>tfw no blak bf
Tfw no blak bf
dumb autistic whore tomoki
Maybe you get a bf when you get popular Jack.
Do you look anything like pic related
got a link to the blackmail discord ?
>cucking your fellow bots with such cruel imagery
Cease your evil-doings, please.
wat you talking bout?
you're a sad sad bastard
can't tell if you're more pathetic than ceb tho
the goblin tomo
post your medals
1. not cebruz
2. not orbiter
lol no medals
A smiling ceb. Fucking fake.
i'm black, i'll be your bf. poregano
Where do you live? You have to live near me.
Probably do not, Toronto.
Too far away, unfortunately.
wanna be frens?
We are friends already, and I like it :)
then give me your discord and or a throw-away email
Canadians are one of the best friends to have.