Oneitis is 17

>oneitis is 17

welp time to stop orbiting her

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how old are you?

Thirty Five Years Young

>more than twice her age
oof... tough luck dude. good luck finding a chick closer to your age!

How the fuck is she your oneitis if you didn't even know her age? Maybe you should stop being a naive faggot and stop falling for every girl who speaks to you.

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>misunderstanding the post this hard
kys dipshit

>implying he didn't know
maybe he knew her before she turned that age and got turned off when she did? are you that dumb that you couldn't tell from the post? OP's words were "time to stop orbiting her". he was already orbiting her you dunce. god you need to kill yourself.

So OP is a pedophile. Not really that much better, lmao. He's still a faggot.

I didn't know 17 yr olds were still considered children....

>still tries
just get out

They are under the eyes of the law, nigger.

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In your shithole country maybe

Yeah, countries where grown men fuck developing teens are totally not shitholes

have you left your computer in a while and looked outside?

Fuck it who cares dood

It's never too late to convert to 2D, eternally how you like. Your waifu waiting for you will forgive you for wasting so much time on roasties.

Yeah, and I see good people who don't defend pedophilia.

Mine turns 18 next Friday

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17 is the age of consent in Texas and in many other states as well, stop being so obtuse

>missed the point
i'm over it


>totally developed and 35yo men fucking her is normal

>oneitis is 17
Shit sucks.

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Hitler was 40 when he met a 17 year old Eva Braun, what of it?

Hey it's Fred Armisen In Drag again, nice

Dictator behind a mass murder was also a pedophile.......


>totally developed and 35year old men fucking her is normal

both of you please kill yourselves

>all this aggressive "pedo" talk over 17 year old women
Are normalfags actually this stupid, or is this clever user false-flagging to make us realize how silly and infantile the drama is? Either way, it's working to make me side more and more with dating whatever age you're both happy with.

>seventeen year old girl

just wrong

attraction to pubescent people is normal and healthy, the abberation is an attraction to pre pubescent people

Jerry Seinfeld fucked a 17 year old when he was 39, is he a pedophile?

is this you? im seeing some of the signs.....

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Yep, so what?

The gross part, aside from his appearance, is that he masturbates to them having sex with others like a fucking cuckold. If he's going to retreat to his imagination for sexual satisfaction, fantasy land, he should be taking her/them for himself, not watching them have gangbangs with their brothers or whatever. Porn is so stupid.