>pick my little sister up from class
>middle school is across the street from a gas station
>take her inside to get some hot dogs and chicken tenders
>as we leave, notice a Snickers hidden in her iCarly purse
>tell her I know she didn't pay for it
>"Well you better not snitch, faggot. Not that your pussy ass would."
>spin her and grab the back of her panties
>wedgie her as hard as I can
>she screams like a chimp on crack
>drag her back into the store by her thong, to the register
>tell the cashier what happened
>lol arrested
>mfw the judge sentences that bitch to 40 hours with a pinecone up her ass
And that's what happens when you steal, kids.
Pick my little sister up from class
pretty neat story bro, but you gotta make it a bit kinker for the pervs on here
Why would you rat out your sister, Mr. Atomic?
You should have punished her yourself.
>ratting out your kin
this is why whites are going extinct
>stealing shit
>being degenerate already in middle school
probably amerimutt, not white
even though the story is fake
>not fucking your little sis
>hot dogs and tendies from a petrol station
>Not being an American.
Absolutely mental.
sickening, to think that scum like you is on this board.
dude i dont know what it is, but the gas station tendies by me are fucking amazing. by far better than any other tendie ive ever had
This. Except for me, it's the mini tacos. I love those things. 8 of em for 2 dollars, and it's about a full meal for me.
You did the right thong
you did good OP prevent her from becoming a bitch.
i'm proud of you op. but what if the punishment becomes something desirable? you might have created a serial snickers robber...
>you stole a candy bar so time to ruin your life by giving you a criminal history instead of correcting you myself because I am a good little indoctrinated got :3
Absolute cuck :3
It's okay. She got off with a pinecone in the ass.
>but what if the punishment becomes something desirable?
OP has a dick right?
what pincecone in the ass means
piss off faggot. its called being a rsponsible person.
She has common sense so she should use it.
If people let society go along with muh feelings we get useless cunts like you.
original question waht pincon mens
>Not shoving the cone up her slut mouth
>Snitch her in the first place
>not slapping her in the first place for being that disrespectful
what a wicko
Good, beat the degeneracy out of her.
>Ratting out your family
>Not shoving the snickers up her ass to save time and save her from having a criminal record
>Not using the leverage gained from saving her from a criminal record to fuck your sister
Come on OP, we already know your a faggot but you gotta at least try to not be one.
>falling for this bait
Do amerimutts really get permanent criminal records for petty crimes when you're underage?
Fix your country dumb fatties
This is all fantasy, so whatever. but you don't rat the slut out. You punish that internally.
>falling for the bait
just kidding I know you and the other poster are one in the same, makes me laugh though.....thanks for that laugh
So they should act like niggers and scream "he dindu nuffin"?
Are third worlders really incapable of using Google?
Google it and find out
why the fuck wouldn't they? they are taught not to steal from a young age, at that point it's not an issue of knowing that stealing isn't a good idea, it's an issue of thinking they can get away from anything they want.
keep in mind that they actually do have a bar for truly not finding children capable of being guilty of crimes, and it is 7 and below, not 13 year old brat, and it's for a good reason.
>letting your kin be immoral
this is why you fail later in life
why not just slap her when she said you are a pussy?
why not just fuck her to stay silent?
Woah she's hot
>middle school
lol, americans are fucked up
oh huehue
good on you
thieves are disgusting
>lol arrested
That is the point where you crossed the line, you're willing to bring your loved ones to the demonic law system and possibly screw them up for life over something so insignificant. Hope she breaks contact with you.
>betraying your own family
Jup, /rk9/ is really filled with the lowest forms of humanity
Should of pooped on that bitch.
fuck you i steal shit all the time by no way it is imorral thes companys dodge tax abuse there workers and they have inchurence so it dosent even cost them anything
see you company loving cunt
That's pretty based but you should have fucked her in the butt while eating the snickers as punishment.
Good job user, I appreciate you
Well done. Stealing is scum.
The store owner is the only one getting harmed from it. Not the company, idiot.
>no more images like this
They literally shoved a pine cone up her ass. What did you think it means?