Go to album for shitty feelings and in general stuff

go to album for shitty feelings and in general stuff

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i will defend wolf over flower boy any day of the week, nobody gets the narrative like i do

goblin and cherry bomb still sucked ass though

goblin is a train wreck

cherry bomb was a snapshot of tyler's future work and i like it how he went in his in own direction

its almost a NERD album but i like it, flower boy hit me in a weird time during the summer and it became my go to album but nowadays i just listen to wolf

If I'm feeling particularly masochistic, reminiscing back to when people loved me


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Tame Impala. Any album

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Or if I just want to see if I can finish the bottle before I writhe myself to sleep in whatever the opposite of an orgasm is.


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Fantastic music, but Kev plumps me with good ones.

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I've been listening to Peacock Affect lately. He's got a really chill sound and he's the only artist I've ever heard that truly sings about robot shit.

>listening to "music" produced by negroes

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>Peacock Affect
Elliot Smith

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Why did you make this thread as an excuse to post this nigger shit? Kys.

Don't be a faggot. If possible.

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Have you listened to any OFWGKTA? Because you sound like my shitty Grampa complaining about the internet.

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Good shit

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almost any genre of metal is far superior to your negro music, hoodlum scum

I listen to him too but his music is more depressing than robot to me. His stuff's more about a general overarching sadness and he did find some social success in his life. Peacock dude seems like an actual robot and talks about more specific robot stuff in his music. I think one of his lines is even about not knowing anyone except his mom and dad. Not saying he's better then Elliot smith, just more relatable.

A Sense of Purpose by In Flames

>he listens to highschooler music
fuck off kid

Tame Impala is good and their newer videos are kino. Better than MGMT imo.

can confirm I also enjoy rap

Unfortunately when I was 20, 6 years ago, that shit was all anyone listened to. I couldn't stand it, it's the shittiest pile of garbage to ever hit speakers. Somehow it was worse than that horrible "LMFAO" phase every normie went through.

Seriously, why do robots like normie music so much?

it's funny how everyone jumped the bandwagon so hard, it's reverted to being ok again because they abandoned it and showed they never cared to begin with

T.dipshit with shit taste in music.

or your just a dirty nigger so what is it OP?

>loud faggots try to ruin another thread

im a pure 100% aryan goddess, and i approve of OP's music choice

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anytime i exerience any sort of minor inconvenience i listen to TDAG and slit me wrists

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good taste user, was just listening to this..

Dystopia self titled EP and LUM

Nothing quite does it better for me

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back when cudi was sane and good

are there any Robots who listen to 17?

grief in particular. the cinematography in the video, the distorted, atmospheric production and lyricism is such unbridled genius.

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lol fuck X
dude ripped one of my good bud's beats


>short fag
>hits women
>mad because short
>beats up random people because hes short
>says hes gonna donate money
>'oy vey it looks like ive come up short again'
>all music is ass

x is fucking trash

Tyler is the best negro (based), he has even made references to Sam Hyde on his adult swim show

until i rest

Agree. I was just getting some legit Elliot Smith vibes. Like a sadder Nick Drake.

poltards out please

>sadder Nick Drake
Ha I hadn't thought about it like that before but that's actually a good way of describing him.

that's what I LIKE TO HEAR LAD

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Not till the trannies are hunted off, you can thank us later

cherry bomb is undoubtedly tyler's best album, anyone that disagrees has too low of an IQ to appreciate it for what it is.

also favorite album unironically youtube.com/watch?v=FcZOnrL9VKM