Why are 90% white women more attractive than 100% white women?

Why are 90% white women more attractive than 100% white women?

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Why are 100% cherry picking threads more attractive than 90% cherry picking threads?

I dunno.
I like 50%-87.5% white
The closer you get to 50 the harder it is to get a good one, but the good ones are more amazing.
>tfw 60% w/ lucky roll
Feels great

Stay white my dude, I'll take the mutts.
Don't be a Prince Harry.

>Prince Harry

There's 10/10 women from every race. Except aboriginals. Jesus christ why do we even consider them human.

This happens with every race.
Have you ever interacted with 100% chinks? There's something genuinely wrong with all of them. Same with 100% brits. It's because they're basically inbred. It's like how purebred pugs have all sorts of physical issues, not to mention they're ugly as sin. "Purebred" is basically just a synonym for inbred.

This, Biodiversity is kinda mandatory for keeping your genepool nice and healthy.
Without it you end up with shit like the purebred dog situation.
As much as people meme about amerimutts there ain't nothing wrong with it in the long term.

>chloe grace moretz isn't attractive
are you faggots for serious lmao

>t. Chloe Grace Moretz
In all seriousness though I didn't say that.

Not true.
Ashkenazi Jews are inbred but look at hollywood.

Grandpa that was 10 years ago, I think it's time to get your vision tested.

Nice try but you'll never discourage the darkies from desiring white woman validation

Basically this. If someone could find an attractive aboriginal (100%, I am aware that there are some "models" with some aboriginal heritage), then post ITT and I will paypal you $20

>"white women"

Just stop. You need to get on that based Asian and Latina train.

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>pol needs to leave thread

Anyway, I like the one on the left.

Why would I want to look at Hollywood and how does doing so reinforce your point?

it's not even asthetics
Tay Sachs
sickle cell

also 80-90 percent white girls do look better

That shit is real, gotta spice it up once and awhile to keep the gene pool healthy or you will end up like the inbred royalty of the 15th century.

Attached: IMG_21072017_142129_0.png (772x960, 598K)

Pic unrelated, right?

mi so horny mi love you long time

explain? what do you mean?
Are they actually fucked up?

With the Chinks its mostly a cultural thing since communism fucked them up real bad and 100% Brits I don't see a problem with since the ones I've met are indistinguishable from everyone else.

This this this 100x this. Abos are the fucking scorn of the earth. I've looked at every aboriginal model and none of them are attractive. I have searched so much for an attractive one but they do not exist.

The situation with dogs is not comparable to humans largely. Dogs (and other pet animals) suffer from 2 main things:
1: Selection of aesthetics over performance. Shit like how in Pugs the wrinkles in their face are perceived as cute looking so they were selectively bred to have more and more drastic wrinkles, even though that means they can't breathe properly. Or how German Shepards were selectively bred to have their backs slanted, even though this fucks up their posture and turned a high speed high jumping predator into a crippled decoration. Happens in all pet breeds selectively bred for aesthetics, it's pretty common for aquarium fish to be fucked up too, like those goldfish with huge bulging eyes that are practically blind. Humans aren't selectively bred for some retrded feature so it isn't a problem.
2: Small populations. Think about it, how many people in a reasonable range have, say a corgi or a shiba inu, and of those, how many are willing to cross the dogs? Probably not many. So since in a city and its neighboring cities there might only be like 3 corgis available to breed, they begin to suffer.
Now humans are largely able to choose who they mate with, unlike dogs that are always kept under control of their masters, so in a national sized population, there should be enough variety to not suffer from inbreeding. After all, most European countries have populations in the tens of millions, Japan and Korea have populations in the hundreds of millions, and China has over 1 billion people.

I know 100 percent brits have FUCKED UP mouths.

Yeah but thats almost completely down to us brits half assing dental hygeine until the early 90s.

aesthetics apply to us seeing how blue eyes are a mutation. Women are also encouraged to have bigger breast because back in the day they believed girls with bigger breast were more fertile. Women were/are also discouraged to gain muscle to appear more in need of protection( to attract males). Being weak with a bad back doesnt help you as individual long term.

I mean you dont have to just compare with dogs, we have plenty of examples where actively trying to keep the genepool pure for various reasons didnt work out, Most of europes noble families (where genetic diseases were discovered to be a thing and a good chunk of them were batshit insane by their 20's, crippled or had developmental disorders), India, most modern cases of incest etc.
Its a fact that trying to make pure breed anything can be disastrous if done for too long, for examples banana plants, the ones sold are so inbred they are no longer capable reproducing naturally, we bred them to the point where the only way to grow more is clone them by taking cuttings of the plants and making them grow new roots all because we didnt like eating the fucking seeds.

Females were't selectively bred to be weak that makes no sense. And whether they develop muscle or not in life doesn't matter to their genetics, so they can be encouraged to stay weak or become strong and it won't matter. Also breast sizes are bigger today than ever, but that has more to do with nutrition, otherwise we would have bred titcows long ago.