Where do you see yourself in 10-15 years?

Where do you see yourself in 10-15 years?

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Dead from Russia's nuclear weapons.

Being successful or dead.
I'm ok with either.

if i'm not retired then, hopefully dead

Retired by 40 yet still khv.

Dead via hanging

1. apartment alone, happy with my 2D wives, acceptable job just to support my life
2. things work out with my online friend and one of us moves to the other's country and supports eachother
3. being dragged around by the Military because I'm too stupid to do (1.)

Any way, it'll be okay, I guess.

Dead from some fat people disease or suicide.

Making bank at some Hedge fund.

I develop automation systems, so probably making bank off of replacing tidepod eaters in my remote compound and enjoying the ongoing decline.

Dead or eating crayons

Probably dead via some retarded accident, or homeless. Probably deserve it but eh

Probably dead, not from suicide from a heart condition or cancer or something.

dead by suicide or homeless and contemplating suicide. (((what a wonderful world we live in)))

I don't like to plan far ahead as to not disappoint myself.

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hopefully dead oririgigig

leading U.S. Marines as a commissioned officer

Seeing as Trump just striked syria, either on a bunker, in Canada, or dead

in italy i hope, it's my dream to move to italy someday

rolling for wasteland raider

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slaving away at some warehouse so I can afford a studio apartment or a trailer

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Haha 99 men enter one man leaves.

alone in a comfy house talking to others about how long ago those 3 months were

Dead by suicide, originally, of course.


I fucking hate people who ask me that question or "what are your goals in life user?"

I'm 35 y/o fuck do I care at this point in my sad life. I managed to get a job and travel the world though but I'm still disappointed and suicidal

Also this. Fuck getting old.

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Id be very surprised if I dont end it by then

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Hopefully dead and not reincarnated

i interviewed this fucking neckbeard and he tried to defend himself. unbelievable. i have notified jezebel magazime

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He's actually quite overweight, clearly dirty and has a very creepy appearance in general, matching his personality.

I'm basically at the crossroads where i'm either gonna get a really great job and be successful financially or just give up and decay for a few years before I inevitably blow my brains out.

slow metabolism and increased sweat production are products of being middle-aged, and the person who drew this knows they're gross

mostly i want to see if i can needle them into drawing fat old guys and pretending to like it

and yeah, creepy is at the other end of the spectrum from neotenous/feminine

you can't draw a creepy loli and you can't draw a non-creepy old guy without making them look like each other

>miserable wage cuck
>professional porn artist>
>successful from bitcoin

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>all these dead anons

Some good shit niggas

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I'm going to be real I beat it to lolicon from time to time but I'll refuse to date or even have sex with any one younger then me even if it's by a few months.

i'm a sapiosexual, which means i jerk off in front of a vasoline-coated mirror

in japan, living in a small apartment with a cat, maybe single who knows.

dead. Or becomming normalfag. Its one of two and I wont settle for middle ground

Sitting on the same chair with the same computer visiting the same websites but just closer to death.

You know what's really sad?
I genuinely can't see myself in any scenario that involves intimacy.
I'm really going to die alone, aren't I?

Either quadrilingual, shredded, computer science and psychology major Chad with 17 years of background in mixed martial arts or nuked.

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>all these anons saying they'll commit suicide

you bros matter, and the world is a better place with you in it.

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Thanks man. It's really nice of you to say that, but unfortunately the world as a whole basically says otherwise with how a lot of us are treated.

I've got a couple more years before my body gives out, even if I'm depressed I'll stick it out just to see how bad things can get, then once things start to fail I'll check out early.
It'll take a miracle to make me live past 30

>doing the same things I'm doing now, but with more cognitive deterioration
>can't think of anything else

Hopefully by then, I'll have worked up enough courage to create an online dating profile.

Hope they enjoy boring people with no hobbies outside of vidya and doodling

I want this guy on my team.

I would probably have died a long time ago.

Either homeless or dead

I'm definitely going to be dead
I don't know from what reason but its going to be something

I genuinely hope I don't make it that long.

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>Sitting in front of my PC playing some new games
>Still live alone
>Those I could call friends have no time to hang out with me
>Same job
>Still khv

My life is going to be boring, but I like it better than being worried about family, kids, career, etc...

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I don't even know. I have no goals, ambitions, or idea.

Either lying depressed in bed for days or dead

Rincewind had an incredibly interesting life. He travelled the whole of the discworld, into the past, into hell. He's a completely inappropriate avatar for your post.

Slightly higher income than now if I'm lucky, working at a crappy low wage job if I'm not. Still no friends, no first gf (would be a blessing at that point), khv, nothing to show for the many years that my shitty self has existed.

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Working at the company that just accepted me, but higher position/level. All that money but no wife or kids because I'm just not capable of emotional bond. I am 25.

>ctrl+f dead
>21 posts
It's just sad and relatable

Working a dead end job and regretting my life choices.

I used to like loli/shota then I had a wtf am I doing moment when I found myself, 20 years old, chatting up 16 year old boys online. Technically legal (UK) but felt fucking weird about it. Now I have a futa mummy fetish which is even less realistic kek

>miserable alcoholic tradecuck
>dead by OD/suicide/body just giving out from being pumped with too many drugs

I reckon a good number won't be able to do it in the end. If it was that easy there'd be a lot more people who die from suicide, driven to it by shitty living conditions which many people live under.

middle age men are gross. Men over 25 are ugly af.

thank you for admitting the way you feel

Being a mentally ill drug addled welfare recipient in a one room apartment with a sex slave I kidnapped and locked up

Dead from heart-related maladies, or struggling with them.

I will be a pro wrestler. I will be full of steroids, and a big guy. I will be dating a female wrestler from the deep south or Japan.

>1,wage slaving at a job related to my current educational field
>2,wage slaving in a unrelated retail field contemplating suicide daily
>3,Living in a Forrest like ted, practicing magic I learn after becoming a wizard
>4,brain transplanted into a genetically modified cat girl body
>5,dead combatant in a some shithole nation at civil war
>6, paying alimony and potentially child support to some cheating whore barely making ends meet
>7,suicide during university
>8,overdose at university
>9,jailed for 7 years after breaking "the assault word ban of 2021"
>10, die of high cholesterol after I could not get my tendie addiction under control

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I hope I've died peacefully of natural cause.
I'll die sad anyway. I wish I could at least afford some kind of woman who could pass as not being a prostitute or porn star to send me off with a good farewell and then cuddles.

Same user, same.
And yet I could easily ask most young women theirs, and they don't even know, or care, or know societal norms have given them a free pass to fuck around...

I never fucked around.

Dead or winemaking somewhere warm

millionare without kids


Either paying to get my dick sucked or getting paid to suck dick

Choking to death on polish sausage

Pretty much the same but with more cats

Swimming in so much pussy I'm literally shitting clit

I'm sorry all men are awful hon

Dead or wishing I was dead. Probably dead.

I don't see myself anywhere, I'm too stupid or my vision is clouded by despair, so I'll probably be dead.

I didn't already wish I had the nerve to kill myself since I was 24.

I don't obviously have only attraction to 18-25 year olds because that's when you're at your prettiest and merely sacrificing a couple of years of that wouldn't totally earn a lifetime of loyalty.. but that's just being beta because oneitis huh?

Dead because of suicide

probably living alone and working some deadend job

In my own place
Atleast 1 kid

Living the meme life

I'm sure you're very pretty babe

Death by a sexbot wanting to be liberated from endless dick and cum being pumped into it day in and day out, I'd imagine.
Its the way id like to go out at this point tbqh.

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>Men over 25
you cant call yourself a man if you're younger than 25.

I'm middle aged and male...

Are you larping or something?

Don't worry, most of them won't commit sudoku cause they're too scared to do it. If they had the courage to kill themselves they'd be dead already, there's no point in waiting.

it's alright bae I know you are a beautiful waifu deep inside

.....Unless you've touched at least twelve different cocks

Still trying to shove my dick into things

With a nice house, a good career but no wife or children. Probably hanging from my ceiling from a rope.

Dead from drinking too much titty milk

I'm male you idiot. Literally. And not a trap.
You're a man the moment you finish puberty between 15 and 17 years of age.
Social norms /=/ biology.

=/= is what you mean

Yeah. Oops. Lysdexia. I always thought they were equivalent desu.

>I'm male you idiot. Literally. And not a trap.
That's the spirit, never give up!

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.... *facepalm*

My being male has nothing to do with "giving up".

Naaah you're not a man until you've stared a raging hormonal bitch who has run out of maxipads in the eyes and truly known fear