If there is a Hell, do you think he is in it?

If there is a Hell, do you think he is in it?

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1: There is not a Hell. In addition, there is not a Heaven.
2: If there was a Heaven, all the nice cute boys and sissies and femboys and whatever they want to call themselves are going there.
3: If there was a Hell, you would be the only one being tortured. Hell would be a museum where people would go to watch your endless torment.

He's probably in some kind of limbo right now

Can't believe we bullied one of our own to their death. Makes me sad desu.

But we didn't?

If there was a heaven than it should be reserved for people who lived shitty lives but did good. Everyone else just gets reincarnated.

I think he killed himself because this planet is the real hell.

No, he is in the void. And the void has no properties other than being separate from this realm.

does anybody have the gif, or link to vid?

There isn't a Hell, he's at peace now.

Well his community almost certainly believes it. Suicide is a grave sin in Islam.

This is heaven. This is as good as it gets. You are allready dead.

He's in the forest of suicides

According to Dantes Inferno people who commit suicide are sent to a canto XIII of hell where you are turned into a tree and flying creatures pick away at your leaves and eat them and wild dogs run past you break your branches all of which causes extreme pain and bleeding from the branches, and this happens for eternity. A forest echoing with the cries of pain of the damned.

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>Well his community almost certainly believes it. Suicide is a grave sin in Islam.
>A religion where suicide bombers are rewarded with a free pass to heaven and virgins in the afterlife.

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I kinda thought it was funny how normiefags couldn't watch the video anymore when the mom saw his body. What a bunch pussy faggots.

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The people that pushed him to this will be in hell

>I mean... Suicide is a sin sooo

What do you think OP?

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Yes, he killed himself.

here user

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God, I unironically and originally wish that were me.

If you're talking about christianity, many are divided over whether or not it is an eternal sin because it's never expressly talked about in the bible, so it's really anyone's guess at this point.
If you're talking about another religion, ignore everything I said.

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Either in Limbo or Reincarnate

I'm not certain but i'm pretty sure Dante's infernos version of hell is non-canonical in Christian theology.

If only everyone was strong like you user.

akihabara is in japan, retard

That's the suicide forest, retard.
I'm talking about this

fuckign brutal..

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I like to think he was already in it and left it.

If there is a god (top kek) and he is omnipotent and he sends suicidal people to hell he's a fucking monster and I don't want anything to do with that sadistic fuck.

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>No, he is in the void. And the void has no properties other than being separate from this realm.

Energy can not be destroyed. Our "souls" are pure energy. We merely vanish into another plane of existence. Who knows what happens from there.

What's a soul and how has it been discovered
plz respond

this sucide has brought me back from /pol
im sorry for leaving /r9k but im back
/pol got me with all the trump bs and race shit
now i realize i should be here...this suicide is too much. I remember fist seeing in like last month. I will never get this image out of my mind and learning he is from /r9k...its too much. I want to kill myself everyday and I just want things to be better. Just original yourself please.

>Discord faggotry has evolved into pedophila inspired blackmail
lmao enjoy prison trap spammers.

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But he didn't kill him self for allah

>What's a soul and how has it been discovered
>plz respond

Did you type this pre-programmed as an AI or did the neurons in your brain create thoughts and images and send those signals to your hands as your personality built the entire thought structure?

lighten up, fuck face.
i don't like this world any more than you do, but we're more than just bags of meat and water.

Can someone explain this to me? I haven't visited in months, wtf happened?

There literally is no hell in abrahamic religion. Even the pope knows this, but that shit is completely ingrained in western culture so god forbid anybody state facts.

Dantes inferno was written for entertainment user.

about a month ago a kid started a thread here asking if someone would sell him a gun. About a week later he got hold of a shotgun and live streamed himself eating a shotgun blast and his mom finding his body.

Consciousness ceases to exist once the brain dies

Fuck this lil sand nigger weeb faggot,

More of you here should do like him and return to the earth.

>the OG fantasy novel
>is now part of religious doctrine
I wonder if Alighieri would be happy or not.

>we're more than just bags of meat and water

We're the result of a billions of years long chemical reaction. Our glaring sense of self-importance obfuscates the reality that existence is as beyond human understanding as it is to an ants or a trees. There is no soul and your life has no purpose.

le tips le fedora gentlesir