today feels so bad holy shit
how are you all doing tonight
/cripplingdepression/ general
Today wasn't too bad for me. Yesterday I felt so empty and almost cried at night though.
It's weird though, I always feel my depression is situational but then why is it just certain days I feel like absolute shit and others I'm manageable even though nothing has changed. And occasionally, I feel really good for an hour or two.
Sounds like mine. It just comes and goes
Very frustrating especially when it doesnt really seeem to have a cause
Pretty shitty. Im autistic but I never had a problem with basic things like going to the store untill about a month ago. I shake stutter and have heart attack levels of anxiety when I reach the cashier. Im fucking 30 and I dont know why this started now but fuck I already have two stores I can never return to now. I went to a gas station the other night after not going for months for a different reason, and a guy standing with the cashier literally asked him if i was the weirdo he told him about when I walked by. Didnt hurt my feelings desu because im old and jaded but that combined with the anxiety, feels like Im back inside my high school brain
And that just came out of the blue? Did you have a bad experience to start it or something?
Oh shit nigger, where have you been?
Today feels empty and lonely. I dont know why, if it wasnt for having siblings id probably slump through to emptiness
Im glad they can help you feel better, I dont relate to mine at all
Im thankful for them but, fuck. No one that messages me to talk about pointless things because they like me. No one to nerd out about things we have in common.
A few months ago I stayed up almost 4 days straight. Pretty sure I gave myself actual brain damage. I deserve everything I get but it still sucks man. I've taught myself hirigana and katakana and know it by heart over the last week and im going to apply for an electrician training, so I guess I have something to be proud of even if its pathetic weeb shit nobody would appreciate. Life is just shit in general if you can never have a family or friends.
What kinda things do you like?
Games, anime. Mostly rpg centered stuff, cant get enough of it, i feel like it also sucks because when i think im clicking with someone i have to be gone for days at a time and when i come back it isnt the same
I had four friends over and we played dick chicken
>in highschool
>i just finished another shit day
>im tired and just want to rest
>walk to the park and buy an orange
>now im eating the orange alone while sitted in a bench
>im watching the pidgeons and wondering how feels like being a bird
>little girl comes into view
>user, why are you sad
>i dont know
help me
i feel empty, I guess im doing just fine
Whats your fav rpg? Im a big fan of them too, but only dumb ones
that sounds like some sorta start to a movie
that sounds like depression
I'm not long for this world anymore robots. I've gone through 5 different types of antidepressants and 3 types of bipolar medication. I still want to kill myself every single day. My mom thinks I'm going to get better every time I go to the doctor and therapist. I just came back from the doctors and they just prescribed me Prozac, and my mom tells me this one will be the one that'll help me. I have everything that's supposed to make me feel good, like a summer internship, working on my college degree, and I'm starting garden in our backyard. I don't know if I want to go on after I graduate and move out of my house.
i dislike your name
sjws are real and pretending like they're not is dumb
Ignore me, I don't care.
>Used to smoke weed occasionally with friends for fun
>Now smoke daily alone just to keep the pain away.
I still love it though.
how long have you felt bad for user? What do your therapists say?
Thats a sick picture
the only time i've smoked weed i had an anxiety attack
shit sucks
Kingdoms of amalur reckoning. Not counting monster hunter, kingdoms just feels like an rpg with a genuine love behind it, other than that i just play dungeon crawlers or diablo clones. Was looking forward to vermintide 2 tho
Never heard of it, ill check it out
I'm super into monster hunter now, although I wish we got XX on the switch as well as gen
Yeh, its not the best rpg, but it just feels comfy. World made me wanna buy a ds to play the other ones while i wait for updates, if xx had come to switch i wouldve gotten it there instead but oh well.
Comfy is good, comfy is real good. I do miss the portability that the DS versions had but gen is just an upgrade in pretty much every way
I mean theres a few games on switch im waiting for but the big decider for me is gonna be no more heroes 3, im curious to see where the story goes/music will be good
never played the first ones, but laways heard good things about them
Where did you do it user? At a party? Alone?
Sucks you had an anxiety attack as I find it really helpful with my anxiety funnily enough,
>dad comes into my room drunk
>tells me he loves me and wishes i'd talk to him more
>mom texts me
>i just wanted to say i love you
>y-you too
Why can't I just be left alone? I'm too inept to respond to any form of compassion from anyone. I'm hurting everyone around me even though I made no promise that I'd reciprocate their affection
I had a panic attack during a test and probably made some dumb mistakes because of it. I couldn't draw one fucking graph I needed, feels bad man
Theyre pretty good, the soundtrack was nice. I just liked the whole concept of fighting a league of assassins each with their own personality. And watching the main character actually change personality over the course of the game
I am doing really horribly, I slashed myself pretty bad last night and the depression and anxiety is only growing. I don't understand, things are supposed to be looking up for me yet as I move further ahead all I want to do is die. I just want it to go away, but it keeps intensifying to dangerously scary degrees. I had a good hold on my depression but these past few months have been ruthless. I am losing sight of myself, and my goals. I have become a super alcoholic and I go to work drunk just about every day.
I feel horribly bored with my life I have no real goals or aspirations, all my friends just like the sit inside and smoke pot all day and play vidya (gets boring after a while) and I failed in another relationship what is the point of living
I've reached that point where the sadness has largely been replaced by a perpetual emptiness. I don't even know what to do with my life anymore.
I'm fucking dead inside. Job interview today went south at light speed, college took another 4.5k of my loans, and now they're threatening to kick me out because it's a shady ass tech school. I'd have quit a long time ago, but if I did, I'd get kicked out. I've been unemployed for a year this June, and I want to fucking die.
I think tonight is the night that I finally snap.
i don't feel depressed, i'm too good at blocking my inner emotions and thoughts about myself
but i know the day i fully realize and admit how much of a failure i ever was, i'll go into a deep depression like jumping into a bottomless pit
i just hope that day comes when i'm about to die
jesus christ0
Dick chicken ?
I'm so sick of everything holy shit. I'm sick of feeling like I'm being stared at all the time, I'm sick of the intrusive thoughts and anxiety, I'm sick of being in a place where I don't even speak the same language as 90% of the people. I hope the russians nuke us, fuck this.
I want friends and a purpose in life, but I also don't want to talk to people or do any work. Or be awake.