I bet he is inside her right now. And he didnt even lift today or any other day, meanwhile I lifted my hardest for four fucking years for her. How is it fair that she chose him?
I bet he is inside her right now. And he didnt even lift today or any other day...
Do you still lift spam-user?
it's fair because he went for the girl while you prioritized Jow Forums and a gym
Spics do 90% of the manual labor in the US. He lifts more than you most likely
because you never actually tried to get her.
Yes I am still hoping they will break up and I will be waiting there shredded
Is that why he is a skinnyfat manlet? He works at fucking Chipotle
So now self-improvement is a bad thing? I put blood sweat and tears into lifting my hardest for four fucking years.
Weak bait. I spent four fucking years trying to get her. You wont troll me into outrage
you did nothing to improve yourself with girls. you just did some random shit that may or may not be healthy.
you spent four years in a gym. not with her. she doesn't even know all your work was just for her, and thats the most pathetic part
What's her FB/IG? She is cute af.
think she'd let you play with her ass on the first date?
maybe she wasn't into guys who lift their hardest for 4 fucking years? i know, kinda hard to believe, but sometimes girls find other traits attractive, like an outgoing personality for example.
Has no one found them and told them they've become a meme yet?
Will you ever stop posting this shit?
You utter fucking autistic retard
Bitches aint shit but hoes an tricks, at least you get to be a strong boi. but as some advice, next time try putting in the same effort you do into lifting as yo do into caring for the girl you want
he just looks like an average (but somewhat old) guy
I will personally go to every chipotle in texas until I get to shake this border jumper's hand
If he works at chipotle not only does he give her orgasms with his latino dick but he gives her free orgasmic burrito bowls
it doesn't look like she is interested in him user
ls she pregnant?