This is the kind of guy who calls you a soyboy

This is the kind of guy who calls you a soyboy.

ITT; gods of testosterone

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Other urls found in this thread:

no homo but he's got a total dad bod.

Here we have a bunch of men that only eat meat and whatever feeds the mind.

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You are a soyboy lmao
Only good thing to come out of /v/ ever

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If I am belonging to a particular group and recognise others for belonging to that particular group, what is the problem? It's not mutually exclusive.

Perhaps soyboys recognise other soyboys, perhaps it's just matter of fact.

Soyim mad as fuck

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god of test here, you're a soyboy

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racial purists be like this and claiming superiority

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Most of the people that look like that tend to be huge raging lefties.
Other than the guy second from the right they look pretty cool actually. Like they are members of a garage band.

calling someone a soyboy doesn't mean you're a skinhead.

on /tv/ there is a guy who posts the same pictures over and over in the same exact order. He's stopped doing it now that people have caught on.


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Wasn't the whole kekstani thing that sargon guys idea to make fun of the way refugees are accepted into the UK? Isn't he some "Radical skeptic centrist" that started some new lolbertarian party bullshit?

Make me, soygoy

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>drinking coffee too
>facial hair of THAT intensity
>comb over
I wish these types of assholes wouldn't the Internet. It's not for their type.

He's not bad looking but you can tell he's ridiculously annoying and needs to have his front sides sent down to his stomach.

he looks sorta happy

At least Hbomberguy is not trying to cash on your ignorance trying to sell you a magic potion that will bring back your testosterone levels to normal. A magic potion that contains SOY.

That's why he doesn't belong here.

Welcome to Jow Forums dude

calling guys soyboys isn't saying soy makes you a fag it's saying these kinds of faggy mean are the ones who drink soy. Being a soyboy is a state of mind not some physiological metamorphosis and the reason it's used to much is because the people its designed to be used against get so pissed off buy it. Just look at the OP he felt the need to make a thread about it because the word pisses him off so much.

Also, hbomberguy is a massive soyboy corbyn type same with shaun. Like the only two leftists with more than 100k youtube subs.

why does this faggot look familiar? I know all these bearded faggy glasess assed pussies all look alike but why does he stand out?

Just because he is a pathetic loser doesn't mean you aren't a soyboy

I'll give the guy thats having more fun than you a break

>Hbomberguy and shaun
>massive faggots

Isn't the alt-right cute when someone throws their shit back at their own faces? Isn't a mirror their worst enemies?

Dude has literal commies as the majority of his comment section, you can hate anti-sjw youtubers all you want but at least they claim to hate nazis too. Even if you think they are "cryptofascists" at least they don't tolerate/promote extremist ideologies openly like leftists. Go on Jow Forums and they fucking hate ecelebs especially anti-sjws
That seems to be the main difference between the right and left for me. The right owns up to their mistakes and avoids it in the future while leftists constantly spout "not real gommunism" and simultaneously call for the death of all "kulaks" aka normal middle class working people.

>Isn't the alt-right cute when someone throws their shit back at their own faces?
Hehe isn't it cute when the salt-left thinks they are "fighting the alt-right". Na they make arguments and their videos are very easily and methodically destroyed by rebuttals. There is a reason why their viewership is so low and usually the same cross viewers.

This is where it came from and it's pretty accurate.

lol fuck off kike

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>yfw when Destiny has destroyed every single one of your nazi idols

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Everything else aside, soyboy is a hilarious insult and stereotype to make fun of.

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>It's a me, Mario!
>bling bling

>Dude has literal commies as the majority of his comment section
You don't know what a commie is.
> you can hate anti-sjw youtubers all you want but at least they claim to hate nazis too.
Keyword being claim, anti-sjws serve as steppings stones into the nazi/alt right sphere, by platforming racists and adopting their talking points, sargon is severely guilty of this.
>Even if you think they are "cryptofascists" at least they don't tolerate/promote extremist ideologies openly like leftists.
You say this because you've lost track of what is extreme.
>Go on Jow Forums and they fucking hate ecelebs especially anti-sjws
This is completely untrue.
>The right owns up to their mistakes and avoids it in the future while leftists constantly spout "not real gommunism"
Leftists aren't communists, communists are an extreme minority among the left, pro tip, most people that disagree with you, are leftists or center left.
>and simultaneously call for the death of all "kulaks" aka normal middle class working people.
Please leave Jow Forums and talk to a professor or something, this is statement is unbelievable dense.

Sorry i guess the self proclaimed marxist named KulakKiller69 with a Marx profile pic is not a communist.
In all seriousness i'm not accusing them of being a communist, i'm stating the fact that they are a communist of their own admission. Go look at his cultural marxist video in particular to see the top comments consisting of proud marxists.
>Please leave Jow Forums and talk to a professor or something, this is statement is unbelievable dense.
Actually i live in a cool part of Canada so none of my profs preach for Marxism. Some teach what it is but none advocate it or against capitalism at all. If you genuinely don't believe communists are against the everyday worker then do you consider the farmers genocided in the holodomor "rich" or "selfish". Because i assure you they were neither.

its Jesse Cox, old youtube fag