Peterson on 'Adopting Responsibility'

I still can't understand the value of this whole "adopt a responsibility" thing. Like, if you're born without a purpose, then you're meant to not have a purpose. I feel like adopting a purpose is not gonna make you useful, it's just to escape the fact that you were born without purpose. Like in a company. If I'm not needed that no one gives me any work to do, then maybe I shouldn't even be in that company, instead of desperately helping everyone out trying to get into the fantasy of being useful.

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Choosing a purpose is an exercise in meaning creation. If you decide that you don't like it, you can destroy it. Fun stuff.

Some of his videos explain that a nihilist's view is also a great way to live, since you have no responsibility, but you have to adopt the life of a nihilist, for better or worse. It is your choice.

No, I think purpose is just something that naturally emerges in us. Like being married, I marry someone because I want to, not because I wanted to adopt a responsibility. I have kids because my wife wants to, and because I want to keep her around. It's all natural impulse, subconscious. Responsibilities just come to us, we don't chase them.

you've almost grasped it but your attitude keeps you from understanding the point. life is a fantasy. we all survive by accepting the most comforting delusions that we can bring ourselves to believe in. existence is inherently meaningless and because of this we are free to do whatever we want but choosing to take on the responsibility of helping to maintain a pleasant, shared reality is powerful because mass delusion is useful with it's built in reinforcement in times of doubt and you also get running water and can shit in a toilet bowl instead of wiping with a pine cone while mosquitoes bite your ass. you can choose to believe in whatever you want and whatever will make you feel useful but if you choose to choose nothing at all then you should immediately kill yourself because there is no point in living a life without a purpose even if that purpose is pure delusion.

also i haven't watched any peterson videos but i can assure you that this is exactly what he's talking about.

also your analogy is shit. if you're in a company and no one gives you any work to do then you do what makes sense to you. it would be nice to exercise your free will in working toward something that helps out the company considering that they pay your salary but you always have the choice to spend that time reading up on explosives and go mcveigh on yourself if that makes more sense to you.

>it's just to escape the fact that you were born without purpose
If you can adopt a purpose then it's not escapism, it's direct confrontation of the problem.

>adopting a purpose is not gonna make you useful
Well theoretically someone could say "my purpose is watching paint dry" but that's missing the point.
The point is that people should adopt the necessary responsibilities to be useful members of society, and also improve their own lives.

you sound like an Introverted Intuitive,
I'd like to know more about your thought process

>naturally emerges
Emergence is a result of something being formed in the dark. To me, it sounds like you're saying that rather than building purpose with manual forethought, that you would rather stay in the dark.

That is bullshit. What delusions? For centuries, it has been proven that procreation is instinctive. This is like long before we could even think like Peterson. Before there were schools and shops and companies. There's no right and wrong in this, people just do what their deepest self tells them to do. If you just naturally don't want a wife then maybe you can live the rest of your life with the comfort of loneliness. Adopting a responsibility is just the most unsensible thing I've heard. Life is not a fantasy, you postmodernist.

If you don't have a sense of purpose then continue doing what you need to do until you find a purpose. I think forcing yourself to have a purpose will make your life as empty, because deep down you know, that you don't actually have a purpose. You just romanticize having a purpose. This is just the consequence of living as an outlier, or people who just organically grow up differently. Like maybe bad father or overprotective mother.

You're only useful when someone needs you without you forcing to create a need that you can provide or solve.

I don't understand what you mean by 'dark' though. You can't build a purpose. Or maybe you can but you don't have to.

there is always an unfulfilled need though.

instinct is not meaning. we don't have the benefit of operating on instinct anymore because we've been brainwashed into requiring meaning. it's rare that anyone ever feels that they have a purpose that hasn't been taught to them.

you're as likely to be happy taking your cues from mr. kermit the professor, PEpeD as you would be taking your cues from social media or star wars if you believe in it enough. your problem is that you're empty and you don't know what you care about. you're rejecting traditional values and you're left with a void.

everyone knows deep down that they don't have any real purpose unless they are one of dee sheeple who buy their own bullshit. people learn to be happy anyway.

THE NEED FOR MEANING IS A DELUSION. YOU DON'T NEED A PURPOSE ANYMORE THAN A GORILLA DOES but you have a big balloon ego that's full of hot air and emptiness. humble yourself and learn that you ARE A GORILLA and a caveman in a fancy suit. i'm not a post modernist. i'm a primitivist and i say ooga booga goo goo gaga to your "need" "for" "a" """"REAL""""" """""HONEST""""" """""TRUE"""""" """"""PURE""""" "purpose."

you're the faggot romanticizing nothingness because you're too scared to be a nobody who shuts the eff up and CLEANS HIS ROOM.


Holy shit how much of a brainlet are you? Peterson's message is literally
>Figure out what you want, by your own standards of what constitutes living a good life
>Figure out which responsibilities are necessary to live that kind of life
>Then take on those responsibilities so you can live the life you want

It's not like he's telling you to push a boulder up a mountain because "it's the right thing to do." He's telling you to figure out what you want and work for it.

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No, but we do find meaning in fulfilling our instinctive needs. Like wanting to see your children go to private school, or wanting to give a nice house for them, etc etc. "wanting" is an instinct and fulfilling it will make your life more meaningful.

I don't "reject" traditional values. I find traditional values to even be more sensible than progressive values. But traditional values run on instincts, progressive values want to avoid instincts. They're insulted by instincts. I do know what I care about.

People find purpose out of urgency or emergency, not "adoption". Being married and having a children when you don't actually want to is romanticism. It also means you're scared of something that people impose on you, that won't actually hurt you anyway.

I'm not scared to be a nobody and I'm not romanticizing nothingness. Wow you're very inaccurate on so many levels. In fact I'm fine being a nobody, I don't see why people would fear being a nobody. I like being isolated and unknown.

I don't understand what you mean by "emerge" From what conditions do you propose that meaning emerges?

okay th3n

See You don't fabricate meaning. It just comes to you. And it's your choice to pursue it or not, but it's always preferrable to pursue it.

>figure out what you want and work for it.
>You don't fabricate meaning

Fine. Meaning is something that can't be created, but it's all over the fucking place. Fucking idiot.

if you dont reject traditional values then your meaning and purpose is already laid out for you and there's nothing to consider here.

you want to follow your bliss like a new age hippie while also pretending that you somehow value tradition, which is about playing your assigned role, accepting responsibility and sacrificing to and for family community and country. traditional values say "IT'S NOT ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT IT'S ABOUT WHAT YOU'Ere SUPPOSED to DO."can't have it both ways.

either you understand the value of tradition or you don't. looks like you're shamelessly bashing progressive values without understanding why they might be destructive and undesirable.

just have some babies for the greater good

But I just don't have the instinct yet. Being traditional means you're lucky enough to just have it by instinct. People who just naturally want kids without having to go through the struggle of self improvement are trads. I'm not, because I was poorly made. With that being said, I support people who pursue it and I believe it's the right choice for most humans. Just not for me. It's like being alcoholic but not wanting to teach it to your kids.

>which is about playing your assigned role
It's not. Being a conservative means being lucky to have been born in the right place and family. What if I just don't have emotional connection with God? What if I just don't want kids? Should I force myself to have kids anyway? Why do you think like I want to hurt people?

>looks like you're shamelessly bashing progressive values without understanding why they might be destructive and undesirable.
I don't even know where to begin. Of course I do understand why they're undesirable, but some people just can't help themselves. You're lucky, I'm not.

>just have some babies for the greater good
And inherit my father issues to 4-5 potential criminals?


Because if you don't you will go insane in the most true sense of the word.

I haven't watched any of this person's videos but I'm assuming in this case that responsibility has less to do with obligation and accountability and more to do with forming an identity, committing yourself to being part of a greater whole of some kind, acting with some purpose and supplying yourself and your life with narrative.

I'd guess that there are only very few people who can continue to live under the most basic constraints of the human condition while doing absolutely none of the above. The mind as it is is an alien, a wild beast of extremely remarkable and horrifying capability, that actually exists in stark contrast to society and common perceptions of how "things are" when uninhibited and allowed to fully deviate and mature in its own way. If there is anything valuable to be found in purpose it is that it is your safeguard against that little fledgling flesh creature in your skull becoming a full-fledged lovecraftian horror. It is choosing not to open pandora's box and this is, in my opinion, a wise choice for most.

Some people aren't well made and can enjoy things that bore out average people. Personality etc isn't like "I'm like this, if you're not like me, you're sick and you'll be unhappy".