I need pictures of sad/crying anime girls

I need pictures of sad/crying anime girls

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here u go m80

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Unrelated, but looking at this picture reminds me of when I used to cut.
My cravings have been coming back a lot lately. My scars literally burn, when it's especially bad. Maybe I'll indulge myself, just a bit...

1 hey TF hg hg GH hg h

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I don't know why, but I LOVE these images of sad edgy anime girls

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Test less posts are. Not allowed

That still wasn't original, I hate this stupid fucking system

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Why is this system even here? Everyone posts the same shit just worded differently

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Anyways here's another for you user

Originally desu

I forgot the fucking picture

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You have been muted for 8 seconds, because your comment was not original.
I fucking hate this shit

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It's a sad Friday night boys

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The fucking picture didn't post again

Kashiwa Hitomi

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I guess that image just won't post, last one from me user. Enjoy

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Do you have sauce? Pls

>"See user I'm not all worthless! I cut myself and I put on bandaids so I wouldn't bleed on the floor so you wouldn't be annoyed about the mess! Do you love me now user?"
Wat do?

Sorry man I just searched "crying anime girl" and found that somewhere in google images

stop. Don't hurt me in this way. I didn't come here for these feels.

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lick her wound and give her sepsis

Kiss her cuts and leave bloody lip prints all the way up her chest, neck, and face. Then I hug her until she cries.

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Please don't. It isn't worth it.

Well time to be a waste of space desu

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I really wish I didn't have to make every post orig

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I really don't think there's any point to the bot

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Please let me post something unoriginal

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Textless posts are not allowed.
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>I need pictures of sad/crying anime girls
If only we had search engines that could do such a thing...

Textless posts are not allowed.
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Because it's for greentexts and hangouts not image dumps idiot. But youre a phone poster so you wouldnt know

But that takes effort. I have to make a new tab and write something and just... ugh.

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>Because it's for greentexts and hangouts
But the board's not used for that, is it?
There's no point in having the bot anymore.

An enticing hiding spot.

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No we need the board deleted or make it a blue board with rules actually enforced

Why? What's the fucking point?

>make it a blue board
Literally just make it a blue /b/
Problem solved

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I knows its irrational but this picture really pisses me off. why the fuck would you use band aids on those kind of cuts? they'd be useless and the adhesive would make the cuts worse. someone please make a version where she has proper bandaging on.

Weebs are retarded. Don't try to reason with them.

We dont need a blue /b/ board. Makes no sense

>need the board deleted
Slightly different problems, but they'll flow to other boards again just the same as last time.

Jow Forums is essencially /b2.0/

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It isnt about who posts what and them just migrating. This board serves no purpose seeing as its not used what its for.

No textless posts, I didn't know this was a rule

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Token text words

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This thread is surprisingly comfy

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Anime girl tears are the best.

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little busters

next time use google, yandex, and whatanime.ga

this is an original post because I don't want to be mutedlk

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Man, these all suck. These are ones trannies post when they're having their weekly depressive episode. Anyone got some ones like pic related? Preferably drawn by schizophrenics.

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>man these ones sucks
>posts a picture that looks like it was drawn by a second grader

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I think the pic is trying to tell how out of reality and broken she is, the way she uses bandaids. There are 2-3 more pics like that with self harm and wrong bandaid usage.

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