How do I grow a beard?

how do I grow a beard?

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just dont shave for a few days, that should do the trick.

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By not shaving, I'm pretty sure.

just have sex, it works

Soul,cleaning your room,giving yourself a firm and clean handshake,move to gangzou( a city in China) and just being yourself.

Rogaine seems to unironically help beardlets.

Draw eyes on your balls and do a handstand.

If you cant grow one now you just have to wait until you are older

Step 1: Be man
Step 2: Don't shave
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Become wolfman

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>24 fucking years old and cant grow but a few hairs on my neck

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is this the defintion of mutt??

Nigga I'm a spic mutt and I can grow a beard in a week, he just bad

He looks better clean-shaven than he would with a beard, he's not a chin/jawlet so he doesn't need one.

>hes not a chin/jawlet

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He isn't, not Chad but normal.

Yeah can verify average looking mutt alright,
might be a cousin

Hair is an odd bastard of a thing to deal with, for some not touching it for a while is the way to go while for others shaving it regularly will just make come back thicker, longer and quicker.

lol what.


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Beards are for the soyboys and numales now
clean shaven is best.

What if you're aIready older?

Dammit I know that but I'm to lazy to shave every day

>By not shaving, I'm pretty sure.
you're onto something.

Be glad that you can't retard, that means you won't go bald

Stop assuming soy

You need the genes for it.

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Don't shave. But seriously it's largely up to gentics and or careful dedicated grooming to get any really good facial hair.

It also means he won't get good gains or beat a nigger up for smacking his gf's ass.

>tfw started shaving at 15
>full beard but the right side of my mustache doesn't fully connect to my beard

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>having 0 test is a good thing

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It comes down to genetics. I'm nineteen, and my beard is almost complete. All it's missing are the handlebars.
Also, I eat a lot of bread. I heard it's great for releasing testosterone, but I'm not 100% sure.

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Minoxidil my dudes
gains from its use are permanent, even people who couldnt grow a single hair on their face grew beards from this god-remedy.
Try it, its like $40 for 6 months of the stuff

Not even adding any more replies to my comment

Everyone here who made a fucking le epic trolling joke XD is a fucking Summerfag and needs to gtfo

You have to accept that beards usually look like shit while they're growing in.

Be patient. If your growth pattern is shit, then just wait until you're older and hope. If you have decent coverage, realise it'll look like shit for probably months while it grows in.

Stop shaving entirely and give it AT LEAST 6 months. You might find it grows in unevenly, that's fine. Just wait it out.

Once you have something moderately worthwhile, trim it all down to a uniform length and repeat.