Fembots: Describe your ideal man

Fembots: Describe your ideal man.

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>isn a pure virgin
>doesn't view pornography
>had no previous relationships
>has not kissed other women
>is not attracted to a race other than mine
>has never had a "oneitis" before
>has never been in love before
>is not a desperate creep incel who wants to have sex but can't, no being a virgin isn't a good thing unless by choice
>does not save pictures of other women on his computer and stares at them like a creepy loser
>is not a beta insect opportunist who just wants a girl who is attractive enough so he can stop being a miserable lonely loser, would get with any girl just for being a girl and not fat
>is not asian, black, or brown

>tfw divorced and now girls tell me I'm "used goods"
This is a kind of feel I never knew existed

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what if i had the chance to lose my virginity at one point and didn't do it but later wanted to lose but the opportunity is gone?

It's your fault kind of. You shouldn't have made the mistake of marrying a girl who could live without you. Anything other than unconditional love isn't love.

Young Varg has been my 10/10 husbando for more than a decade. even modern old Varg is hot in a daddy sort of way.

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Then you're a whore. Sex before marriage is sinful.

A socially retarded 1/10 KHHV skelly like me.

> it's nice to humans, even hating them by heart
> is not orange
> had "onetis" before
> would create objects to bdsm
> has been in love and know how deep the shit is
> doesn't try to make me jealous
> not beeing addicted to porn is a plus
> make time to have sex in a private and clean space
> doesn't talk loud
> read books
> taller than me
this could go on forever...

Right. Well she thought the grass was greener elsewhere and asked for a divorce. Not much I can do about that, is there? It's fine, I moved on quite happily. If she was willing to leave me over nothing then I'm glad to be rid of her, and I'm doing a lot better for myself now.

I disagree with you, user

Poor judgment on your part. There has never been a quality mate who went through a divorce.

>Has served in the army/still serving
>Any height really(I'm 4'9
>Christian or at least some other form of occultist
>Wants me to be a housewife
>Is ok with me working out in my free time
That's all I want really

That's because you're not a person with good character.

>quality mate< ?

I don't particularly care what you have to say. Regardless of my divorce, in the end I'm still a male and will never have the stigma that a divorced/used good female will. It's only been girls on here that have told me I'm used goods, which I suppose I can understand since men here are just as particular about virginity. It's okay to have standards. Regardless, I have had nothing but good luck irl with dating now that I'm a divorced man. I've met plenty of good girls. The best part is that they are all younger and far prettier than my ex-wife

Attached: Ubermensch feel.png (645x773, 23K)

You're not a good partner. In my opinion, people who went through divorces aren't worth dating.

and you haven't had RL experiences

And this is why you will be forever alone

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>isn't a pure virgin
>hasn't kissed anyone
But meatball except I am p lonely, shyguy

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Wrong, stupid. I'm dating the perfect man, and he's a virgin. He'll always be better than a creepy loser like you who will never get someone worth a shit to actually love you.

Is a pure virgin*

>toasty roastie pretending anyone actually loves her

Attached: When you love to travel.jpg (526x450, 44K)

>ugly used goods beta male pretending anyone wants to be with a divorced loser

You're worth less than trash and you'll never find a life partner. That's why she walked out on you, you're not worth anything.

yeah, so much better that need to curse, kek, jesus is watching ya

>Thinks I said that
No, dimwit. I responded to you here

Those were probably dudes RPing.

>dating multiple women
What are you going to do after your second and third divorce?

>had no previous relationships
>has not kissed other women
Only one in both cases, but I guess I'm off the table

>east asian
>never been in a relationship
>mid length black hair
>not fat
>doesn't like pornography
>not interested in decks
>not gay or bisexual
>white fever

You're probably right. For that matter, I'm sure the roastie I was responding to is a sweaty LARPer as well.

Any man above 6"

I fit most of those but I am already taken. Sorry fembot, better luck next time.

>She thinks she isn't just a practice gf
He just wants to conquer and will probably move on once he gets it

>would never give it up before marriage
>practice gf
How does it feel to have double digit IQ?

where do you live? how tall? weight?

>Wanting to marry a ZOGbot
lmaoing at ur life. Enjoy having him die for Israel, which I'm sure you would love.

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literaIIy me wtf

112 pounds

>what is divorce
He'll get bored eventually and will have side chicks. You seem insufferable.

awww he's jealous of Chad. It's so cute when you get so riled up

Holy gets my man

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Delusion: The Post

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>ugly neckbeard subhuman with double digit IQ makes claims about a stranger's relationship he has no idea about because he wishes it were true

That's the highest critical thinking a chimpanzee could come up with, huh? You tried your best user.

>Le military man took my oneitis. better post on r9k

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>Samefag roastie and or white knight

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Probably because you're not a whore and you want someone who isn't trash yourself? I'd say my tastes are logical if you have a functioning brain and don't want to get divorced and cheated on by a fuckboy.

I'm always come in fembot threads so I can yell at and argue with the roasties here. I just make up shit and spout memes while shitting on them.

why do they have to be white? i know it's preference but i need to know the basis

You're not allowed to post pictures of yourself, user. Read the rules. I know you're mentally handicapped but we're not comfortable looking at your neckbeard.


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no white person has double digit IQ.

>this insecurity

>NEET boi trying to explain the definition of man

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>The absolute state of r*ddit """banter"""

>had no previous relationships
>is not a desperate creep incel who wants to have sex but can't, no being a virgin isn't a good thing unless by choice. You have a very narrow window of opportunity. Eventually, all the straight men your age will have either been with other women at some point or turn out to be incels.

>Delusional roastie thinking she will ever get a man
Wait, now you wanting to date a ZOGbot makes sense.

Sick digits

I've talked to men of all races before. Minority men aren't worth shit. Like, they're literally inferior to white men in every single way. They're not good for anything, and they're uglier too. Asians are beta insects, look ugly, and are short. Niggers are subhuman and pretty much an entirely different species. I've never seen an attractive asian or black man. The only men who are attractive are caucasoid or very close looking to that. I've never met a nonwhite man with a good personality, or even good looks. They probably would only exist in celebrities.
Said the subhuman monkey.


yawn. Here's your (You). night night KH virgin

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I'm divorced. Did you bother to read the thread at all, roastie?

I already have a perfect man. And I WANT a narrow dating pool. Why the fuck should I date anyone who isn't perfect? Most men are absolute shit, I'm not trying to casually date 100 people, I only need one man and I got him. It's worth it to wait for someone special, not casually date like a moron. Someone who dates without finding a soulmate/marriage partner in mind is an absolute idiot.

>Blond or red hair
>Blue eyes
>Athletic build
>Generally nice for the sake of being nice
>Knows guy stuff like fixing things and cars
>Good with kids/animals
>Understands emotions (mostly because I'm bad at expressing them)
>Likes sports
>Likes to cuddle

>I will only settle for perfection!
good lord you are in for a rude awakening, dumb whore.

>I've never met a nonwhite man with a good personality, or even good looks
What if you meet one sometime in your life? Would that stop you from joining the KKK?

are you a white national1st?

>Actually, genuinely caring about the survival of their race
Don't get your hopes up.

>retard thinks he knows a complete strangers life
Ask me how I know you're uneducated and stupid. Settling for less than perfection is why people get divorced, idiot.
Honestly, no. They're not attractive and they produce ugly children. Why should I date a man who is "good" when I have a white man who is utter perfection? Assuming I was single, I could still find a better white man than the nonwhite any given day.

>asks me online to show bobs
>asks me online to show vagene
>has gut and turban
>can sing tunak tunak tun

2d husbandos don't count, roastie.

are you white tho

ur r so buetiful pls sned me bob and vagene pics

No because I want someone who a life worth living for and a life worth dieing for.
Because I just don't like colored people. It's bad enough Im Forced to be fair to them. I am a beautiful white woman and I am not just gonna throw away my father's and mothers perfect genes like that.

helo babey opne bob n vagene

Being incredibly stupid isn't something you should be so content with. Get an education.
Nope, I'm asian and asian men utterly repulse me. I'd step on their faces. Same goes for black men.

Generally yea, I grew up in a generally mixed area and I feel like whites are superior
And yea nationalist because non Western culture is complete uncivilized savagery

But that's just stupid idealism. Someone should want a white man because they like white men better, not because they think about their race. That kind of thought doesn't exist in successful and happy people.

>Worth dying for
Holy fuck you are either the ultimate evangelical zionist cuck or completely fucking deranged. There are better ways to serve than in the Israeli lapdog army.

hey huttie r u a cop becuz u hav the rite to reman sexy

Do you honestly think military guys are at all faithful? You are incredibly naive.

>Mate selection is like picking a favorite ice cream flavor!! xDD
This is how dumb you sound

>doesn't view pornography
>has never had a "oneitis" before
>thinks he is pure
He is lying.

>im a beaitufl white woman
>im asian


It's not about who you are fighting for. It's about why you choose to fight.
As long as he loves me I don't see why he shouldn't have any side chicks. I just don't want him spending more time with them than me.

>I am a beautiful white woman
you're on Jow Forums, so i'm not sure you're what you think you are. maybe you're not ugly but you probably play videogames and wear anime related stuffs. probably have some weird personality or mental issues as well. there's no way a good person can think like you.

but some nonwhites adopt white culture and even do better at white stuffs than the average whites.

a basement-dwelling NEET obviously

When your "military men" are dying for nothing in the desert, Chad is fucking their gfs because he doesn't need to LARP to get laid

hello, are you my gf now?

but it really is. i mean, there's no way a sane and normal person thinks about 'le future of white race 1488' when they're choosing their mate. unless they're fucked in the head, like, living alone or not having a lot of friends.

I am an unlikable,virgin past 20, occultist. I am sure you can get enough of that from those facts alone.

>moron thinks I ever claimed to be the same person as her

That fact that you completely and unironically mean what you said here is almost too much for my sides to handle. The absolute STATE of women.

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showing bob and vagene

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>thinks her bf has never watched porn before
He loves big titty javsluts

>smaller/average dick
>good hygiene
>openly communicates
>okay/good fashion sense
>preferably virgin
>not too tall, around 5'6
>similar interests

You are ethier: a nonwhite/or jealous that any other female wouldn't even let you look at another female let alone have sex with another one.

I never said he couldn't have watched porn in the past, because most people have.

You're obviously the one without an education.

A. Blacks and Hispanics need religion to not act like hyperviolent animals
B. You can't let them be in groups because theyre drawn to black culture, and asians act like fucking insects and are the most racist people on earth

Go shekel shill somewhere else faggot. Quit bullying people into racemixing.