Is it morally wrong to date a girl with down syndrome for easy pussy? A downy likes me and her body is actually really sexy..
Is it morally wrong to date a girl with down syndrome for easy pussy...
Yes, it's wrong and honestly, Idk how you're attracted to downy pussy.
The Downy will expect you to marry them. But if you see yourself loving a downy for life, be my guest, idc.
Its wrong and bretty disgusting
Even if you don't care or think that its wrong, you'll be stigmatized
Hey man if her pussy's retarded good, go for it. Wrap up your broomstick unless you want downy kids.
I can't give you a real answer without pics.
If she has downs, she's likely retarded and you'd be liable for rape. Don't risk it.
What level of butterface is she? Post pics
>likely retarded
I don't think you know what Down's is.
You would be exploiting her disability, but it's okay if you can grow to love her
Yeah, that would pretty much make you a giant fucking asshole.
I tried asking out a girl who's sister with down syndrome. When she said "hell no", I started making fun about her sister with comments like "I heard she is feeling DOWN in the dumps"
>she's likely retarded
Higher chance of mental disability with Down syndrome. But, no.
Fuck a baby into that retard user
>All women are retarded by default
>for easy pussy
Well, it could be a helpful motivation, but if you're going to accept someone's romantic feelings, you have to actually have intention to be kind and sincere with her, and not just break her heart when you get bored. You're just as bad as the worst normalfags, if you hurt her for your own shallow hedonism.
Then again, I also feel this way regarding a fictional world where you could date loli without people ruining both of your lives for it. It could be a sweet and morally good thing to nurture if you had intentions of really being good to her and never breaking her heart. Maybe I'm crazy.
A little, if its not use its gonna be someone else and its not like its moral to keep downy girls into eternal chastity.
disagree on morality, but you'r right about the marriage thing. If OP is ok with breaking a downy girls heart than thats up to him.
OP here. I wouldn't break her heart or anything, I'm just saying that my main reason for dating her is accessibility.
Does she want sex or does she want to go to a pool party or some bullshit like that? If she's into it and she's asking for it why not I guess
I am not exactly sure if their pussy is any easier than a normal girls
Looking pretty bad, OP.
>The average IQ of a young adult with Down syndrome is 50, equivalent to the mental ability of an 8- or 9-year-old child, but this can vary widely.[7]
>its not like its moral to keep downy girls into eternal chastity.
On what basis is it immoral?
Aren't downies infertile?
Yes, but look where caring about morality got you.
Post those hot downs syndrome tits already
thats why your a fucking loser and loner
It's not morally wrong as long as you treat her right. And yeah Ive noticed downy girls can have insanely attractive bodies, even faces sometimes. It seems like there's no in-between. It's either
A. Absolutely disgusting potato face lardbucket with awful hygiene
B. Perfect cute modest body with soulful eyes and nice lips
This isn't even my fetish or nothing, just what Ive noticed.
Theres nothing wrong with getting that tard puss.
Retarded girls are smelly tbqh.
I'm unironically prof'dxed with autism, be open and honest with her and I say you should go for it.